*blushes* Yeah, as I said in the Author Notes, that Ebon Knights was a personal story for me, in a great many of ways... and took 26 years for me to tell, so I had a great many of years to work on and develop the universe, the equipment, the lore and the characters involved.
Far much more polished and developed than Wicked Choices is... if people think that Wicked Choices is as 'Great' as they say it is... I can only imagine and dream of the kind of response that
@Palanto Games and I would receive if we were to do an Ebon Knight's universe game and story!!
Of course, I wouldn't have been as inspired as I was to do and finish Ebon Knights, if not for so many people, particularly the model's that I have worked with as a photographer, for allowing me to use their likenesses and a bit of their personalities to enrich the story and their characters...
Like the model who RP's Brandon's daughter Emily for comic conventions and guest signings...
Or the model that Johara Abrams was based off of....
So, yeah... love to do the Ebon Knights Universe as possibly the NEXT game, if we can keep people's interest once Wicked Choices (WC) is finished.