Mar 28, 2018
Surprise us
Though you got a Bonus point you develop it rather in the hidden and work it out away from the public before presenting at least a Vertical Slice of it, that at least shows that you don't seem to be so dependent and under pressure and care more about it and from what i see it shows ;)
I see already some interesting things

Despite "Hey you are Cute" Wanna have Sex :D
Yeah I'm not releasing it until there's content available. My game's not a complete asset flip though. I have a game world database spawning system that procedurally spawns around a hundred or more buildings in towns, cities, and enemy encampments with each name for each establishment in the city randomly generated. It also procedurally generates hundreds of NPCs and families for every household, assigns them to a house, and assigns them a job within the city they go to.

I also have a relationship and class system set it up so that NPCs talk to you differently depending on who you are to them. So if you're their son or husband they'll talk to you differently depending on who you are. Haven't tested it out but you would also be able to possess other NPCs like a King and have all of their relationships instead of your player character.

Then I made a custom character creation system that uses daz assets. Probably just as heavy as the database system. Then I have a basic sex system that uses tags. And a custom AI system that allows for factions (faction system) that fight each other along with notoriety and companions (companion system). I use the dialogue plugin and mission and quest system from the marketplace because they make questing and dialogues extremely easy. You could probably make the main quest in a few days. Everything else is from the marketplace because it would probably take me 10 years to make all assets from scratch.
Mar 28, 2018
Alright LubricatedKitty; I'll respond to that.

I don't really think you understand the complexity of what you are purposing, for two reasons:

1] Slapping asset packs together isn't going to fly with most people, for a paid product, because it is a literal asset flip. You can't do asset flips anymore and make a profit. Professionals may take asset packs and use them for specific things, like plants or ground textures, but won't build an entire game from asset packs. Asset flips are fine, if the game is entirely free and no one is paying money to support you. But when it comes to monetary support, people expect you to use asset packs intelligently enough that they don't realize you are actually using one. When it is obvious that you have slapped asset packs together, this pisses people off, you'll get review bombed and places like Steam will take your game off their service.

2] Developing in UE4 isn't the easiest thing to do. I've tried it. Unless you are literally doing an asset flip, with the minimalistic amount of effort to make the various modules fit nicely together, it is really complicated to develop a game in UE4, especially if you are coding in C++ or creating your own unique systems. I'm certainly not giving WildLife devs a free pass here, as they do say they are industry veterans and professionals rather than noobs, but I can certainly understand how things that appear to me like they would only take 2 weeks of work, is going to take them 2-6 months of work.

-> A good AI system is extremely hard to create. Merely getting an enemy to head to x,y,z is one thing, but what happens if you stand on a boulder and they can't reach you. What if you hide behind an object and break line of sight; do they immediately know where you are still, or do they start searching for you.
-> A good dialogue system is also extremely hard to create. Sure a simple "click" "ok" to proceed is easy enough to do. But what if you want branching conversations, the ability for the player to ask questions, or to try to get to understand the npc better. Also many people don't like reading huge amounts of text, so they'll want it voiced. Then you need lip sync, and workable enough faces to do a lip sync.
-> Same thing with a Questing System. I believe with Skyrim, it took them 2 years to make one, and theirs is buggy as shit. There is so many ways for the system to fail, and that can mean you can't complete the quest or you are stuck with a quest item that you cannot remove ever.
-> Same thing with a Sex System. I believe the Skyrim Sexlab Framework took developers over 1000 hours just to get the framework functional (and that is without any actual sex animations). And even so, it is still quite buggy because it is Skyrim Script Jank. Then untold hours were spent by other modders to get animations into it, and sometimes those still fail because you need specific combinations of mods and mod conflicts are common.
-> Or with the Sex System; Lord Kvento has been trying to make their own sex game in UE4, and they've tried to make a sex system for their game, and most think that this has broken the project, as they stopped doing weekly updates back in February.
-> I could go on but you get the picture. Probably.

If you think things are so easy, go do it yourself. I'd probably support you financially if it was good, and so would a whole lot of others. But until you actually prove it is easy to do, you can't really say others are incompetent or slow, vs your opinion on how it should be progressing.

A basic save system is only basic if you have a basic system of savable variables. If you don't, then a save system is actually quite complex to do. Also you need to consider savegame bloat size and maximum number of things that can be saved. For skyrim, it is 65536 references that can be saved, and once you reach that point, any time it tries to save 65537 references, and then tries to load that game, Skyrim crashes. It usually reaches this reference point in roughly 30 hours of gametime. And then the save file is unloadable.

I'm not actually making excuses for the development team. If they were noobs, I might make excuses for them, but they claim they are industry professionals and veterans in their field, so no excuses are relevant. Unless they lied about that to get funding...

You also don't need context to get people's rocks off. One can imagine a scenario in your own mind, that is often better than dialogue in sex games, and thus they don't need to provide a context. That is what a lot of people do with Skyrim Sexlab Framework; they make their own stories up and play them out.



So with a bit of digging, I see you have a Patreon for your own title called Empires of Lust ( ). You have a roadmap from back in October 2020, stating that by April 2021 you'd have release 0.5 out. So, it is mid-May, do you have release 0.5 of your own game ready for consumption? Or did you give up on development, as the last post on your Patreon was in October 2020?
I use Dialogue Plugin and Mission & Objectives, so making dialogues and quests are painless. I could've made my own system for this, but it's not fun to add content unless you have a GUI. I heavily modified another AI system so I can add factions and custom behavior for AI.

My sex system was very broken, but 2 years of game development working 6-16 hours a day made it fairly easy for me to make a sex system based on my old broken one. I use blueprints to make it easier on myself but if my game has optimization issues I may use C++.

I make my own game worlds using world machine + the ue4 editor so my environments don't really look like asset flips. If I get a system from the marketplace, I change around the animations so they don't look like an asset flip too sometimes. And most ue4 developers don't use Daz characters in their games. My Daz characters don't look too much like Daz characters.

I hang around a lot of discords for UE4 assets so I see asset flips all the time.

But my original point wasn't really debating how long it would take to make a game at all. My original post was stating that it wouldn't take much to add a few lines of dialogue to roleplay and increase immersion. I then added that they could add a save system that saves the NPC's position on the map. Not a save system that saves every script that is being run. Saving the location and which character you last played wouldn't cause your save games to bloat at all and it is very easily done.

It seems like they want you to play as Maya but she has small tits and I want to start playing as Tanya. It's a pain in the ass to spawn Tanya and switch characters every time I play the game. And I can't even keep my other spawned NPC's in one place. All I want to do is have all my characters in one place every time I start the game. I stopped playing the game after this
Mar 28, 2018
Looks more like YOU arent getting this. If it was really that easy we would be swimming in top tier games with great bugfree gameplay, deep lore and context and plenty of fappable sexy animations. Where are they? The videos you showed do indeed look like some asset packs slapped together in 2 weeks. It doesnt look fappable at all no matter how much "hey youre cute" you put in before the "lets fuck".
Spare us your subjective opinion on game dev and make your own dream game if its really that easy.
And your opinion is any better? You seem like you think that you know it all, so how about you make what I made in two weeks? The GUI alone would probably take you four months. You honestly think making a character creator from scratch with races, hairstyles, clothes, hair color, skin color, face morphs, body morphs, tattoos, and eyebrow textures, with no experience in Unreal Engine is easy? Only takes you 2 weeks? No offense but that sounds ridiculous. Please tell me, how many Unreal engine games on here have character creators with that many options? Please tell me how many Unreal engine indie games, in general, across the entire world, have a character creator as I did there?

My entire post you commented on was in reference to an experienced solo developer with over 2000-5000 hours put into Unreal. "granted you're a somewhat decent game developer already". When you have 2000-5000 hours of experience in Unreal, you either ending up joining a small or large development team, you freelance and develop systems you later sell on a 3D website or the Marketplace, Unreal becomes a side hobby (most serious developers end up with a job in the computer science field), or most of them, probably 85% just end up quitting. Only a very, very, very small percentage of experienced solo game devs end up making their own game. And even a very small percentage of those people end up making sex games.

I never said bug-free gameplay, I never said deep lore and I never said fappable sexy animations. I said relatively bugfree gameplay, basic context with a few lines of dialogue, decent graphics, and decent animations.

It sounds like you have no clue how game development works, no clue about the unreal engine community works and you aren't even listening to what I'm saying.
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Active Member
Dec 23, 2017
It's a new modern outfit which they are making for Jenny. Hopefully other female characters can wear it too though. Except for Shey and Jadeen they all share the same skeleton I really don't understand why they are locking outfits to certain characters. Have to say that if they make a version of this with the jacket but without the tank top it would be hot.
The characters have two levels of difference: Skeletons and model. Maya and Shey for example have a different skeleton so obviously they also have a different model. Maya and Lala on the other hand have the same skeleton but still a different model, Lala is a bit thicker than Maya. Jenny and Maya also share the same skeleton but Jenny has bigger boobs and is a bit more thicc too. Because the models are different in thickness it doesnt matter too much if they share a skeleton or not, repositioning the clothing to that other model is still going to take some time and it isnt a 1-button and done thing. But from what I saw in the post they do intend to repurpose it for other characters suggested by the patrons anyway tho so it probably wont be released only for Jenny.

They also posted this on the discord.
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Dec 23, 2017
And your opinion is any better? You seem like you think that you know it all, so how about you make what I made in two weeks? The GUI alone would probably take you four months. You honestly think making a character creator from scratch with races, hairstyles, clothes, hair color, skin color, face morphs, body morphs, tattoos, and eyebrow textures, with no experience in Unreal Engine is easy? Only takes you 2 weeks? No offense but that sounds ridiculous. Please tell me, how many Unreal engine games on here have character creators with that many options? Please tell me how many Unreal engine indie games, in general, across the entire world, have a character creator as I did there?
If my post came off as a personal attack im sorry. I never said that my opinion is better than yours, how could it be, its all just opinions and opinions are always subjective, there is no good or bad opinions. Anyway I want to apologize, I didnt mean to attack you or your work, im sure you are genuinley trying to make the best you can and want to support the community. I made my post purely based on what I saw. Clearly I didnt have enough information to make an objective and unbiased satement.

But my original point wasn't really debating how long it would take to make a game at all. My original post was stating that it wouldn't take much to add a few lines of dialogue to roleplay and increase immersion. I then added that they could add a save system that saves the NPC's position on the map. Not a save system that saves every script that is being run. Saving the location and which character you last played wouldn't cause your save games to bloat at all and it is very easily done.

It seems like they want you to play as Maya but she has small tits and I want to start playing as Tanya. It's a pain in the ass to spawn Tanya and switch characters every time I play the game. And I can't even keep my other spawned NPC's in one place. All I want to do is have all my characters in one place every time I start the game. I stopped playing the game after this
I also have to agree with you here. Come to think about it the save of position and character cant really be that hard of a task to do. But I dont really know much about it so I wont judge. I can only imagine it wasnt done so far because the community isnt really asking for it that much and there is probably other big things they are prioritizing with focus on the demo. But I really hope they add this soon, it would be a huge quality of life upgrade.
The dialogues is a bit of a different story. Making decent dialogue that works is not easy and failing at it or releasing it mid-development can damage the immersion of the game way more than keeping it dumb and mechanically straight forward until they have actual story elements, writing and dialogues. The recent split between sandbox and game and the few new story scenes they added is a big step towards more meaningful and immersive dialogues and scenes, even tho the current scenes from the fisher village quests do suffer from what I said earlier in that the dialogues feel very unfinished and half-assed and dont really make me immerse in the story. Lets hope the next build has that part of the game also improved.


Active Member
Feb 1, 2019

Nothing is much fun without a GUI. Or having to manually create a GUI from scratch with code.

As for painless Dialogue, does it allow for branching dialogue trees, different options that have different effects on the character, and allows it easily to import voice lines into it?

As for painless Quests, does it allow you to make complex quests types, or only the basic types (ie fetch, kill, scout)? Most people only like the basic types for side missions, so you'd still have "pain" with making the more complicated types I'd imagine.

OK. So you fixed up your sex system. Got a more recent video of that, to show off what you accomplished since the two prototype video trailers?

I'm sure the developers of Slige, said the same thing about procedurally generated Doom levels, but anyone who plays them can tell they were procedurally generated. Have a video of your procedurally generated world, so we can see what you mean?

Actually a lot of developers do use Daz characters, but maybe not in UE4. She Will Punish Them, built in Unity, uses Daz characters, as an example.

So you change up the animations... how is clipping? Did you eliminate that? Like in the prototype videos, there was a lot of clipping, like with clothes on bodies.

And yes, keeping spawned locations and last played character would be a nice quality of life feature, for Sandbox. I too don't like Maya, but I prefer Serenia, personally.


Jan 30, 2019
the last time I played this it was a glorified tech demo with a handful of half-implemented missions and sex scenes. Is it more of an actual game now?
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Mar 28, 2018

Nothing is much fun without a GUI. Or having to manually create a GUI from scratch with code.

As for painless Dialogue, does it allow for branching dialogue trees, different options that have different effects on the character, and allows it easily to import voice lines into it?

As for painless Quests, does it allow you to make complex quests types, or only the basic types (ie fetch, kill, scout)? Most people only like the basic types for side missions, so you'd still have "pain" with making the more complicated types I'd imagine.

OK. So you fixed up your sex system. Got a more recent video of that, to show off what you accomplished since the two prototype video trailers?

I'm sure the developers of Slige, said the same thing about procedurally generated Doom levels, but anyone who plays them can tell they were procedurally generated. Have a video of your procedurally generated world, so we can see what you mean?

Actually a lot of developers do use Daz characters, but maybe not in UE4. She Will Punish Them, built in Unity, uses Daz characters, as an example.

So you change up the animations... how is clipping? Did you eliminate that? Like in the prototype videos, there was a lot of clipping, like with clothes on bodies.

And yes, keeping spawned locations and last played character would be a nice quality of life feature, for Sandbox. I too don't like Maya, but I prefer Serenia, personally.
Yeah, actually the dialogue and quest system allows for both of those things. Before moving to the next line of dialogue or quest point, you have a condition object you can put in to specify any condition possible. Then you can simply execute an event when you reach a dialogue point or a quest point. This is a simple system that handles a lot of things. There are also branching dialogue paths. None of this is my work though the plugins handle this all for me. But there's no way for anybody to tell if I change the UI.

As far as my new sex system, I don't have a video of it yet. But it's more like Skyrim and less like wildlife. Much less control available to the player, the player just chooses which type of position depending on dialogue. There are somewhat bad clipping issues and there will likely always be clipping issues because of morph targets, etc. But I can always fix it later. Clothes clip too but I can hide the skin underneath when it releases.

I don't have a video of how it works, but the idea is simple. Create the world, (I'm not procedurally generating the world, I'm procedurally generating the building information to make the building functional for the game), Place trigger boxes over every town and city. Get all buildings within the trigger boxes in the world, get the city they're located in and save it, get their location and save it, (the process would take a few paragraphs to write down) then take that information and respawn the houses and assign each building with procedurally generated info like establishment type, establishment name, max workers, reputation, fame, etc. Eventually, I want to give the player the ability to own and run their own establishment and even kingdom by giving them each their own stats. It's just a framework though, not a feature.

My game is less focused on sex as it is focused on questing, roleplaying, and factions. There are a few main reasons I'm making this game. 1 Pretty much no sex games out there have a sex skill stat for your player. If my character had a high sex skill, I want the NPC my player is having sex with to be absolutely stunned with his/her prowess. Also if my character has done a lot of cool stuff, he should be famous, so fame and beauty will allow people to approach him/her and talk to him/her differently. 2 I absolutely loved the familiar faces Skyrim mod and wanted to give the player the power to play with characters from his/her other saves. 3 I like anime with guilds and pirate crews. 4 I want as many roleplay options as a fantasy setting gives. Even if it's basic and very rudimentary.

Daz characters look different in UE4 than they do in Daz Studio, Unity, or Blender. I have some pictures of what they look like below. This was about a year ago so some improvements have been made and I think they look much better than what was shown 2 years ago. Here's my discord with more info

As far as quests, I'm not a AAA developer so I'm not really making complex quests. It's more so go here then go there. It seems every other game on here does this too, including games like corruption of champions 2. There can kill quests, location quests, Delivery quests, Gather quests, Escort quests, Rescue quests, Assassination quests, etc. All quests have one thing in common, they have to meet certain conditions to be satisfied. As long as you let the quest system know that the quest condition is satisfied and the condition is met, the player either fails or passes the quest. You can create functions, events, and inputs to make the process easier as well. Quest types like scouting and tailing are more difficult.
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Mar 28, 2018
If my post came off as a personal attack im sorry. I never said that my opinion is better than yours, how could it be, its all just opinions and opinions are always subjective, there is no good or bad opinions. Anyway I want to apologize, I didnt mean to attack you or your work, im sure you are genuinley trying to make the best you can and want to support the community. I made my post purely based on what I saw. Clearly I didnt have enough information to make an objective and unbiased satement.

I also have to agree with you here. Come to think about it the save of position and character cant really be that hard of a task to do. But I dont really know much about it so I wont judge. I can only imagine it wasnt done so far because the community isnt really asking for it that much and there is probably other big things they are prioritizing with focus on the demo. But I really hope they add this soon, it would be a huge quality of life upgrade.
The dialogues is a bit of a different story. Making decent dialogue that works is not easy and failing at it or releasing it mid-development can damage the immersion of the game way more than keeping it dumb and mechanically straight forward until they have actual story elements, writing and dialogues. The recent split between sandbox and game and the few new story scenes they added is a big step towards more meaningful and immersive dialogues and scenes, even tho the current scenes from the fisher village quests do suffer from what I said earlier in that the dialogues feel very unfinished and half-assed and dont really make me immerse in the story. Lets hope the next build has that part of the game also improved.
Yeah, my bad sorry for the aggression. Yeah, dialogue is definitely more than just a few lines. A lot of variation is required in some cases. I don't really mind repetition if there are 3 different variations to a dialogue line, but if NPCs are repeating the same thing over and over again it can get a little annoying and uninspiring for some people.
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Active Member
Oct 25, 2017
Finally built a new computer that can handle this game at max settings without breaking a sweat. Absolutely beautiful game, I really look forward to a few years down the road when they've got more "game elements" implemented and there's better context for all the fantastic animations they've crafted.

Semi-relatedly, anyone have recommendations for other graphically-intensive games with similarly exceptional graphics? I need more adult games that can push my rig to its limits. For science, you know.


Active Member
Feb 1, 2019
Well you could try an extremely heavily modded Skyrim, with 4-8k textures, HDT Physics for everything, and SexLab Framework.

Otherwise, I can't think of a high-end graphically intensive game that has excellent sex mechanics. But if you wanted high-end ones with "some" sex, you could do Witcher 3 or Cyberpunk 2077 and then mod it further.
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Deleted member 2033516

They need more cupless bras and nipple piercings. I'd finance that and futa WITH balls and no cunny.


Feb 3, 2019
after literally trying every other 3d porno game, mod etc on the market I've come to realize just how good the animations in this are... Most other games, hell even animations, have "penetration" that's literally just the penis model clipping through whatever it's supposed to be fucking. Kudos to AdeptusSteve!


Feb 13, 2018
Maybe it's just a me thing, but has anyone else had issues downloading off anything other than mega?
Cause mega doesn't let you download the whole current build, so i'm forced to go for the other ones.
But by the time it's like halfway downloaded, it usually stalls and fails. And i lose all the download progress.

And on a decently limited internet plan... well.... you can see how that's frustrating.
Mega would solve it if they didn't have that insanely low download max (since you can pause and restart downloads with no lost progress).

Anyone got any ideas on a solution?
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