Brother in Christ are you legitimately trying to argue Wild Life is literally just a gallery with clips of sex? The entire sandbox mode doesn't exist? The content created using sandbox tools doesn't exist? The WIP story mode doesn't exist?
I get people being impatient and tired of waiting, but come on now. If it was just a scene viewer like you're claiming I honesty question the sanity of some people that keep returning to this thread that chooses to follow this game instead of just watching porn somewhere else.
Being disingenuous doesn't make the game progress any faster. If folks are shitting on devs, atleast make it about actual problems with the game currently and not made up bs. It's one thing to not like sandbox, but to try to act like it doesn't exist to make it seem like the game has less content/features overall makes your argument weak, especially when there are people posting user made content using sandbox in this very thread every few days. Hell there's even a community server specifically for sharing sandbox content.
If some of you guys are to the point you have to create issues to justify raging at the game, maybe it's time to take a step back and look at other games for a while.
Sandbox is indeed a Scene Viewer, because 99% of the functionality is in EDIT MODE, that means you're constructing a scene, and when you finish constructing the scene, you VIEW it by exiting edit mode. The entire premise is built around creating a scene, then viewing it; hence, a scene viewer;
Sandbox is indeed still a Scene Viewer.
In order for it to be a sandbox, it needs basic gameplay features. I would list them, but I've done it so many times in the past 3-4 years, and ICCH_HOW just ignores it and instead adds really bizarre niche features; trying to force everyone to code, but you can't code and jack off at the same time, and he doesn't understand that. He never bothers adding basic gameplay features that would appeal to 99% of players who just want to jack off. Adeptus Steve can't even figure out how to create a basic system so the sex animations are not baked into the furniture;
EDIT: Here are the basic gameplay features, this is the core.
WILD LIFE DEVS: if you want to prevent baking furniture into a sex animation, do this:
1. Streamline Character Data Types into one type
[Play Mode]
2. Posses Max; invite Maya and Bol into a party.
3. Universal Pose Menu shows available sex animations based upon the state of the party and the NPC's
- Example, if Max, Maya and Bol are in a party, and they are all standing around, the universal pose menu will show animations based upon their STANDING state,and whether or not an NPC is set to PARTICIPANT or OBSERVER within the party. They already have most of this functionality done with the Add Character data type
- Example, if Max, Maya and Bol are in a party, and you press E on a bed Furniture, it needs to check to see if an NPC in a party is set to PARTICIPANT or OBSERVER, if Max and Maya are PARTICIPANTS, then pressing E on bed furniture will result in max & maya sitting on the bed as a paired animation prelude, then the universal pose menu shows all available compatible sex animations for that bed based on max & maya skeletal pairing. Meanwhile, BOL is set to OBSERVER, so he will stand and watch the action. This sets the stage for rapid partner swapping. If you possess BOL, it will show all available animations based upon his SOLO OBSERVER state, so he can smoke, jack off, dance, whatever. IF you possess Maya, and she's sitting on a bed with Max in a paired animation, it shows all compatible bed sex animations. If you possess BOL again, the universal pose menu shows all animations compatible with BOL being solo. Get it? If ICCH_HOW & Adeptus Steve could take 2 minutes to just read and comprehend this, they'll see it's a very, very efficient, basic gameplay system; based on the design from other porn game products. I'm not just pulling this shit out of my ass, like ICCH_HOW constantly does, my advice is based on hard data.
The above is an example of basic gameplay, if the game was open source, I could add the above features for FREE. I could then perform mouse and key optimization, so you can do things as fast as possible with ONE HAND, so your other hand can play with your dick or vagina, lol.