Hi people. I already posted a question - previous page, but no1 replied. So, I hope to get an answer by posting again. " Can someone help me - I think I noticed 2 bugs in game and I want to know do they affect game in some way - except visually. I noticed 2 things in this game version (downloaded game from this site) - 1st: my attack speed on Status screen is always locked on 0 - except when I equip Cheetah Necklace - than it increases. Is that just a bug - game not showing data correctly? 2nd: In room, Celes never has animation of sleeping. She walks around, sings, studies... there is also a sword practice animation - but she never goes to bed to sleep. I noticed (so far) those 2 things missing/being different from JAP version of game (after watching video of speed run from this forum). "