I will continue to spread the word around the low brow miscreants I work with for there are actually at least three that know the alphabet(and 2 that READ!). It appears that amazon and kindle have separate review boards for mine was not up there on amazon when we were trying share the info earlier. Mine would stand out for the prattling on quality, that I am best known. I will (as stated before) wait for knight's hunt or the game with baited breathe!
LOL... sounds like a great workplace environment there,
Yeah, Amazon is a bit of a pain-in-the-ass when it comes to their review board... Personally, I don't understand it, as I've had others who've read the book and did the review, but their review never showed up. I hope that won't be the case with yours.
@ASLPro3D OK, didn't wanna double post, so I waited for SOMEONE to intervene. Yes, as a matter of fact, i had noticed the moth. Though, I have to say that I did not make the connection until you brought it up. It had been little more than a neat 'detail' when I first received the book. You are really egging me on to pester you about getting more irons in the fire, my friend. It is those attention to detail kinds of things that separate the stories I like from those I love.
But, as greedy as I am, I will again say take care of yourself first.
P.S. was it the missus that took the photo for your bio?
Honestly, the story was pretty grueling to write as it came with a variety of challenges for example, it was originally supposed to be a combined "Crow" Graphic Novel done by James O'Barr and myself for Gary Reed's "Caliber Comics" in the early '90's, but James was going through some very difficult times with his divorce and personal situations that I won't talk about... so, I had to go through and heavily alter it to make it different and unique, so, using my experience that I gained while working with White Wolf, I altered it into a supernatural story...
Gary Reed (who is no longer with us now), liked it and was willing to take a chance on it from an unknown comic book writer, because it was based on my thoughts, feelings and experiences after a very bitter divorce and watching my daughter taken from me and moved clear across the country.
The fears of a parent, stressing and worrying about the safety of his daughter... and the fears of what she would think of me failing as a father.
Over the years, the story slowly changed to be something much more different, with not as much anger and feelings of betrayal from her mother and became a much better story not heavily skewed by personal emotion, but one focused on characters, interaction, hope and friendship... a much, much different story than that of a "Crow" novel as it was originally intended... took 26 years, but much better story, I think. LOL
Still, writing it took a bit out of me and caused some old feelings to start swirling around inside that had long been locked away and needed to get back into control before I felt I'd be ready to continue the story... which brings me to now.
I am thinking that once
@Palanto Games and I are able to afford, find and acquire a reliable and dependable artist to help with the rendering of Wicked Choices, that I will focus solely on story writing, not just for the game(s) but also on associated novels that can also enhance the games we design and build in the future...
For example, maybe, use "Ebon Knights: Knight's Fall" as a prequel (or background story) to a future game, where the player's MC is a male and/or female character that was saved by Brandon Knight in Hell's Kitchen, or by DeSole in a rest area on the outskirts of New York... *shrugs* ...or by Brandon, Ebon, Alexander and Johara from Jadda's club...
So many possibilities, but each other tied with the novels for those who want "more" than just the game, as well as, background information, hints, tips and tricks, etc...
Wow, got on a tangent there, sorry... as for the question about my photo... yes, it was taken by the wife (my second wife and love of my life), while we were in Detroit doing a photoshoot with some models, she took my camera to do some photos of her own, while I was taking a break and resting in an abandoned alcove while waiting on the models to get changed and she snapped that photo of me (I hate having my photo taken)... and used that one for the book's jacket, because I don't have many photos of myself. LOL