Here's the best answer and analogy I can come up with.
First, no.
Second, imagine someone building a ship. They have the idea down. It looks great on paper. It impresses a lot of people and those people are excited about sailing on the ship. But the ship's owner keeps tearing down the build and starting over. He adds a mast but then takes it down. He adds a stateroom, but then decides he doesn't like the design. He chooses one propulsion system, but then decides there is something better so he dumps the first system and attempts to install another.
All the while the people originally excited about the new ship are losing interest. They become frustrated and some go elsewhere for a different ship. Others stay but complain and as the complaints grow, the negativity starts to drag the project down. Investors leave and the owner now faces attempting to finish the ship with his own money or scuttling the project in frustration.
In the end, the owner is to blame as he failed to realize no project is perfect and what he learns to do or not to do would be best served for his second boat and the one thereafter.