To play devils advocate this has been in development for like 6 years or so and there is still basically zero gameplay. People round here have seen many devs milk that Patreon titty before so you can't really blame them.
Its not as bad as Star Citizen yet atleast
but they rewrote the entire code once, and it wouldn't surprise me that they would do that again to switch to UE5 and then they can start over. When they release the game in 2030, the graphics would be outdated anyway.
To be fair though, I think we have all seen and felt the shit that Bethesda, Square Enix, Blizzard and Ubisoft release now, hell even the fan favourite company from Poland with Cyberpunk; and they are massive companies. Plus some of them are(or rather were) making moves to make NFTs in the games, more MTXs than we need + pay to win(Diablo Immortal). They hint at nothing of the sort in Wild Life; so kudos for not immediately jumping on the band wagon! Plus its a very niche field that they work in, with a ragtag band of nubs trying to string together something which noone has done before.
I cannot, however, give the game even a 3 star rating like I've seen some of the simps give it recently, because its not a game; its a sex scene viewer with a walking/flying simulator attached. Probably pimply first time wankers which haven't really explored the internet yet; flabbergasted by the massive leap between Wild Life and Meet n' Fuck games, whilst blinded by postnut-ism would give 5 stars
in the time since they first announced the "game" I have been in it for approximately 1-2 hours total just checking out the stuff as they release it. Not much to start it for. I remember opening it after a few years and then doing the run through the jungle segment... when arriving at the village I was like "?" WAS THAT IT!? XD same for the 5 minutes on the physics gunrange.