
Feb 10, 2018
Ok, i wonder if anyone got the old japanese ssg of this game(cheat file used in SpoilerAL, or the CheatEngine for Japan). I tried acessing the old page with the database of old cheats trying to get the ssg file compatible with v1.10(that should also work with translated version anyway because adress doesn't change with translation though) but all i could get from there were installers or shit. I wonder if anyone still got the ssg file as text and a working one(the max i found as text, was the cheat list for the demo made waaaay before the game was released by japanese as well, or the page where they discussed the data and codes as the ssg was being made. The author has "Redcat" as nickname, one of the modifications with codes from necocan page, or where ssg files were posted).

If people are somewhat confuse on what ssg are, i guess if i mention Kamidori Alchemy Meister cheats using SpoilerAL or Sengoku Rance should refresh memory... there was also one like that for Daibanchou Big Bang Age(game close to impossible to even finish without cheating)...

The last forums with updated SpoilerAL and changes can be found here:
and the oldest database can be found here:
Though page has codes for literally close to all japanese games with simulation or rpg elements...

Ok, i found a way to extract the old database and get the codes, though in this case the guy who made these cheats didn't spread them on files one for each game, but directly added a kinda like database folder, so, it's VERY hard to find the exact ssg file or data just by looking at the list with so many codes avaliable and all game names written in kanji/katakana, so, here's how to get directly to the right file without so much problems... Also note that this game has an included Anti-Cheat(like most Softhouse games) that returns the value to the one before if u instant max or something, thus, some of the red named cheats are used to kill this function so u get to cheat as well.

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And to be done with it, here's SpoilerAL Download:
This is the gentleman patch already applied and with all the ssg files i have within my computer...

Sample of Cheat in Effect after kill the game protections with one of the red written codes
View attachment 1029566
No file. Deleted. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jun 24, 2020
I want to share my playthrough

I start from scratch, and after unlocking the first part time job, I did it once and on the next day go shopping to get poor.
This will trigger other part time jobs open much earlier.

I did watchman. And never train anything until I get that cheetah, a good sword, a charm, and the highest evade clothing
I did study magic occasionally whenever the mana pool got maxed.
Once field labor becomes available, I did that until I got the first level of healing before returning to watchman job
As soon as Trial is open, Celes should be strong enough to win

If the watchman had become too difficult because of those pesky bounties, I did field labor as main job instead until everything is set to challenge the tower of magic
Do tournament staff to increase adventure, adventure job itself is pretty bad for Celes initially
Shopping skills should always be maxed.

Go sword. Go reflex. Go all defense. Go magic defense (this also requires some level of wizarding to become effective)
No spells whatsoever except healing, regeneration and drain essence (earth is from field labor, dark is from watchman)
Constitution is set on 20, Recovery only 1 both HP and MP, The rest of the extra point go to Speed
After all equipment had been bought, I trained on weapon mostly.

In brief, I create a melee mage hunter who had mana drain, had mana shield, and equipped with evade and sword. Too bad she is not blind and weak against other melee fighters........

I always aim for the best equipment money can bought. Since skills from those early furniture is really negligible
I remedied some of Celes weakness fighting human fighters with increasing mana pool (to outlast them with healing) and parry or dodging.

On the third year I lived only for tournaments and towers, having dates with Celes and Ellie, and managed to trouble Viola a bit before losing (at this point I already felt enough since I already unlock adept, and I WANT Viola)

I think this build is very simple and can be used by others. Since very little micromanaging is needed. One only need to know when to heal (which involved setting physical to never and defense magic to priority and vice versa), and who to attack which mostly is set on nearby enemies and watch as Celes mow down dragons and titans or one shot a magician...


Finally win CT with my anti mage Celes... and Viola as wife... Yaaay.

I think after Certification is open, the game is defeated already. Just train everyday at that tower. The stats gain is huge with a mere cost of 500 B...
I never use any recovery picks unless it adds to the story or open up new pics.
Just drain mana, regen, and slash away...

Final stop: Soshiette... Any hints? She is untouchable so far...
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New Member
May 17, 2018
Since this game doesn't have a clear line of progression, I'll detail Some tricks I've learned over the 5 or 6 odd hours of play.

Finishing the first play through gives you the option to carry over stats. The few things that are relevant of the first game is learning the controls, Learning dungeons and skill paths. After that you carry through with 30% of the skill POINTS you ended with. There's not much you can do in the first game.

The second game is about specializing enough to get further, for reference I play a fire/water speed build, but from what i've seen all weapon types are viable along with magic builds. Your goal for this and the third playthrough is progressing through dungeons and tournaments. As others have pointed out dungeons give Huge stats and gold for clears. Tournaments are the same, Giving 7k gold per win and once you do you gets better items in shop and you've made it to adept with a 40% stat retention for your next game. Also you'll be bringing in huge amounts of money during this.

Helpful info ( spoiler):
dudgeon of blessings
Rng Heal points save if you plan on skipping healing or mana
Mini bosses are two dragons, I believe they deal fire/electric or light
Main boss is a rock giant, Magic resist is great here along with stone resist
Heal is Fantastic as you're unlikely to run out of mana with the heal points and they have slow attacks

I beat my first Tournament in my 3rd play through, I went on to beat 4 more and made it to the finals for the serious one.
Enemies are rng and don't get harder.
Heal or some equivalent to keep you healthy and a good mana pool/health pool is needed as you will get grinded down.
Killing them fast is a valid strategy as some opponents can heal.
Save just in case someone gets a lucky combo, it can and will happen.

I'll edit this as I get further.


New Member
Mar 17, 2022
Any recommendations for skill set or items and study or train? Any other games similar to wizards climber?


Active Member
Sep 15, 2019
How to play this game ? all i can do is train
how can i get her out of the chamber?
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Dec 19, 2020
Can someone explain me how to cheat in this game ? I see that people talk about spoilerAl but the link are not available. I am in my 2nd play and that's pretty hard


Oct 11, 2018
Can someone tell me what is the stat "A. Spd"? I think it's for "Attack Speed", what I would like to increase. Aside the "speed" skill, is there another one that helps me? Agility only says that increases movement -_-


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2016
Can someone tell me what is the stat "A. Spd"? I think it's for "Attack Speed", what I would like to increase. Aside the "speed" skill, is there another one that helps me? Agility only says that increases movement -_-
I believe it impacts Activation time? Can't remember the exact details since it's a while since I played.
Basically the Time bar in combat.


Jun 19, 2020
A few questions:
How do you get double rolls on jobs/training?
There are CGs that note the tempature - is this flavor text or does it effect gameplay?


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
Screen resolution: I started working on trying to expanding it to 1440 x 1080.
The problem is the developer hard coded it. There are 33 or so location in the executable that have the 600 by 800 resolution together. The hex of those section are 58 02 00 00 68 20 03. The 00 00 68 is a separator.
None of those actually change the resolution.
There are another about 30 other locations that list 5802 for 600 and 20 03 for 800.
Not all of them have stuff to do with the screen resolution or calculating screen position.
I did a complete swap though to make sure it was possible. The resolution did change but it crashed shortly after.
So now it comes down to narrowing down which ones of the 30 or so need to actually be changed and which do not.
I'm going to see if I can use proximity to the other values to potentially narrow it down and eliminate the one's should not be changed.

I wish to hell the developer had sense to pull the resolution in from a text based file such as a config file or such.
Who knows if I get it working maybe I'll write a program to allow people to change the resolution.
That said not to sure how keen people will be having one program modify another executable. But hey no choice unless the developer chooses to fix this.

Managed to find which one's set the resolution but not the scaling.
The program uses AoiLib.dll. apparently it doesn't like the resolution being set to 1440x1080 and puts up a warning but still changes the resolution.
Just doesn't set the scaling on everything.

The developer must have created dozens of places in the code where he hard coded in 600 and 800 rather than just create a variable and use them.

Usually it doesn't take this much effort to change something like this. Guess I will have to decompile it or disassemble it to get a better fix on it.

update 9/10/2023
It doesn't look like it will be that easy. At this point my time is limited. Maybe, I will come back to it in the future. But from the looks of it the DLL is the issue and was only made to work with the single resolution and full screen.
Honestly, it might be faster just to recreate the game if you can pull the assets from the game.
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Aug 25, 2019
the fucking goos late game towers have god blow, no wonder i sometimes randomly die to them (I think it's the white goos?)


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
Screen Resolution. The default settings on the game stretches the screen to try and fit full screen and leaves a bar at the top cutting off part of the bottom of the screen and distorting the image.
To fix this issue go into AgsEx.ini and change SftwarFS set it to 1.

This will allow the game to be centered in full screen and match the height of the screen. Thus the image won't be distorted by being stretched horizontally and having part of it cut off.


Jan 25, 2023
How to play this game ? all i can do is train
how can i get her out of the chamber?
Uh... you train. Seriously, that's literally the tutorial/prologue.

Can someone tell me what is the stat "A. Spd"? I think it's for "Attack Speed", what I would like to increase. Aside the "speed" skill, is there another one that helps me? Agility only says that increases movement -_-
Tactics from the Adventurer skill tree, and equipment, mostly.

A few questions:
How do you get double rolls on jobs/training?
There are CGs that note the tempature - is this flavor text or does it effect gameplay?
In general, the text description may affect the CG, the chibi and the amount of rolls. But these seem largely cosmetic. They might have some impact, but I don't think it's worth noticing.

the fucking goos late game towers have god blow, no wonder i sometimes randomly die to them (I think it's the white goos?)
Did you try adding evasion related skills? Using defensive skills? The giant goos I faced weren't unbeatable, although I admit I had to set Heal + Regen to secret and she had to cast them non-stop. At one point almost thought I could need that water healing but that was averted. (I did finish the regular Labyrinth in a single go, took 40 minutes, I had forgotten that CTRL drastically accelerates combat, third playthrough on Adept). I also reduced auto-retreat to 10~20%, and at some points she did went from 700 HP to barely over 100 HP, in this case either increase HP or reduce the auto-retreat threshold. I didn't had the heart to try Great Labyrinth without a very high Constitution.

So my tip is making sure auto-retreat is low enough and her HP is high enough. I had a better experience having the healing skills on [Secret] and enabling them right when she was hit (sometimes disabling afterwards, but only when she didn't need Heal and Regen did the trick), but it did took a long time.

Can someone explain me how to cheat in this game ? I see that people talk about spoilerAl but the link are not available. I am in my 2nd play and that's pretty hard
I only managed to win CMT on my third playthrough. My first playthrough was as described on the tutorial and I got Wizard ending for Celes, after losing badly to Viola on CMT finals. On second playthrough I focused on Adventure, and the war was a good opportunity to study magic. Won the Bancaster Tournament, got waived from the qualifiers, and lost to Viola constant healing and summons. Probably could have won her if I had set the AoE skill and static ball summon, I thought, which I did on the third playthrough still in Adept, winning the CMT.
But my third playthrough was focused on getting the "Wife" ending, not optimized grind at all ─ so the great secret to the game is having enough mana capacity, drain essence, and then using the Adventure button. At some point in the middle of the 2nd playthrough and all subsequent ones I could consistently win QMT on the first week, recover mana or do personal assistant role on the second, challenge a tower on the third, recover mana on the fourth, and repeat.
If you can't win QMT, Tournament Staff part-time job is decent as well. Don't be afraid to reserve a whole playthrough just to grind adventures (just like I did on my 2nd playthrough), and the game becomes a breeze.

I think this is the SpoilerAL table for it, but it's not in english and frankly the game isn't difficult once you get the hang of it. I feel trying to cheat will be more effort than just grinding Adventure button using CTRL to accelerate. View attachment WZCLST.ssl.zip
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Aug 25, 2019
Uh... you train. Seriously, that's literally the tutorial/prologue.

Tactics from the Adventurer skill tree, and equipment, mostly.

In general, the text description may affect the CG, the chibi and the amount of rolls. But these seem largely cosmetic. They might have some impact, but I don't think it's worth noticing.

Did you try adding evasion related skills? Using defensive skills? The giant goos I faced weren't unbeatable, although I admit I had to set Heal + Regen to secret and she had to cast them non-stop. At one point almost thought I could need that water healing but that was averted. (I did finish the regular Labyrinth in a single go, took 40 minutes, I had forgotten that CTRL drastically accelerates combat, third playthrough on Adept). I also reduced auto-retreat to 10~20%, and at some points she did went from 700 HP to barely over 100 HP, in this case either increase HP or reduce the auto-retreat threshold. I didn't had the heart to try Great Labyrinth without a very high Constitution.

So my tip is making sure auto-retreat is low enough and her HP is high enough. I had a better experience having the healing skills on [Secret] and enabling them right when she was hit (sometimes disabling afterwards, but only when she didn't need Heal and Regen did the trick), but it did took a long time.

I only managed to win CMT on my third playthrough. My first playthrough was as described on the tutorial and I got Wizard ending for Celes, after losing badly to Viola on CMT finals. On second playthrough I focused on Adventure, and the war was a good opportunity to study magic. Won the Bancaster Tournament, got waived from the qualifiers, and lost to Viola constant healing and summons. Probably could have won her if I had set the AoE skill and static ball summon, I thought, which I did on the third playthrough still in Adept, winning the CMT.
But my third playthrough was focused on getting the "Wife" ending, not optimized grind at all ─ so the great secret to the game is having enough mana capacity, drain essence, and then using the Adventure button. At some point in the middle of the 2nd playthrough and all subsequent ones I could consistently win QMT on the first week, recover mana or do personal assistant role on the second, challenge a tower on the third, recover mana on the fourth, and repeat.
If you can't win QMT, Tournament Staff part-time job is decent as well. Don't be afraid to reserve a whole playthrough just to grind adventures (just like I did on my 2nd playthrough), and the game becomes a breeze.

I think this is the SpoilerAL table for it, but it's not in english and frankly the game isn't difficult once you get the hang of it. I feel trying to cheat will be more effort than just grinding Adventure button using CTRL to accelerate. View attachment 3871501
no i have no (big) complaints about the game, have some 88% stat retention now, i was just remarking that if you didn't ramp cons high enough you would very occasionally get hit (even with high evade) by a random god blow from a white goo which is funny (and Fun-ny). It usually doesn't kill you in late game unless you're being excessively reckless.
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New Member
Jun 5, 2022
Any more games like these? The concept of min-maxing development of a character with a time limit, just hits my brain different.
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