You're totally right. I'll be increasing exp gain for carresing and servicing so that intercourse with both ladies is achievable just before the opening though it could be done by upgrading the training room to lvl three once you get access to upgrades.
Yes. I agree on Saka. I have a little trouble with making her character, but I think she just need more time because of her personality "calm and diligent".
The 14 day limit tease you a lot, but I did that because there's still need content to be added before moving any further with the game. If I were to add more story content where you struggle to keep the business afloat while your courtesans are earning thousands of coins because you grinded for 30 days, that would make little sense. And people would complain that there's little to do, except to grind. That's why look further to the updates. Next month you'll get more control over your business

And when there will be more content available, I'll be removing that restriction entirely.