I think it is pretty obvious she is fucking the eldest brother Daryl Jr. Whether it is mutual or not is still up in the air. It is true love for Terri at the very least.
@ASLPro3D, you do not need to confirm or deny this speculation of mine as it based purely on the latest release.
@DA22 considering Michael is going on his prophesied salvation trip, I doubt he would have the time to divorce Terri until maybe the end game which at that point Terri does not matter. She is insignificant unless the developers weave her as an integral part of the story. By the end game, he could probably choose to live on Rakuen and live with his harem (Rhianna, Lynara, Lilith, Syrina
@ASLPro3D please make this happen

) and sire (this too please :biggrin

a new generation of angels and demons.