
Active Member
May 26, 2017
Then don't play test builds if they bug you so much? Nobody has a gun to your head forcing you to pirate their work.

Entitled much?
Jesus dude, chill. This is a forum, not a fanboy gathering. People will discuss all aspects of things posted here, not just the things they like. Yes, this game has a lot of potential. But it is far from perfect or even polished. And the pirate remark? I mean, do you even know where you are?


Jul 25, 2017
Jesus dude, chill. This is a forum, not a fanboy gathering. People will discuss all aspects of things posted here, not just the things they like. Yes, this game has a lot of potential. But it is far from perfect or even polished. And the pirate remark? I mean, do you even know where you are?
I'm perfectly chill.

I'm aware of where I am and the pirate remark was accurate. I don't expect everyone to be happy with whatever they get to download off of someone else's dime. I would however, like their whining to be somewhat constructive instead of going off on wild tangents about how they can point out all the issues with an in development game while providing nothing else of value in the same post.

They were warned by the devs themselves in the update blog that this build would be exceptionally worse stability/bug wise and they could just wait for the updated release if they didn't wanna help them bug test.

Them saying things like "tell me what bugs have been fixed yet? I can come up with at least 40 during 1 hour of playing" as if it's suppose to be something shocking to us (it's not), isn't really helpful or constructive. The games had hundreds of bugs since it first started development, like many other games. Lots of them have been fixed, while newer ones show up each build.

So I'm perfectly fine with them voicing their displeasure of a game, when it's not the emotional equivalent of BABYRAGE!

As for the other guy, he's simply spouting off nonsense and doesn't understand game development at all. He's here looking for other outraged individuals to confirm his anger towards the people working on this game. Saying things like "the lead dev is only good at rigging" or "There isn't an iota of optimization present in this thing and I'm calling it right now that it will never progress into anything that even remotely resembles the game it's allegedly aiming to be."

Complaining about optimization in a game that is clearly not finished and assuming what someone who's clearly more talented then them is "only" good at is simply a waste of everyone's time reading.

Kinda like these back-and-forth exchanges.

So I will end this here and I hope you have a wonderful day.


Dec 29, 2017
You know, I've been a lurker here for years only posting like... twice, maybe? But I cannot understand the entitlement from those that are so ungrateful for the opportunity to even try a *build* of a game that is being offered at no charge.

I agree that just because something is free, it doesn't make it immune to criticism but for Christ's sake, what some of you are saying is just not criticism. It's simply bitching and moaning.

For everyone complaining about the state of the game, what exactly are you expecting? It's not developing fast enough, there's no real content but animations, it has bugs that are slightly annoying, Your expectations would be relevant for a finished, released game but this is not that. This is a game *in development*. It's like complaining that the cheese isn't melted on the pizza a stranger just put in the oven and then complaining how it's the worst pizza ever made *while it's still baking*. Not to mention, he's not making the pizza for you but for people who helped pay for the ingredients.

The latest is a TEST BUILD. It's a temporary build of a game between proper builds, released to test certain systems before properly incorporating it into the game. The fact that some would complain so goddamn much about that is just unbelievable. Maybe some of you are trolls, I don't know.

Do I think some changes and additions would be nice? Sure. But unless they're constructive I'm not going to share them. Otherwise, what's the point? Then it's just complaining. That said, here is a constructive one:

Some folks aren't into furry/bestiality/ugly-porn/other fetishes. This game has by far the best and most varied animations since Illusion games, which are now just unimaginative, constant rehashes and it's getting old. So for those of us in the market for more "vanilla" stuff, they could really take advantage of that demand by simply making all animations that are compatible with models of similar stature available across the board. Perfect example is Iljah (as I mentioned in a previous post). I'm not into fat ugly dudes banging hot chicks. Many people are not. But he has some fantastic animations! So if they made a model of a regular dude, named him Joe and assigned those animations to him, that'd be awesome.

On that note, if eventually they can implement a custom character creation system with a free roam world, they could allow players to make a character, choose a stature (model skeleton), and then load whatever animations that are compatible with that stature to their custom character. That would be cool.

Also, I don't enjoy that there is no "ghost" model option to make better use of the free camera system. So it would be cool if they had transparency options for models while having the option of showing just their junk. I imagine that's something they've thought of anyways.

Anyways, in short, I guess I just don't get some of you who think that going on about optimization for a test build of an in-progress game is real, thoughtful criticism.

Okay, back to lurking.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2018
Well this seems to be shaping up nicely. When I first saw it I was like "OK, what's the point?" but now they seem to moving in the direction of an actual plot, which I like.

It's also nice to see developers working on gameplay mechanics other than just piling in as many sex scenes as possible while skipping everything else that can make a game interesting. IMHO, a good adult game is one that has sex in it rather than one that is nothing but sex.

So good job so far!


Aug 17, 2018
Gotta break out a big ol' bag of popcorn for this one. I think a lot of the comments here since the latest build are one of the best self-contained examples of why devs throughout the industry hate gamers. People are just way too used to EA & Activision handing out "beta" keys for games that will be released in a month, then end up expecting a game that's still years out from release to be in the same state.

Was a large portion of this game's development thus far dedicated to sex animations? Yes, because that's what the people paying the bills (Patrons) wanted. With a little bit of research, you'd see that they held a vote on this a while back. The large majority of people voted on more frequent builds with more animations included, at the expense of overall development speed.

To use someone else's condescending format: "HURR DURR, I'm just gonna do what I want, I dunt need monuh!" They'd be losing patrons by the 100s if they chose to ignore that poll, so why would they go that route solely for the benefit of some salty dudes who aren't even patrons?


Game Developer
Jun 3, 2019
Was a large portion of this game's development thus far dedicated to sex animations? Yes, because that's what the people paying the bills (Patrons) wanted. With a little bit of research, you'd see that they held a vote on this a while back. The large majority of people voted on more frequent builds with more animations included, at the expense of overall development speed.
I haven't played it, and have no opinion on it 1 way or the other, but, the way I am looking at developing is by getting simple things down. Like starting with movement, then sex, then so forth and so on. Maybe that is how they are doing it, but, I see way to many devs of different games who will focus on 1 or 2 things, then try and implement other things without finishing.

Like Star Citizen. They have things that are half implemented and start working on something else.


May 19, 2017
Developers who are developing games for the first time, even experienced developers, believe that frame sturturing is caused by streaming.
Most of them do not solve the problem after all. This sturturing caused by using big size texture. And Solution is Texture streaming. Streaming is not the cause but the solution. Many Game studios have texture streaming solutions. Mega Texture , Sparse Texture , Virtual Texture ..... Unreal engine supports Virtual texture. If you use bigger than 1024x1024 resolution texture , You must change this texture to virtual texture.
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Reactions: mecha_froggy


May 19, 2017
Also Unreal engine has really shit character system. Because Unreal root motion does not support rotation. In modern Game engine , Root motion control is key point of reality animation . I recommend IKinema for unreal.


New Member
Dec 2, 2017
Damn level design is horrible, all looks same (i bet that dwellers are losting there) no map, or minimap (compass is useless). Exploring this world is a nightmare. Who designed it x_x.
Unplayable srsly
Last edited:


Nov 21, 2018
Ok, so far looks like they finally started doing some progress.

Flying is awesome. Honestly, I can't remember a game with better flying system than here. A little bit of work and it will be flawless.
Quests are boring so far: bring token from a bird's nest, find a hunter, kill hyena, kill arena champion. Meh... But better than nothing, I guess.
Dialogs are... Well, like quests, meh, but better than nothing again.
Sex scenes. Well, here's the thing - there is only one sex scene (Goatman shaman) and it's... boring. Yeah, animations are nice and graphics too, but what is the point of "full circle" sex scene. I mean, teasing => blowjob => several sex poses => cumming pose. Why? Wouldn't it be better to add to this specific character 1 or 2 unique sex poses instead of a long sex seance that is absolutely similar to any other goatman?

P.S. My quests stop at "Talk to chief". Maya just says something like "We need to unite and fight together" and the dialog immediately stops. Is it really the end or just a bug?
thats why i say the story mode is deadly for this game :/


New Member
Dec 2, 2017
Do you also have something positive to say or is this a ongoing rant whenever your salty mood calls for it?
Yes, but now we talking about constructive feedback. I`m not flatterer ,when main test level/map looks like from in 1993 and killing joy of exploration. I`m just honest. There is time to do something with this.


Nov 21, 2018
Yes, but now we talking about constructive feedback. I`m not flatterer ,when main test level/map looks like from in 1993 and killing joy of exploration. I`m just honest. There is time to do something with this.
they don't listen people... they have road map .... bullshit
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Reactions: sajet


Jul 27, 2017
Known issues:
-We currently have a serious performance problem in this build
I guess some people just don't like reading, it's a known issue that presumably will be fixed for the public build in a few weeks.
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Reactions: Porn_Jesus


Forum Fanatic
Jun 21, 2017
This is shit, that is shit, everything is shit.

So how would you fix it?

Uhm...it's their job to fix it, don't bother me with that!

Noice, impatience and arrogance in 2019 is another sinkhole for humanity.
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Reactions: foxsicle and Aknott


New Member
Nov 22, 2018
Guys, if you wana sh*t on games then go to EA, they have the real trashy games going on where money is being wasted...
this is like a super small project that has a heavy burden of wanting to be high quality.
if you find joy in these builds than thats a huge +, if not there is no harm made on you,
and while youre here help them by sending them info reports about your crash/bugs/etc.
3.80 star(s) 182 Votes