
New Member
May 1, 2018
It's been six years now and I honestly can't see any real progress If I compare a for example 2018 version of this game and the most current.
They added more (scripted) animations, bare-bone combat, bare-bone grappling and changed to UE5 (which seemed to set them back years it seems).

But everything in the past 5 years has been nothing more than placeholders for something that has never come this far.
Everything is placeholders -> thus my image with the placeholder bush to point that out.

I come back every half a year or so and check on this game and always end up wondering what the hell even changed.
6 years and ~6m $ USD and nothing substantial has changed.

Oh wait, not true, the current version actually got rid of all the old maps and old content (including quests) they already built. And it broke most of the custom sandbox maps made by fans.
View attachment 2570786

But what do I care. We're all adults and everybody can choose for himself how they want to dump their cash.
Imo, this is basically a glorified scripted sex gallery. Managing to raise 6m $ USD for this, I salute the devs for getting so many people to believe in placeholders for over 6 years.

Final thought: Text above not directly addressed to you or ment to offend you, just my two cents.

~i'm out, cheers
I've followed this game pretty much from the start and I have to agree. The progress this game is making is brutally slow with no clear creative direction or vision.
It just seems like all they are doing is adding new character models and animations just to keep the patrons happy.
The game is making almost 100k a month on patreon. I am well aware that they must have expenses in other areas, but humor me for a moment.
100k would be enough to pay 20 (TWENTY!) full-time employees a VERY generous salary of 5k per month.
Are there 20 or more people working on this game? I doubt it and I certainly hope not, because if there were they would have more to show for it every time they do one of their "updates", where they showcase how many improvements they've made to rocks and straw huts that no one gives a crap about...

I can guarantee you that not even close to half of the money that is being raked in on patreon is going towards actually finishing the game. It's all going to a small handful of people that are just resting on their laurels and riding the patreon gravy train for as long as they can because they are making a killing for only working 10-20 hours tops a week.

Hell... Can you even blame them? I'd probably do the same.


New Member
Nov 2, 2017
Can I get some help, when I download the things from one of the link it give me some weird setup thing and when I do download it and start it it doesn’t do anything. I thought it suppose to be a zip folder that I’m supposed to extract


Jun 11, 2017
Can I get some help, when I download the things from one of the link it give me some weird setup thing and when I do download it and start it it doesn’t do anything. I thought it suppose to be a zip folder that I’m supposed to extract
never run anything with a weird setup instead of the expected file. You got virus, go and fix your windows. Scan with Malwarebytes.
The file you should download is a <12GB ZIP, available in both torrent, magnet and in all download hosts


New Member
Mar 28, 2021
I think it's time to make a separate thread for whiners and complainers so they can cry there instead of trashing this thread with the same posts again and (again and again and again) x 9999
We wouldn't be "trashing" the thread if it didn't deserve it, and at least we're discussing the game, you're whining about whiners.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021
Can I get some help, when I download the things from one of the link it give me some weird setup thing and when I do download it and start it it doesn’t do anything. I thought it suppose to be a zip folder that I’m supposed to extract
Congratulations! You have successfully downloaded & tried to install a virus :LOL: Have fun cleaning your pc, dumbass.
May 4, 2020
Can I get some help, when I download the things from one of the link it give me some weird setup thing and when I do download it and start it it doesn’t do anything. I thought it suppose to be a zip folder that I’m supposed to extract
Man, imagine being tech-illiterate in 2023. And on top of that, navigating through links on a piracy site; that should go without saying. Couldn't be me...
May 4, 2020
Can I get some help, when I download the things from one of the link it give me some weird setup thing and when I do download it and start it it doesn’t do anything. I thought it suppose to be a zip folder that I’m supposed to extract
Brief Guide to Playing P-Games:

Step 1) Use Linux. A hardened one. I use Arch, which you can harden yourself, but most distros will be fine.
Step 2) Download QEMU, and install Windows on a VM. (focuses on performance instead of privacy/security; bare metal performance in some cases). The containerization is weak compared to Qubes and FreeBSD.
Step 3) Don't download AV software (seriously, Windows Defender is fine). Rule of thumb: Don't be dumb, don't click, download or run things you do not know anything about. If you absolutely need an AV, use Malwarebytes or Bitdefender as they have the most up-to-date definitions, and are usually the best when it comes to performance, or anything open-source. Reminder: you will have to abide to their privacy policies. Basically if you scan your computer, you will typically be given the usual UAC option (another way of consenting to software having a decent bit of control over your machine), and who knows what they will do with that scanned report. Most AV companies are not transparent enough, and some of them will outright tell you that they will sell your scanned data with all the identifiers included (Example of an identifier: Folder names, destinations, cookie folders, etc.). Best to encrypt important files before a scan, although I have on idea if that will change a thing considering the identifiers that they log. For Linux, they have plenty of great open-source options that also happen to have ports for Windows, so install that in your VM. (Check this site for more information: )
Step 4) Use Mullvad VPN. Best VPN, hands down. If you don't want to pay, use Proton VPN. It's probably the only 'good' free VPN out there. Avoid Express VPN, Nord VPN, and Surfshark VPN. Any big name VPN providers that content creators shill. Those 3 are some of the worst.
Step 5) Use Librewolf, and download the usual extensions. Too many is too bad; it simply increases your attack surface. Just use what you need. Example: uBlock Origin, Decentraleyes, Privacy Badger, to name a few.
Step 6) Read up installation procedures on this thread. Self-explanatory.
Step 7) If a piece of software says that it can run on Linux, don't bother, just use this VM for you-know-what. Sure, Linux isn't as bloated as Windows, but please use this VM for the sake of utilizing software that requires a mostly high-end system to run bare metal, and that has a tad bit of containerization.

Enjoy a mostly sandboxed environment away from your host OS to indulge in your pervy desires!
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Jan 10, 2020
Brief Guide to Playing P-Games:

Step 1) Use Linux. A hardened one. I use Arch, which you can harden yourself, but most distros will be fine.
Step 2) Download QEMU, and install Windows on a VM. (focuses on performance instead of privacy/security; bare metal performance in some cases). The containerization is weak compared to Qubes and FreeBSD.
Step 3) Don't download AV software (seriously, Windows Defender is fine). Rule of thumb: Don't be dumb, don't click, download or run things you do not know anything about. If you absolutely need an AV, use Malwarebytes or Bitdefender as they have the most up-to-date definitions, and are usually the best when it comes to performance, or anything open-source. Reminder: you will have to abide to their privacy policies. Basically if you scan your computer, you will typically be given the usual UAC option (another way of consenting to software having a decent bit of control over your machine), and who knows what they will do with that scanned report. Most AV companies are not transparent enough, and some of them will outright tell you that they will sell your scanned data with all the identifiers included (Example of an identifier: Folder names, destinations, cookie folders, etc.). Best to encrypt important files before a scan, although I have on idea if that will change a thing considering the identifiers that they log. For Linux, they have plenty of great open-source options that also happen to have ports for Windows, so install that in your VM. (Check this site for more information: )
Step 4) Use Mullvad VPN. Best VPN, hands down. If you don't want to pay, use Proton VPN. It's probably the only 'good' free VPN out there. Avoid Express VPN, Nord VPN, and Surfshark VPN. Any big name VPN providers that content creators shill. Those 3 are some of the worst.
Step 5) Use Librewolf, and download the usual extensions. Too many is too bad; it simply increases your attack surface. Just use what you need. Example: uBlock Origin, Decentraleyes, Privacy Badger, to name a few.
Step 6) Read up installation procedures on this thread. Self-explanatory.
Step 7) If a piece of software says that it can run on Linux, don't bother, just use this VM for you-know-what. Sure, Linux isn't as bloated as Windows, but please use this VM for the sake of utilizing software that requires a mostly high-end system to run bare metal, and that has a tad bit of containerization.

Enjoy a mostly sandboxed environment away from your host OS to indulge in your pervy desires!
or just use your brain and download from a reputable source


New Member
Nov 6, 2022
Here. I just downloaded. Win (UE5)
put file in a .zip/.rar
can't download it, just opens a page in browser and copy+paste the content in a .txt file and name it *.torrent won't work :D
Aug 22, 2018
I think it's time to make a separate thread for whiners and complainers so they can cry there instead of trashing this thread with the same posts again and (again and again and again) x 9999
Last time I checked, freedom of speech is still a human right and criticising a game as well as bringing valid arguments (what you seem to mistake for whining) is just as allowed on this forum as people praising what they find to be good in the game. ;)

Sorry, but censoring people (unless they clearly misbehave and start throwing insults) is not gonna happen. Everything thus far has been well within the boundaries of this sites TOU, otherwise the mods would have already stepped in.

And in my book, a game that made around 6m $ USD and had 6 years to bake in the oven BUT is still nowhere near a presentable state (placeholders everywhere) with the devs even removing old features deserves some criticism.

If you like the game, good for you, I just personally think that more (paying) people should ask themselves "where the hell went all the money and the six years of development". You deserve better than what you got this far.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021
Step 3) Don't download AV software (seriously, Windows Defender is fine). Rule of thumb: Don't be dumb, don't click, download or run things you do not know anything about. If you absolutely need an AV, use Malwarebytes or Bitdefender as they have the most up-to-date definitions, and are usually the best when it comes to performance, or anything open-source. Reminder: you will have to abide to their privacy policies. Basically if you scan your computer, you will typically be given the usual UAC option (another way of consenting to software having a decent bit of control over your machine), and who knows what they will do with that scanned report. Most AV companies are not transparent enough, and some of them will outright tell you that they will sell your scanned data with all the identifiers included (Example of an identifier: Folder names, destinations, cookie folders, etc.). Best to encrypt important files before a scan, although I have on idea if that will change a thing considering the identifiers that they log. For Linux, they have plenty of great open-source options that also happen to have ports for Windows, so install that in your VM. (Check this site for more information: )
I agree with rule of thumb but windows defender is absolutely not fine. It will not detect most viruses but it will quarantine any crack or cheat programs immediately. It won't protect you from any serious threats but it will bother you for something as harmless as crack files. You might as well disable it and don't use any av at all.


New Member
Aug 19, 2019
put file in a .zip/.rar
can't download it, just opens a page in browser and copy+paste the content in a .txt file and name it *.torrent won't work :D
Right click on a file. Save link as.
I see dozen of peers on qBittorent. Problem is on your side.
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New Member
Feb 18, 2023
Both of you do not have enough video RAM.

Mods - can we put a hard requirement in the original post that 8GB vRAM are minimum and bellow that textures will be blurry.

It is stupid to read page after page of complaints about basic hardware limitation, not matching the requirements for UE5 engine (8GB vRAM being minimum, so all nGridia 4GBs wont work well).
This is not the game's problem, but where the entire gaming world is headed, I don't like it, people without the hardware may not like it, but this is life - memory requirements double every 5 years. In old games when you had less video memory you got ugly error. Now you get the game, but its blurry so you go to complain to the dev... No happy middle.
I'm not complaining and you are right about the VRAM.
So new hardware is already on my shopping list. But beeing no highend gamer it is not urgent to spend 2k on a PC for playing one game. (Even in delvelopment status, it is already great.) We all have to live with compromises.
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Aug 2, 2017
really the only thing I want is more outfit overlap on same-set characters. I mean "Maya" has all of her outfits divided between like 8 characters. I'd just like to be able to, at base, use say Serenia's base appearance with some of Tanya's outfits or base Jenny with some of Maya's without having to completely construct a custom preset that looks Identical to each of them for about 5 different characters since skin tones aren't labeled to who they belong to.

The only other thing I really want fixed is this. HighresScreenshot_2023.04.25-11.09.43.png

which I'm surprised nobody has either, A: Noticed or B: Pointed out.
3.80 star(s) 176 Votes