thezaner name tags need to be looked at, especially the Name Tag for Thea. You have it defined as Zoey.
Also, maybe reduce the brightness of the Quick menu. It is indeed too bright.
Other than a few typos here and there, everything worked quite fine. Some sentences are a bit... "weird", I wouldn't call them wrong, maybe, just they don't flow so well. Nothing major.
There's a small issue, scenes separation, sometimes you insert a fade to black screen for opening a door, others when several days pass, there's simply no separation, we only become aware because Liv has different clothes on.
One thing I detected, at the first conversations with Mom, when Thea is mentioned, Liv says that she hasn't seen her in a long time, so she obviously knows her and of her. When they meet at lunch with Mom, they both act like strangers to each other.
Things are moving, with Zoey, Megan, Thea, now even Laura. If scenes keep getting confusing, with Name Tags mixed up, with no scene separation, and continuity mistakes, it will be very hard to follow the story. So far nothing major, but if not corrected, it will pile up.
Thanks for reading.