i couldn't find any proper screenshots and neither any decent looking gameplay anywhere
but the animations seemed to have potential even if the female models were mediocre
so i thought.. oh what the hell might as well check it out in person.
yooo wtf.... those preview screenshots should SERIOUSLY be changed..
This is actually some good shit yo, there arn't many h games out there like this or with this 'lvl' of quality. and so many animations
only other i/we can mention with AAA quality is Project Love Craft, other than the usual honey select,custom girl etc etc
i wonder how the other characters would defer, i only tried maya, so far
i'll check em later. though the lack of customization is disappointing but i expect some variation
i prefer more asian than a tribal look
even those blade and soul characters can be alright
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NANiiiiI? yo that wasn't the kind of catgirl i was looking for XD
only furry huh? no *humanoid* catgirls ? aww the ear add on's r kinda low budget
*i see this is a free country no discrimination among races! cat peoples females should look like their males! too it is only fair!*
*COUGH I-sek-ai* COUGH
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to bad the Bestiality is basically limited to a tentacle monster and furry male humanoids
but hey classic minotaur and beast people is good enough
i suppose haha Project Lovecraft has that part handled. but with smaller pp's
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i half assed these screenshots cuz moving the camera is a pain with my carpal tunnel acting up,
but they certainly shows more of what the actual game has to offer, as of 2020 than those old screenshots don't they? XD
my pc too potato for open world screenshots lul a quick youtube search is good enough for that part
i take it, this game doesn't have much display content is probably cuz the game's front page is furry. and that deters away non furry kink users, and the furry kink users ain't going out of there way to display the non furry content, a vicious cycle
i mean lets be honest, if i search up this game and the first thing i see is this
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obviously wouldn't any casual person have second thoughts
on bothering to further investigate what the game has to offer?
porn wise and just move on to finish their fap of the day with some 3D animation video or what not
i personally had to do much research scouring through the pages on this thread to realize wat i am missing out on
the default female character models looked weren't that eye catching
but cant lie though. the open world gameplay and Especially a few minotaur scenes caught my attention which is what lead me to do said research
cuz in what i saw on the first few searches, and some of the newer images of the game still had the same said characters,
all in all a well spent hour, abit of tweaking with the only available skin/eye liner and thigh options. and viola (those boob options r pretty bad imo)
(Seriously though most of the wild life hentai gameplay videos have god awful angling they were just cut and paste otherwise,)
*edit* tried Serenia ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and some more