Why are so many games on here so rapey? [Poll]

Why do devs make rapey games? (explained below)

  • Shortcut to Sex

    Votes: 131 17.7%
  • Rape Fantasy

    Votes: 344 46.4%
  • They don't know how to interact with human females

    Votes: 267 36.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2018
I don't think there are any rape games on the entire website. The rape in the games as it is now is just a way to skip trough character development and time and get to nudity ASAP


Active Member
Jan 4, 2018
This thread gave me an amusing idea. A game about a character who is very charismatic, handsome and likable on the surface and the story would start off seeming to follow a generic overplayed scenario of a popular horny guy chasing tail, but would slowly evolve into something else entirely as we come to find that under the surface the guy you are playing is a complete sociopath who thrills at the idea of escalating his encounters to include ever riskier events and the game starts to basically become something almost like a Hitman-style stealth/action strategy game where you have to carefully plan out your actions to avoid detection and misdirect the blame in order to continue advancing towards your goal of ever deepening depravity.

Agent HK47

Active Member
Mar 3, 2018
These are porn GAMES. Games imply conflict, something to overcome. The easiest way to do this is the mc wants sex, the other characters do not. The player 'wins' by conquering. It's an easy formula that people (myself included) can enjoy,

*slaps roof of ren'py visual novel*
"This bad boy can fit so many one-dimensional characters in it*
Another meme enthusiast! These are glorious days indeed.

*Raises glass*
"I don't always make the wrong choices in Ren'Py games, but even when I do, I don't"
  • Haha
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Active Member
May 2, 2018
@Delmach I say again, not that you've done it repeatedly, that it's happened again. I could have put in another option for "other" I guess. Though I've not seen many arguments for "other" yet. I could have worded the options differently, but I think the first two options are the most common.

@caLTD I'm not saying every game needs to be a well written romance novel. I probably could have been more clear that I am talking about games where the rapey part of it doesn't line up with the theme of the game. If the game is about seducing women or romancing women, then raping them doesn't really fall into one of those two camps. The game mechanics are also a part of this. If you are buying the women gifts or doing favors for them, the indication would be that you are trying to win them over. If you just end up raping them anyway, then why did you bother with the first part? If a game is going to be about the shortest route to sex, make it be about that.

I want games to decide what they are about and stick with that. Here's a made up example. One of the women in the game is having computer trouble. You offer to fix it for her. There are two ways to approach this. You can do it as a favor in the hopes that it improves your relationship with her so that she eventually wants to bang you. You can do it hoping to find something on her computer to leverage against her and blackmail her into sex. These are both fine. The disconnect is when you fix her computer to improve your relationship so that later you can rape her. I mean it's all about context and tone.

Imagine a non porn game. Let's say it's a sports game. It has you practice, eat healthy, work out a lot and slowly improve your performance. Then before the big game it goes well you probably won't win unless you cheat, so you paid off the referees, and got someone to slip drugs into the other team's water so they can't perform well. You win! Now if this scenario is presented as optional, if it's a moral dilemma for the player to decide on, that can fit right in. If that's just the way the game progresses and it's not really a choice, it seems to be at odds with all the training and so on.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2017
>This game contains rape.
>Turns consensual halfway through the rape scene.
This sums up most of the games containing rape here. So much for rape content. :test:
About the poll, i'd mark all the options if i could. But from what i mentioned above, i really don't feel the creators include it due to rape fantasy. It's more about domination.
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Active Member
May 2, 2018
>This game contains rape.
>Turns consensual halfway through the sex scene.
This sums up most of the games containing rape here. So much for rape content. :test:
About the poll, i'd mark all the options if i could. But from what i mentioned above, i really don't feel the creators include it due to rape fantasy. It's more about domination.
Well, you can call it what you want. Power fantasy is the most generic. Being able to do what you want without consequence. In this case, the thing you do is have non-consensual sex.


Aug 17, 2016
If you don't like a game's sexual politics, don't play it. Simple as that. Nobody's making you download any game, nobody's forcing you to play through any particular game or review it, at least in your position as random user on this website. And since F95 is a porn video game piracy site, the author is under no obligation to care whether you like the tone or not. Unless you're actually interested in trying to prevent authors from making the games they want to make (which would make you an asshole), I don't think there's much you can do.

And further, shaming people for the kind of fictional sex they enjoy, especially on a porn video game piracy site, is shitty. If a lot of devs want to make games with a rapey tone, that's their business. If you want something different, then I would suggest either finding different games (there are a shitload of games about either out-and-out rapists or with extensive courting sections, many many more if you like Japanese games [I'm not personally a big fan]) or making a game yourself with the stuff you like in it.

Most importantly: Nobody has to explain why they like a particular fetish in their fictional porn games.
  • Angry
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Active Member
May 2, 2018
If you don't like a game's sexual politics, don't play it. Simple as that. Nobody's making you download any game, nobody's forcing you to play through any particular game or review it, at least in your position as random user on this website. And since F95 is a porn video game piracy site, the author is under no obligation to care whether you like the tone or not. Unless you're actually interested in trying to prevent authors from making the games they want to make (which would make you an asshole), I don't think there's much you can do.

And further, shaming people for the kind of fictional sex they enjoy, especially on a porn video game piracy site, is shitty. If a lot of devs want to make games with a rapey tone, that's their business. If you want something different, then I would suggest either finding different games (there are a shitload of games about either out-and-out rapists or with extensive courting sections, many many more if you like Japanese games [I'm not personally a big fan]) or making a game yourself with the stuff you like in it.

Most importantly: Nobody has to explain why they like a particular fetish in their fictional porn games.
I have to wonder at the people who jump to these conclusions. Let's just hit all your "points" in order. Nobody is making you read this thread or reply to it either. This thread isn't about liking tone, it's about rape in games where it seems to go against the tone actually. I'm not trying to prevent authors from making the games they want to make, I don't think I could if I wanted to. Nobody is shaming people for their fetishes, I've stated in this thread that I can enjoy a power fantasy rape game.

I have to conclude that you didn't really read the thread and just sort of knee-jerk responded to what you thought was some sort of attack.


Game Developer
Feb 4, 2018

Actually, (From my point of view) you are whining and some how entire Internet debating run around this.

You are complaining about products, which you did not know how to build it and you did not pay consume it and you did not support it any kind.

And you are complaining not because of the bad product, you complaining because they did not fit your political view.

And after everyone try to explain you to why developers using this tactics to shortening their production time, you still complaining.

Let me ask you something. If anyone has working solution for f**cking lots chicks without using lots of money (this or that way) in short of time why they spending their time on the front of pc game and FAP...

This game genre still in experimental era. Nobody invented anything, no one has working trope, game model or anything formulated to build better experience.


Aug 17, 2016
Again, you've missed the point. If you think all of them are negative, that's not really true. Of the three options, Rape Fantasy is just another fetish. It's along the lines of something like bestiality or incest, etc. I mean sure, calling it rape has a negative connotation, because in normal society it's a bad thing. In a game, where the consequences are fictitious, it doesn't have to be negative. That's the "fantasy" part of it.

The other two options are only negative against the developer.
I have to wonder at the people who jump to these conclusions. Let's just hit all your "points" in order. Nobody is making you read this thread or reply to it either. This thread isn't about liking tone, it's about rape in games where it seems to go against the tone actually. I'm not trying to prevent authors from making the games they want to make, I don't think I could if I wanted to. Nobody is shaming people for their fetishes, I've stated in this thread that I can enjoy a power fantasy rape game.

I have to conclude that you didn't really read the thread and just sort of knee-jerk responded to what you thought was some sort of attack.
Your poll and what you say in your earlier post interpreting your own poll clearly tell me you're trying to shame devs for putting rapey themes in games where you don't think it's appropriate. I stand by my response, and whether or not it changes your mind personally I think it's important to remind the other users here that we don't have to fucking explain our boners to anybody.
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Active Member
May 2, 2018

Actually, (From my point of view) you are whining and some how entire Internet debating run around this.

You are complaining about products, which you did not know how to build it and you did not pay consume it and you did not support it any kind.

And you are complaining not because of the bad product, you complaining because they did not fit your political view.

And after everyone try to explain you to why developers using this tactics to shortening their production time, you still complaining.

Let me ask you something. If anyone has working solution for f**cking lots chicks without using lots of money (this or that way) in short of time why they spending their time on the front of pc game and FAP...

This game genre still in experimental era. Nobody invented anything, no one has working trope, game model or anything formulated to build better experience.
"which you did not know how to build it" I do know how to make the games, it's not rocket science. Yes, I am complaining about games. No, it has nothing to do with my political views. My general goal when putting out threads like this (I had another one a while back on grind in games) is that people make better games in the future. Let me be very clear, when I say better games, I don't mean stop putting rape in games. Make Rapefest 5000 if you want to, have at it. What I do want is for devs to put slightly more thought into their sex scenarios so that the whole game fits together better. If you want to use a non-consensual scenario, then have it make sense to the player. That's all I'm asking.

Your poll and what you say in your earlier post interpreting your own poll clearly tell me you're trying to shame devs for putting rapey themes in games where you don't think it's appropriate. I stand by my response, and whether or not it changes your mind personally I think it's important to remind the other users here that we don't have to fucking explain our boners to anybody.
It's true, I'm trying to shame devs for being lazy and not putting more thought into their games. I'm doing it in a non-specific way (not calling people out) so that they can maybe read it and maybe give it some thought. I can't make them read it and I can't make them consider it even if they do read it. There's still a chance that some dev reads a thread like this and goes "Hmmm, my game is kind of rapey for no reason, maybe I can tweak it a bit." If so, mission accomplished. Again, I don't give two shits about what gets your off or why. This is not about people who like rape scenarios, it's about games having rape when it doesn't make sense.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018
I think a game where the MC actually physically rapes a woman, complete with beating the crap out of her, would be a huge turnoff for the vast majority of sex gamers(because most gamers aren't misogynistic sociopaths). But we get situations that nonetheless would constitute sexual assault in real life--groping, sleep rape, coercion, blackmail and harassment-to-force-consent. Mind control and magical/sci-fi "corruption", I think, fall into a special category of "manufactured consent". If mind control or special drugs existed in real life, using them to compel victims to engage in sexual activity would be a form of sexual assault, assuredly. Part of their relative popularity is that it creates a means by which the impossible (having enthusiastic, guilt-free sex with family members, nuns, teachers, married women, etc) becomes possible. It's not a coincidence that many mind-control games have adolescent or young adult male protagonists, who typically are clueless about seducing women, can't get laid to save their lives, etc. Also not a coincidence that games with mind control elements don't necessarily take a close look at possible realistic consequences of a) people who realize that they are being manipulated to do things they normally never would; b) people who have been brainwashed into happy f-toys having difficulty with the rest of their lives, rest of society. A realistic mind control game might take a dark turn, with a "bad ending" involving the MC being murdered or lobotomized by his own family, as the only way to stop them.
Games where the MC takes advantage of someone's vulnerability, naivete, sexual curiosity/confusion etc. also look pretty close to coercion/false pretenses rape scenarios. Actual seduction involves being sexy, likable, trustworthy and making subjects comfortable enough to gradually expand their comfort zone to include wilder and more adventurous sexual activity. Most people don't particularly want to be one of many conquests, so the MC has to have something special going for them.


Active Member
May 2, 2018
@megaplayboy10k You may be on the right track when it comes to having multiple simultaneous sexual partners. At some point, the plausibility of all of those partners consenting becomes a burden. Although harem games often gloss over this by just making the female characters largely feel indifferent about it. I support when a plot device such as mind control is fully embraced. It might be tropey or contrived, but it gets the job done. The games that sort of half-ass it are usually using less of the supernatural powers aspect and more of the "aphrodisiac" aspect. You can use this to the effect that it amplifies some underlying urge that already existed. Often, though, it is used to turn the woman into a sex crazed lunatic who fucks the MC because he's the closest dick at the time. I mean if that's the game's gimmick, okay. More odd when it pops into a game where you appear to be actually trying to win them over and you give that up and just take this shortcut.

Benn Swagger

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2016
Both in real life and in Story Writing ... rape is the quick to sex, but lazy as fuck. If in game, rape is an option, then I've no problem with it. But if it main course or main story line ... fak dat Devs, I won't touch their product.

Many games use blackmail and/or/plus rape as their main story line ... for me it show how lack their quality in creating ideas. The same lazy feeling as rapist want to sex with their target.

Instead buying a container of chocolate box and a warehouse full of flowers to seduce ... they choose blackmail and/or/plus rape.


Respected User
Former Staff
May 6, 2017
This thread gave me an amusing idea. A game about a character who is very charismatic, handsome and likable on the surface and the story would start off seeming to follow a generic overplayed scenario of a popular horny guy chasing tail, but would slowly evolve into something else entirely as we come to find that under the surface the guy you are playing is a complete sociopath who thrills at the idea of escalating his encounters to include ever riskier events and the game starts to basically become something almost like a Hitman-style stealth/action strategy game where you have to carefully plan out your actions to avoid detection and misdirect the blame in order to continue advancing towards your goal of ever deepening depravity.
So in the game you become Ted Bundy.
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Active Member
May 2, 2018
Both in real life and in Story Writing ... rape is the quick to sex, but lazy as fuck. If in game, rape is an option, then I've no problem with it. But if it main course or main story line ... fak dat Devs, I won't touch their product.

Many games use blackmail and/or/plus rape as their main story line ... for me it show how lack their quality in creating ideas. The same lazy feeling as rapist want to sex with their target.

Instead buying a container of chocolate box and a warehouse full of flowers to seduce ... they choose blackmail and/or/plus rape.
I feel like both approaches are valid, it just puts me off when they are used in combination. Unless it's actually thought out. Like others have mentioned, you can do it where you appear to be a nice guy then reveal you are truly an asshole. Instead of the happy-go-lucky nice guy who occasionally rapes people, but they loved it, so it's fine.