I take it you take suggestions? One thing that would immensely improve the game for role-players, would be the customization options. For instance, to select more body parts (or regions) to colour independently. Examples would be, the tongue, the teeth, the nipples, the nether region and so on. The eyes being different colours, the list goes on and on. Another suggestion, if you do in fact take suggestions (I seem to recall that you once wrote that you take it from anywhere, "because a good idea is a good idea" unless I am totally off in what I remember), would be accessories.
I mean for the furries of the community, this would be something big, I am sure. Such as horns, they come in various shapes and sizes after all. Ram horns and so on and so forth. One thought that came to me was, that there could be some sort of character we design from scratch (almost anyway), where they can put on the accessories of any other character. Because clothes and such seem to be limited to specific characters that you pick to modify (unless I am mistaken?).
I wonder if you considered adding a slider for a certain male part. I suppose I thought of that when I thought back to the Skyrim mod that was called OSex or something along those lines, where you could make any character, act out certain actions. I am mentioning this, in case you say that the size would hinder that somehow, which I am sure it does. I suppose it is a tricky thing for now.
Will it ever be possible to change the height of a character?
Do you ever get inspiration from the Monster Girl Encyclopedia Vol. 1 and 2?
I suppose a new potential futa would be a hyena, what do you think? Not that they actually are in real life (that's just a misunderstanding, but for the sake of those that do like that concept, why enlighten them about boring real world things?)
The Diablo creature, which is a goatman or something, is an interesting concept. Will there ever be a female version of this?
Here is a crazy idea, a giraffe creature. Yes, that sounds wacky, but that long neck, could result in some weird and interesting animations with some equally unique creature with a very long... never mind.
Ever considered a frog girl (not an actual frog obviously) with a very long tongue? Something like Tsuyu Asui from My Hero Academia. The possibilities with that can get quite weird. Considering that the tongue might be long enough to enter one hole and exit another, making it the world's weirdest French-kiss.
What about a see-through character, so you can get an x-ray vision of what's going inside when you insert certain things.
Lastly, could you divulge any future plans you have for the game? Such as for the next big patch for instance? It helps with the waiting period if I hear about something, anything really. Maybe a hint at some new characters or something?
P.S: You don't have to answer to any of this if you don't want to, I am just a curious person. I decided to stop asking questions because they were getting too weird, and I might have scared myself there. You know, shower thoughts and all that.