Wow! As the player has more information than the main character, I feel bad for "Michael Preston". He genuinely feels guilty about fucking his niece since he thinks his wife is so loving and faithful to him. :FeelsBadMan: I also can not believe how naive he is about Terri and not even suspecting something (one year without sex, come on! :'(). I didn't mind that Terri was cheating on Michael since she does not love him but the mocking she gave Michael in her internal monologue was the last straw that broke the camel's back. I am not fappy with her.
okerFace:You wrote her well.
So, the guy cannot catch a break as of the latest release.
- He is gonna get blackmailed, probably
- He is some prophesied savior for an alien race who have enemies that want him dead
- He married into a weird AF family
- His wife is cheating on him
So yeah. You got a well written plot. :biggrin: looking forward to the next release.
Thank you,
@HARiBON, glad to hear that you are anxiously awaiting the next release!
Yeah, "Michael Preston" is truly a screwed up and normal sort of guy, even going as far as lying to himself about his wife's actions and is caught in a very strange set of circumstances.
So, I wouldn't exactly say that he's exactly naïve... just foolish or refusing to see things correctly.
As with most people who've been in a relationship for a long period of time and afraid to lose the balance, comfort and familiarity that relationship provides them... so they tend to start to lie to themselves, overlook the signs that outsiders can easily see and seek other reasons for the reason to the coldness their spouse or significant other is giving them.
I guess sometimes sticking with the relationship you know, even if it is slowly dying, is better than facing the unknown or a pretty big change in their life...
...but, like real life... the truth usually makes it impossible to ignore and things will come to a head... at which point, you... the players... will get to step in and do something about that messed up situation and help him get his revenge.
But a normal guy, caught in an extraordinary situation with tethered to the harsh realties that many of us face every day and in our own lives... but, unlike many of our own lives, with his we can actually do something about it! LOL