VN - Ren'Py - WVM [S2 Ch. 1 Ep. 13 B3] [Braindrop]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    In all honesty, this is simply a wonderful game. You can see just how much the dev put his heart, sweat, and tears into it. I frankly do not understand some reviews, some give abysmal ratings because it is not a game true to the sport of basketball...obviously no one will ever be happy but this is destined to be in the top 10 games on this site. It is an optional harem with a kind MC, plenty of quality action, surprisingly nuanced characters given the sheer volume introduced already, and the dev really cares about the game and us, the opinionated, arm chair porn critics that we are.

    So in all: excellent variety of hot women in many ages, sizes, and ethnicities (as they are increasingly expanding), a lot of strong h content, decent options based on taste, excellent handling of difficult issues (transgender), and an admirable MC.

    The main cons I can see is mostly that the dev has become very stressed by this games quick rise to fame. He needs to take care of himself, so understandably there will probably be slower updates for awhile. Beyond this, the MC is a little too perfect. It would be nice to see him fail or have an obvious shortcoming so he doesn't fall into the trap of being a perfect harem king/God. Also, while the variety of women is great I am afraid thereally is a bit of a rush. I love the characters and their relationships. I do personally like to see a little bit of a slow down to the harem building before we get whiplash.

    So seriously, I cannot recommend this game enough. It is wonderful and has enormous potential. This is already in my personal top five, and I look forward to any update, whenever that might be.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I liked the idea of the star athlete recruited to a college, and the possible storylines that could come from that (GF or BF, rivalries, classes, and of course basketball). But I wasn't so keen of the way the story stifled these by including the duck-faced girlfriend, mother, best friend, and girlfriends sister all attending the same college, sleeping on the floor of an RV driven by your future team mate. And why would a star athlete go to a school that had a team that had a winless season? Also, given not 1, but 2 houses? The stud storyline seemed unnecessary to me, as did the evil nephews plan. MC is a God/Gary Stu and girls drop their panties for him after 1 or 2 lines of dialogue? As far as the renders go, a few of them looked okay, but what is with the huge boobs on some of the college girls, and the MC's package, and associated stamina? Too many things crammed into a day as well, and all I wanted to do was play basketball with my bro Damian. The trans option for Shauna was a nice touch. The scene waking up in the basement was wth? The MC has no freedom as he has to meet everyone when he should be training. He was barely in class and I don't think he ever go to finish a training session due to be called to chat to a girl or run to see Charles for a pointless discussion. I'm just a bit sad as it could have been so much more. Thank you to the developer for the chance to preview your game.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This review is for WVM 0.7.6. It's difficult to even begin my thoughts on this visual novel/game because it is both massive and not yet finished. What I can say without a doubt; is that I can absolutely not wait for the next update of this game and plan to look into anything else made by its maker as soon as I finish typing this up.

    So, let's get started.


    1. The characters. Wow. I have completely lost count of how many different characters I have been introduced to at this point and how many of them have exceptional personalities and back stories. Some of them are so-so, but those are mostly small part characters so far.

    The characters look amazing. Rachael is gorgeous, although her boobs are about twice the size they should be. The best friend is beautiful. Some of them look more plain and lots of them have blemishes. I appreciate that because people come in all shapes and sizes. Kudos to the creators of this game for being so diverse in the appearances of their characters.

    In regards to the best friend, you have the option to make her transgendered or female. I chose female, but I believe some aspects of her story line would have made more sense in the transgendered aspect. I was more interested in the main character getting with her and don't have trans interests so I didn't go back to change it.

    2. The plots. This story has several plot lines. I'm not sure if you miss some by not choosing to pursue some avenues and relationships. Personally, I accepted sex every time is was offered and only opted out of looking into a relationship with Stacey. This was mostly because she caught me as a less sexy version of Jessy from Big City's Pleasures who would not have been attractive to me if she didn't go out of her way to be sexual.

    3. The sex. Tons of it. Tons. Man, you can score with so many of the characters in this game; it is unbelievable. Hell, I might have missed a chance or two with decisions but still hooked up countless times. The encounters definitely put some variety into it as well, making it easy to look forward to each new encounter. I counted at least 15 women I hope are possible sexual encounters in upcoming episodes and several more that I hope return a few more times.

    4. The remaining graphics are great for the most part. A few areas felt a bit rushed like the bedroom that just had a mattress on the floor, but other areas were nicely done and fit in well with the story.


    1. Boobs. Not all of them, but some look like models from the late eighties/early nineties ridiculous boob job magazine models. I get that some of the older ladies might have done that, but at least one of the teen characters had an unbelievable set. Again, this is a small thing to complain about in this game as the realism is there on nearly everything else.

    2. The main character's dick appeared to be several different sizes within the game. I'm not sure if it was just me, but it looked like his cock was 10" at some points and about 19" other times. I have no real issue with pornstar dicks being portrayed in games, but let's not think we need to make John Holmes blush. Again, this was not a big deal (pun intended) in the scope of the game.


    This is a great game so far. A huge amount of time and love has been put into this project and it shows!

    Although this game might not feed into a lot of fetishes, I think we might see some more in upcoming episodes if I am reading into this correctly. Either way, it has my attention and I definitely want more.

    Give this one a chance. I doubt you will be disappointed.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Great VN, a few good branches that change the story based on choices, though mainly about the story. Dev keeps impressing with release schedule and content, really cannot wait for new updates. I can't recommend this game enough, especially from a new developer. One to keep an eye on.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Had to make an account just to warn any basketball fans to just stay away jesus what a mess

    The basketball is nothing but a horribly used backdrop to the fantasy that is the player's life and what a FANTASY come on dragons and aliens would be more realistic the damn guy can turn almost any woman into his harem girl with a 5min chat and all the rest after a second 5min chat wish I ciuld do that

    The women need more attention than all the puppies in the world combined none of my dogs or exes ever needed that much attention

    Sex in it was pretty good atleast it was a reason to play until the stuff you thought you could avoid at the start becomes unavoidable later on so if your preference is to avoid then again don't bother with the game as it is forced on you later.

    Huge waste of my time just wanted sex and basketball was that too much ti ask
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    So far it's been great, I look forward to the continuation of the story and hope to see some of the other characters have some more screen time Harp and Bailey are my two favorite females and I really wanna know what gonna happen with them next
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Having finished the latest update so far (0.7.6), I finally decided to post my thoughts about this game: it's easily one of the best games I've played, and I found it by complete coincidence!

    The Good:
    - The game is very much story-oriented and I love it, so that being said it's a great story so far. I really like the direction in which it is going, and I can't wait to see how it all develops from here.
    - All characters are very well done, they all look amazing.
    - The sex scenes are hot.
    - Perhaps the best thing about this game: it receives regular updates by the dev, and with each new update the game only gets better.

    The "Not-so-good":
    - MC can sometimes seem a bit too good, like he really can't do anything wrong. It is part of his personality to strive to help those in need (or who he feels are in need of help), but in some situations it can be and is a bit overdone.

    Overall, my verdict would be 4.5/5, definitely a must play for anyone who is a fan of well written porn games with some hot sex scenes!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    As there have been a lot of negative ratings, I thought to myself: Let's throw in my two cents.

    So I have been lurking in this thread ever since the beginning, with trying to make a joke here and there (sometimes succeeding). Ever since I played this game I loved it, it's a great story! Harem games are one of my favorites and, as stated in your interview, I also like to make people happy.

    This is one of the few games I don't play just for a quick fap, but really take the time to read every screen. The characters, male or female, are all written as if they are real.

    I really do give it 5 stars, but do have two little bits of criticism:
    1) Everyone just falls in love with MC (am I really complaining about this?)
    2) It feels really fast, for someone who's been there just under a week. Like the set-up is really rushed.

    All in all, it is an amazing game, love it.
    And as a pirate I would like to say this: "As soon as I find me loot, ye'll get payed. Arrr"
  9. N
    2.00 star(s)


    Perhaps a couple models are good looking but overall, the game is very poorly imagined.
    If you get a kick out of being Mr. Perfect all the time or if you'd like to imagine that women are only here to please you then this one is for you but other than that it is just a depraved game from a depraved mind.
    Besides, having to endure the forced polygamy, the boring text, the character of Shauna (maybe the worst character there is next to the girlfriend) , a lack of basketball (aka the backbone of the game) and the fact that so much is thrown at you that you forget and can't remember almost everything and everyone: a day in this game must be more than 24 hours given the amount of things (intercourse mainly) you get to do on the daily; you get this very poor game.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is simply awful. The renders are hyper zoomed in with extreme close ups in all conversations and add to that half the girls appear cross-eyed. Most of the renders are layers on top of backround images which makes them pop out (no shadows) detached and outscaled from the environment.
    The plot is essentially a sex romp and all of the characters only exist to please the MC. I'm only writing this review to counterweigh the glowing 4+ star rating, because I litterally got nothing out of playing this game. Its one of the worst games I've played in a while
  11. L
    5.00 star(s)


    This game already has plenty of reviews but as a player who has played since the first few updates, i feel it's finally time to give my opinion. I'll start with a few pros and cons.

    - There are so many characters with their own unique features.
    - Theres a lot of content already and theres also a good amount of lewd scenes considering this game is fairly new.
    - The story is very well written and doesn't feel forced and is completely different to anything else you will find on this website.
    - You can make choices and reject any girl that you aren't a fan of (except for a few but who would reject Jaime and Shauna xD)
    - Braindrop, (The Dev) puts out updates weekly and always keeps the fans up to date with his progress. Without a doubt one of the best developers around.

    - In my opinion, there are literally no cons at all to this game.

    Overall, I think this game is a masterpiece and theres no reason at all to why you wouldn't enjoy it, Give it a try.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    WVM [Day 1-7 v0.7.6] [Braindrop]

    As a gamer who has invested a fair amount of time into "WVM" by Braindrop, I can't help but feel incredibly disappointed with the overall experience. This game falls well short of the expectations I had going in, and I'm left with a sense of frustration and regret for the hours I've spent on it.

    First and foremost, the story in "WVM" is an absolute mess. It's as if the developers took every cliché and dramatic trope they could find and threw them together haphazardly. The result is a narrative that lacks coherence, is filled with melodrama, and often feels like a parody of itself. I found myself constantly rolling my eyes at the over-the-top and cringe-worthy plot twists.

    The protagonist, supposedly the "main character," is insufferable. His seemingly superhuman ability to attract emotional baggage from every character in the game is beyond annoying. His exaggerated compassion and unwavering desire to solve everyone's problems come off as unrealistic and make him difficult to relate to. I couldn't find a single reason to like or connect with this character, which made the game even more frustrating to play.

    The supporting characters don't fare any better. They come across as one-dimensional cardboard cutouts with no depth or purpose other than to stroke the main character's ego and advance the poorly constructed plot. The dialogue exchanges between them are cringe-inducing, making me want to escape from the game whenever possible.

    The worldbuilding is a train wreck. Male characters are virtually nonexistent and are reduced to blatant antagonists with no real substance. The promised basketball element, which could have added some coherence to the story, never materializes, leaving players bewildered and confused.

    The pacing of the game is a nightmare. Frequent phrases like "15 minutes later" and "35 minutes later" are inserted into the dialogue without explanation, making it impossible to keep track of time or understand the main character's bizarre, seemingly sleepless existence. Days pass with no logical progression, leaving me scratching my head.

    The main character's progression is utterly implausible. Within a week, he accumulates a harem, fathers multiple children, and embarks on numerous adventures that defy belief. It's a bewildering and unrealistic progression that further disconnects players from the game's already disjointed narrative.

    The various plotlines in "WVM" feel like they were taken from entirely different games and forced together without any thought to cohesion. Transitions between them are abrupt and disjointed, leaving players unsatisfied and confused.

    In conclusion, "WVM" is a game that promised an engaging experience but delivered a frustrating and disappointing mess. I cannot, in good conscience, recommend it to anyone. It left me questioning my choice to play it and serves as a reminder of the importance of well-crafted storytelling and character development in gaming. Two out of five stars, and that's being generous.
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  13. 2.00 star(s)


    There are Tone of girls and lewd scens, but that's all. They're not attractive. Can't understand main heroin. Bad story and poor animation quality. Some girls make squizface at lewd scene and Angle of animations is so bad.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Aww man... This game...
    One moment it's "sooo guud" and a second later the cringe is real...
    Some lines are the best I've ever read, others are so beyond stupid that even Billy Madison awards you no points...
    Some of the charakters are the best I've ever seen, others look like straight out of a cartoon...
    I neither like the harem genre nor the "money from thin air" trope, yet here it works...

    Despite all this, I played it yesterday for the first time...and I binged it... I'm a non native english speaker and I read very slow, so it took me what, 6 - 7 hours...

    So yeah, here take my upvote and hurry up the next update...
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Truly a great game and so far an amazing story. I love what you're doing Braindrop even though im still not a fan of your recent character facelift. That put to the side though and everything is great.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games out there! Story is fantastic, lots of beautiful girls! Almost impossible to have a favorite. Also STORY IS FANTASTIC! The creator really outdoes himself with this one! Can't get enough! Recommend to everyone!
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Great renders, great pace, reasonable storytelling. I think the choice in this game should have more consequences but, this doesnt make the game as good as it is. I'm really eager for the outcoming works from Braindrop
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Uncle Loco

    Revised review. This through the release release.

    Adult VN’s come in all sorts and sizes, some lay on the lewd content heavy some hardly give you any others hit us hard with a story that pulls us in and yet others find a way to get by without much of a story at all. Games like WVM are unique as a lot of the player base are sucked into the story and characters, where they sometimes forget they’re playing a lewd game until then next great sex scene appears. Yet others will look at this game as very text heavy and want to skip until the next lewd scene.

    The story behind WVM is pretty simple but takes on some surprising twists and turns along the way. We follow the main character Ethan Moncree (name can be changed) on his journey of being the top recruit into the college basketball scene. The MC puts his friends and family first at all times, especially his adoptive mother who he brings with him to college. Now he could go to any school he wanted with a full scholarship but chose to make sure his girlfriend Jamie and best friend Shauna could also get into the school of his choice. Unfortunately, due to some issues with Shauna he needs to choose one of the worst schools in the country to go to. A school that did not win a single game last season. The world of college basketball was shocked at his decision and now WVM is on the map. Can Ethan bring the school out of their losing ways or will his talent be wasted going to a school that could not win a single game last season?

    Now before you turn away form this great story thinking basketball is not something I am interested in I encourage you to give it a try. I turned down this game so many times in the past thinking that exact same thought, I don’t care much for basketball so why bother a game focused on it. Well the thing is this is a lewd Visual Novel first and basketball is just a background story. While it may seem like basketball should be the primary focus the team has yet to play a single game as of the last update. The focus is on the life story of Ethan and him reconnecting to his strange past, as well as how he puts everyone else ahead of himself. You see this very early on when you find out his decision to go to WVM is based on his girlfriend and best friend. He reminds people throughout the game his focus is on getting drafted to the NBA and taking care of his family which consists of his adoptive mother Azel, his girlfriend Jamie and his best friend Shauna, but that family will continue to grow over time.

    The story is very linear but you will get a lot of choices, most of those choices are pretty straight forward as to pursue a character or pass on them. Some choices will only appear if you decide to cheat on your girlfriend or stay faithful to her. This is a harem game and the player will have the choice to add the characters they want to with the only two exceptions of Jamie or Shauna as there is no way to avoid them in this game. The MC does come in and fix almost everyone’s issues within a single conversation which many turn out to be lewd encounters afterwards. At times the content can be very predictable, but there are a lot of surprises and unexpected twists along the way as well. If this does not sound like something you would be interested in stop right here and move onto another game.

    The developer decided to take a unique approach to kissing in this game. At first I hated the way the kissing face looks in the game, but it grew on me and now I like it. Some players refer to this as a duck face, but I look at as an artistic way to make the player feel they themselves are being kissed by the girls. This is not something for everyone but I do enjoy it. Speaking of kissing there is a lot of kissing between the MC and his actual family members, but it will not go past that in the game as the developer has taken a hard stance on not adding incest content to the game. This can be a turn off if one of your favorite characters is the Adoptive mother, biological mother or biological sister. With over 50 other characters to pursue this should not be an issue for most people.

    One of the unique things about WVM is how well the story is with Transgender Females and Transgender Males, two things that are not always handled well games. The transgender female content as of the last update is all optional and is linked directly to Shauna’s gender choice at the beginning of the game. At first this was something I was very hesitant on but after learning more about the transgender community I decided to give it a try. I was pleasantly surprised as how much better the story is with Shauna as a transgender female. Yes, I understand the transgender content is not for everyone, but it can be avoided for now with the two known transgender female characters. There is also a transgender male character something I have not seen in any other game before. All three of these characters are handled tastefully and they have well written stories.

    As for other character’s in the game there are so many characters it is very easy to forget who they are at times unless you are a super fan like myself. As of the last update there are over 60 characters in the game. While most of them will be able to have the option to engage in lewd content at some point in the game there are a few that will be off limits due to the stance on no incest or gay content. Now I will go further into the gay content as this has been controversial in this game and many of the teammates on the WVM basketball team are in fact gay. It has been indicated that the transgender male character on the basketball team, will become optional at some point in time according to the developer. Which in some people’s minds go against the no gay content rule and others view this character as a female even though they identify as a male. I see how this can be confusing at times with people not understanding the transgender community, trust me when you see said character later in the game you too will look forward to content with them.

    Outside of the few unique transgender characters there is plenty of adult type of content that will appeal to almost everyone in this game. The female characters come in all shapes and sizes so it will be hard to not find a model you are interested in. With a cast so big some characters are put off to the side at times or they will have little to no content. This is one of the major downsides to a game like this. You have around 50 female characters and there is only so much time in a day to get to them all.

    There is also a unique twist to the game that will allow the MC himself to be a prostitute of sorts working for a very interesting character who is trying to make some high paying clients dreams come true of having a baby. This is an optional side job but it is highly recommended to take on when you get the option. Without taking that side job some of the characters that show up throughout the game may not make sense even though the story make indicate that you actually know them. There are some typical antagonist characters in the game and the MC interactions with them can be interesting at times. There is some violence in this game so be prepare for it when it appears but overall the story is pretty violence free other than a few well placed interactions.

    A fair warning that the quality of the renders and animations improve greatly over time when you compare day 1 to day 8 or later. There is some re-work planned for the game to improve some of the inconsistencies like the MC genital size from the first few days of the game, along with the changes to a few character models or hairstyles. Overall this is a solid game with a strong story line. If you are looking for something realistic, this like all harem games is not for you. However I encourage you to take a chance on a gem of a game like this one, as you too can be pleasantly surprised at how well this game really is.

    Random thoughts from a Madman: Over all I absolutely love WVM. The main characters are good with a strong story. At times I get totally lost in the story emotionally like the big reveal of the MC sister. This game sparks my theory-crafting side which is something I love to do on message boards for this game. There are some really great sex scenes in this game depending on who you decide to add to your Harem some of my favorites are Katie in the Party room on day 6, Jamie in the pool locker room on day 3, and the pole sceen with Zoe on Day 7. There are so many great girls in the game like Jamie, Shauna, Bailey and Willow, but my favorite by far is Stacy the cute redhead who saves the MC on Day 3. This story is going to be devolved for many years to come as the developer has indicate another 3-5 years before he can finish his story. With so much more content to come I can not wait to see what is in store next for our MC.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't think I've played a game thus far that's been so well done in regards to the MC, you're a perfect boy, but it doesn't come off as "Ugh MC can do no wrong" you're just a good dude.

    Props to the trans rep in this game as well, it feels natural and i love seeing it.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Unexpected Error

    I love it! Very good story, beautiful renders, some goofy faces you will love realy fast, choices that mather and some plot twists you can´t realy see comeing. Good work, keep being awesome, can´t wait for the update! <3

    This game is one of the top 10 I played so far. (And I played a lot of them.)