ouch, i like the idea of a brothel when u dont care about the girls involve, or when u play as the girl, but this game make u play as a badass, make u care for the girls and then proceed to have a ton of guys fk ur "loved ones" i enjoyed, to some extend, the first game, but wasnt fond of the sharing and this game seems to have that same core, gonna pass on this, but gratz to u sir, good job, and GL.
im reading that u can avoid the whole "sharing" but is there content for this? in the WR u have events that happen if u improved the abilitys of ur girls and then a scne of them getting fked by some ramdon guy will play, if u train ur girls and dont shared them do u have an alternative scene? or the event just dont happen until u decide to shared them? cause in that case we just have a case of us wanting to get out of a big room, wich have just one door, and that door just happen to be the only door we dont want to use...