VN - Ren'Py - WVM [S2 Ch. 1 Ep. 13 B3] [Braindrop]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is just amazing a great harem game just enough drama to get by and actually have a story really quite hot scenes and REALLY lovable girls (especially bailey) if i had only one critique is that time seems to go quite slowly in wvm a single day can feel like what would normally be a week or a month in many other games but that just means it jam packed full of content so no real complaints from me
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    an awesome game with good sex and story parts everything feel well balanced at least for my taste and i just love that game. characters are really well tought and designed. the story is really good with mysteries, fun and tense parts. and as i said the sex parts are good too.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Day 1-7 v0.7.6

    History: ✭ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰
    Gameplay: ✭ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰
    Graphic: ✭ ✭ ✰ ✰ ✰
    Sex Content: ✭ ✭ ✰ ✰ ✰
    Creativity: ✭ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰

    I can't say if this game is overrated because of the high ratings, the start of this game seemed a little good but after the story was developed it seemed to me that the developer lost control. I played for about 2 hours skipping all the dialogues, but if I followed the dialogues it would probably take longer, it also depends on each person who has an english level, of course.
    It is a strange game, because the decisions do not make sense, the choices have no impact and even if you refuse a girl in the beginning you will have a commitment to her in the future. Some you can refuse and some you can't.
    The story of this game is terrible, the scenario of this game doesn’t match the environment and also the developer put a lot of female characters so that the MC can interact with them, from girls of the age of MC to older women. I think the author completely lost his focus and control when he was writing the script for his story and had no imagination when creating his renderings, as if he did everything quickly and anyway. Some renderings of the girls are good but I realize that they are something to disguise the quality that the game has, creating beautiful and hot models are normal, with hips and round asses, with large and simple breasts without exaggeration, but that does not hide the flaw that the game has.
    There comes a time in the game that you want to give up, because there is a lot of hoopla in the dialogues that will make you sleepy if you go with them, the sex and animation scenes are good but not enough for you to say that it was worth it for the lost time.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is pretty awesome.
    Yes, every girl the MC gets around fall him around his neck, it's basically a harem simulator, but the renders are really nice, the story is pretty good and you have to go through some storymode to get to the next sexscene.

    This game has a lot of gametime and it will ruin you a bit, when you try other games, because it really has a lot to offer.

    I usually don't give 5 stars and if I could, I might have given it 4,5, but comparing this game to the top 10 best rated games on this site, then this definately earns a spot in between them
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    When I play an erotic game, I like to see pretty girls and this game doesn't have that. There are 1 or 2 hot girls, a few OK ones and the rest are just ugly.

    The girlfriend looks like a psycho with her enormous eyes and we have to see her very often. It's a mood killer for me.

    And I didn't care for the story even if I stopped the game early. The MC is a basketball superstar and he goes to a team that doesn't win any game? Seriously? I'll pass.
  6. 1.00 star(s)

    Raptus Puellae

    This game is not bad... and terrible doesn't do it justice, but this game ie just meh....
    fuckfests are nice, but this one.... every girl exists solely to swoon over the MC (he's the best at everything and everyone around him is the best) and have him solve her immagnary problem that in the majority of cases, she could solve herself....

    This game has seen many updates, and changelogs yet the story hasn't amounted to much, and it's only getting more ridiculous... a princess hidden in the basement, a sister that totally doesn't look like the one in the flashbacks and a dumb name change, are enough, but I wouldn't be surprised if a dying alien race sent their females to be bred by the MC...

    poses and faccial expressions aren't the best despite what the main character might say...

    dialogues are saccarine ridden, with MC alwayst thinking about others, and selflessly putting others's happiness as his priority.... so don't be surrised if you end up with diabetes....

    said, all that I'll admit, this game is good to pass some lazy hours, but it's not something you'd want to retun to once it's done.
  7. 1.00 star(s)

    Interracial UglyB NTR Fan

    most over hyped game on the site

    this game is a loser fantasy, all characters exist to please the MC, he is a nice guy and therefore every woman is in love with him

    the female characters have zero personality, emotion, wants or story they are just props to mindlessly spread their legs within the first 5 minutes of being introduced to the mc

    in just the first 10 releases of the game you are met with over 20 girls, none of whom you'll remember the names of, all of which are so enamored by the mc being a pretty nice guy that they cant help but fuck him (seriously)

    the game is a pointless romp with the story equivalent of a housewife lacking the means to pay the pizza boy or plumber
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    If I could give this 4.5 stars, I would. WVM has an interesting story, which is a rarity in this genre. The girls are attractive and varied, with the inclusion of what has to be the most trans-friendly content available in a more "mainstream" game. The animations are fairly good (not just the same old loops you've seen in every other game, though usually variations on them), if sparse. The sex scenarios tend to be pretty hot as well (no jerking off on family members in the night or other awful things).

    The girls do tend to have a strange "duck face" at all times, which veers into uncanny for the main girls. The content is overall strong, but the last few updates have been more banal with the inclusion of a confusing array of girls who have nearly no flesh to their storylines. Things can definitely rally and return to high quality, but that remains to be seen as of this review.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Cannot get enough of this game. Thank you Braindrop for this exceptional story. Character developement is almost realistic...if a tad sped up. And of course the renders are top notch fap material. Well balanced and highly appreciated.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Outstanding game: incredible art, writing, and characters, with smooth and grind-free gameplay. The characters are likeable and it's the most "realistic," relatively speaking, harem game I've seen yet. Perhaps the best game on this entire website. Zoe is amazing.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Good story, great characters with unique looks, which is pretty rare in VNs. Already a lot of good content and regular updates. It's kind of a "feel-good-game", cause there is not much drama and everyone seems to be happy with nearly every choice you make. Would definitely recommend.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    * beautiful renderings
    * facial expressions can be somewhat silly sometimes
    * good humor
    * character development is good and can be improved
    * story is not really believable, but it's a porn game, so what? ;)
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    As I said in a previous post, I really like this game, especially for the respect and caring between MC and other characters, and unlike other adult games it contains no rape, insulting, humiliation and the like. Also, the render quality is astounding, much better than most games around.
    Great job Braindrop, just carry on along this line and do not worry or feel any pressure to rush in the release of the updates. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    One of the most overrated if not the top overrated VN in F95. This game is basically a Beta man wet dream of what an Alpha man is like. Absolute trite writing. There is no tension, conflict, theme or build up of any kind. The MC has demigod powers that put Yahweh, Christ and Allah to shame being able to attract all girls everywhere whom all flock to him the moment they smell a whiff of him, like dogs to their master.

    The girls in this VN have no life, desires or ambitious of their own and all their dreams revolve around pleasing the MC, all of them accept being toys on the side and are more than willing to go out of their way to procure more women the MC can play with and all of them are very fine with that. This is basically what a fucking neckbeard basement dweller thinks about how women behave.

    There is no conflict or theme, the MC is able to attract women just because of his sheer existence. A game for the lowest common denominator. Even the sex renders themselves are not good, as they lack passion and feel robotic and awkward. All the girls introduced start to overlap and you will forget who is who, as they all exist for the MC to fuck. Really a beta man power fantasy ( and not even a good power fantasy as the MC is plagued with the typical "Nice guy" M'lady syndrome that plagues this sort of Harem games).
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewing v0.7.3, very minor spoilers, TLDR at the end.

    Probably the only erotic game/visual novel I've ever seen that actually somewhat played to my progressive sensibilities.

    Now I don't want to enrage any people here, politics are not part of this space, but they do play into how much you enjoy something. I definitely am able to suspend my political beliefs to just enjoy some awesome storytelling and great visuals, but all too often, most of these games are just too icky, too sleazy and frankly just too sexist and too male-gazey for my taste (even though, I too, am a cis guy who likes women) and I can maybe ignore these things to enjoy other good aspects of the game but they'll always annoy me in the back of my head.

    Progressive issues, LGBT, polyamory
    This VN right here is probably the best one I've ever seen on handling gay and trans people in a very believable and human way which is just awesome to me, not to mention that the inevitable polyamory of most of these games is actually handled realistically here. I'm curious to see how additional (sexual) relationships'll play out in future releases but so far, the dev has handled it gracefully.
    All the women and the MC are forward and open about what they want, how they would imagine a polyamorous relationship to work and how they feel about the situation at any given point. They also seek constant reassurance from each other. For some people, this might be a little too lovey-dovey with the whole constant feeling-sharing and all but it's honestly the only way where you can make this sort of harem game somewhat realistic because you would need that openness in RL to make that sort of relationship happen. Definitely more realistic than all the games out there where you just inexplicably have a harem, none of the girls seem to know or find out about each other, and it's all very clearly fantasy. So even though it might seem unlikely that all of the people would be okay with this relationship, it's better and more realistic than the alternative, having a polyamorous relationship with seemingly monogamous people.

    Now for some more standard notes, this is a visual novel where the player has very little influence on the course of the story other than oftentimes simply wholly rejecting a certain person and sexual relations with them (but my guess is that almost no-one chooses to not have these relations, because then why are you playing a game like this?) but I personally don't see that as a negative. I am sometimes overwhelmed when you have too many possible routes and outcomes because of the chance of missing certain scenes (looking at you, BAD), so I really like the streamlined format.
    I also love the frequency of the sex scenes, starting very early and continuing throughout at regular intervals. There is more to the story than sex, but it is definitely the main part of the game, but I guess that's why you would play something like this.

    Other than that, IMO, the visuals are great. There's maybe a certain lack of dynamic animation, although it generally is present in sex scenes, but all in all, compared to most other VNs, there are many many more still images relating to pieces of dialogue so that it doesn't feel as slow or standstill as so many other VNs out there and it really doesn't feel like you're just reading stuff, there's lots and lots of pictures accompanying the story.
    The rendering all in all is also superb, I'm really in love with the skin and eye details in this one even though some of the facial expressions might feel somewhat repetitive in their idiosyncrasy. The dick of the MC is great, not too small, not too unrealistically enormous (at least in latter builds, in the first few sex scenes the MC has a true horsedick), and the women have varied, but (mostly) realistic body types (there are a few with ridiculously enormous tits, but hey, that's all part of the fun).

    Possibly the only real criticism I have is that, IMO, the pacing is a little bit off. The events should probably be spread out over a bigger period of time because it feels like the relationships between characters are moving too fast comparing to the timeline (even though not necessarily in relation to the time of gameplay), characters moving from friendship to sexual relationship to boyfriend/girlfriend in the span of three days or so, while at the same time, the days feel way too stuffed with story, it being somewhat unimaginable that one person experiences so much on a single day.
    But you could really just choose to ignore the passage of days and then the pacing would be just fine.

    Edit: Main Character
    EDIT: Just a bit more that came to my mind after I'd already published the rest of my review and this is mostly in relation to the MC.
    So first of all, like I already hinted before, I really like the MC physically; he's tall and muscled which I like for two reasons, firstly because I'm bi and simply like a good-looking guy, but more importantly because I feel that too often, the MC'll look just weirdly feminine and underdeveloped, lacking all muscles and body hair, I really dislike that, I want my guys to look like guys and this game certainly delivers on that.
    But secondly, I also dislike the MC for two reasons. Firstly, it's just that I'm not a big fan on the only-POV perspective, never seeing the MC's face. I know that it's done to feel more relatable, any person being able to project their face on the protagonist, but idk, that still never really happens for me when I play one of these games so I just like for them to just have a face; that allows for more camera angles, especially in sex scenes, where it's actually difficult to show a lot while also not showing one of the people's faces and it just gives the MC more personality IMO.
    Which brings me to the second reason I dislike the MC, he's just a bit too perfect. Now that is true for many VNs out there and I get it, there has to be a reason for literally every girl encountered to be attracted to him, but still, this MC seems to actually reverberate some sort of supernatural magnetism, many women in the story describing the effect of how he just magically, by interacting with their lives, makes said lives better and, you know, he's okay, he's nice and all, and like other commenters said before, it's nice that he's not a sleazeball, but he's still only a person and many of the women just seem unnaturally attracted to him, beyond their normal inhibitions. Again, a sort of criticism that most VNs hold true, but I feel like because of the quality of this game, this aspect comes under closer scrutiny for me.

    Edit: Response to other criticism
    Other commenters have criticized some more things which I wanted to adress. Firstly, the lack of ambitions of the female characters beyond having sex with the MC. So I don't think that's true at all. You could make that argument for the MC's main girlfriend and his adoptive mother but all of the others have very much storylines and issues and ambitions of their own; now it's true that many of their problems seem maybe a bit too easily solved or helped by the MC, but hey, he's the MC for a reason.
    Secondly, the fact that there is no real tension or conflict in this story. That's somewhat true, although there definitely is a larger conflict spanning the story. The reason why it might not feel that way is because it's not a huge part of the game, most of it is about the sex and relationships with the women, but hey, isn't that why we're here? And maybe it also doesn't feel like real conflict because you, as a player, don't really have an impact on the story, so you can't influence or help solve the conflict, but that's just the nature of the format, and like I said previously I don't have a problem with that.
    Thirdly, that the dialogue seems off and weird. I honestly don't know where that is coming from, apart from the fact that women are maybe a bit too instantly attracted to the MC (which I've already criticized and which of course reflects in their dialogue), the writing of the dialogue itself seems way superior to most of these games I've ever played, actually somewhat realistic and genuine.
    There have also weirdly been some criticisms of the graphics of the game, which... I don't know which other games y'all been playing, apart from a few very exceptional ones (like the ones by NLT Media, Faerin or Lewdlab), this VN is very much in the upper tier.

    So still very happy to give it 5 stars for all of the other reasons, the game doesn't have no flaws at all, but 5 stars doesn't necessarily mean flawless, in this rating systems it just means excellent. Otherwise I would maybe give it 4.5 stars.

    So all in all, TLDR, incredibly awesome VN, great rendering, great characters and storylines, realistic depictions of polyamory, open relationships and gay and trans people, good dialogue, large amount of content. One of the best VNs out there, would definitely recommend!!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Am really enjoying it, wish there it was possible to get more per update but I can only imagine how hard it is to make a game, thank you for all you do and I hope you will continue this product until completion.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Once this was not a too bad AVN, a bit generic but the renders and the weekly updates made up for it. The story was ok but as it went along it got crazier.

    Now things are worse, the developer consistently lies about when he's going to update the game and the story becomes weird. If WVM is a run down college why are all these rich people appearing?

    The developer has re-worked the game adding in characters that the mc suddenly knows and who all look the same. Some character are just called a colour. It's a shame what it has become and I recommend not playing it.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This gonna be a long and confusing review, wherein I rate this game a deserved 5/5, gush over its many virtues and then explain why I won't ever play it (or any future releases/complete versions) again.
    Haha, yeah it's a bit of mess.

    So I have two purposes for this review. The first is just to add to the chorus of voices extolling the virtues of this game, so if you're in need of more of that when making up whether to give this game a try, then read the first bit.
    The second is hopefully provide a favour in advance for anyone who happens to be like me and is trying to decide if this game is worth a try. By "someone like me" I mean the kind of person who likes to play these kinds of games because you like connecting with characters, sharing their experiences as they go through the story, but tend to find the bad shit that happens more emotionally draining than the good shit is rewarding, and/or you tend to get overly, irrationally* anxious or worried about what bad shit might happen to the characters you like. So if you're that kind of person and want to know what someone who might be kinda like you thinks of this game, then you might want to read the second part (or both, haha!) :)

    *irrational here meaning you feel this way even though you don't want to, and know you shouldn't - e.g. if you're watching a G-rated show and one of the characters has a kinda creepy seeming uncle, you might think it's irrational to worry that there's going to be any explicit or implicit indication that the uncle rapes their niece/nephew; it feels irrational *not* because you're feeling emotional about what might happen to a person who doesn't actually exist, but because you're worried about something happening despite knowing that what you're worried about falls entirely outside the genre conventions of the show you're watching)

    So, first part:
    As is maybe obvious from the 5 star rating, I am a pretty big fan of this game. My signature won't show on this comment, but just know that it contains a gif of Bailey, who is one of the girls in this game (and is my subjective best girl despite knowing that the GF is, objectively, the best girl in the game). One of the first things you might pick up from reading comments here and there is that there are a *lot* of people in this game. Including those that you can bump uglies with and those who are just part of the plot. I saw a lot of comments complaining about keeping all the names straight, but honestly I never really had the problem despite only playing the game twice. I don't know, I think it's honestly a part of the games charm that I can remember the names of all the characters I liked despite playing this a few weeks ago now. Bailey the best girl, Zoe and her charming slutty charms, Shauna and her game nerdiness, Rachel's hard-ass hotness, Natalie and her girl next door charms, the cuteness that is Rainn without her makeup, Kimmy's hard knock life, Willow the bitch with a maybe heart of gold, Megan and her closeted BF Damien, the surprisingly ballsy Emiko, Harp the cool coach, Sophie the weirdo who doesn't seem to sleep at night, and so on and on.
    So many of the characters in this game are both great and well characterised despite their short screen time. And even more impressively, they're characterised as characters with more than one dimension (yes I know there's an irony in saying that right after pairing a whole bunch of names with a single trait; that was just me exercising my memory of the characters, the game doesn't represent the characters as being just those traits I mentioned :)

    For the more lewd among us there's also plenty of sex, and the sex is all well animated and pretty damn hot. The story is also a breath of fresh air. I know it can easily come across as the pinnacle of wish fulfillment; you play as a guy who's great at basketball but also really down to earth and charming and handsome and helpful and kind and so on. But at least for me it was great to play an MC who is both not a bit of a sleazeball and who fits with my natural impulse to play these kinds of games in a way where I'm trying to make everyone happy. And it does have a kind of realism in that the MC comes across as someone who believably wants to be helpful and supportive, he just so happens to also have the resources available to provide more help than most people could.

    So yeah; great art, lovely character designs, a fairly compelling story with the usual highs and lows that people tend to like, a likeable and (to me at least) relatable MC who's both not a pushover and not a sleazeball.
    A pretty great game all round and a definite 5/5 in my book.

    ...and now the second part, and why I likely won't ever play this game I really like again :(:
    Ok trying to keep this short and relatively spoiler free. The main antagonist and provider of drammatic tension in this game is this fucking asshole named Ryker. No spoilers that he's an asshole and the antagonist of your character because by the time you find out who Ryker is he's in the process of being exactly the asshole I describe.

    Now one of the ways the game provides the conflict and tension most people feel are necessary in their stories is by having Ryker try and threaten you and the people you care about unless you follow along with his plans (I say most people cause I don't feel it's necessary, but I'm also obviously in the very small minority and I don't expect people to write stories to cater to my tastes). And as is probably obvious from the preamble I wrote regarding who this section might be useful for, I have a bit of a hard time keeping my knowledge of what's likely to happen in a story separate from what I irrationally worry might happen. I'm pretty sure the dev has mentioned somewhere in this thread that they won't be including a lot of the negative stuff that I steer very clear of in games like this. NTR and the like. But even though I understand that this Ryker dude isn't likely to actually physically harm or rape or whatever any of the characters...I can't help the anxious worry that I get when playing the game after it became clear that the dramatic stakes were going to come, at least in part, from Ryker and his threats.
    And I mean, this is a kinda hard thing to unpack. When I play these kinds of games I both am and am not the protagonist. It's made clear that the protagonist isn't a 1-to-1 stand-in for the player given you can't pick how he responds moment-to-moment. He's essentially a person with a variety of possible paths through his life, and you pick which ones you want to see. Or which one you want to be "canon" in your mind. But even understanding that, I can't help but translate myself directly into his context, and his context directly onto me. So when Ryker's threatening these people both MC and myself have an attachment to, even though I know that the conventions of the story that the author seems to want to tell mean that nothing is likely to happen that will really threaten the fantasy of protecting everyone you love from any real risk or hardship, that's not exactly a "protection" I can apply to myself. I am, when playing the game, vicariously threatened by a man who represents those people in the real world who threaten others by threatening harm to those they care about. And in my real world I don't have narrative guarantees to ensure that nothing bad will happen. So having to play the game in the shadow of Ryker's threats means I end up playing in the shadow of my own anxiety about real people in my real world who can and do harm, rape, kill etc. people's loved ones to force compliance with their demands, and often the people being threatened have no real recourse, because threats are rarely crimes and whatever "justice" follows a crime doesn't undo the damage that's been done, or bring back what's been lost. Which means I essentially can't play the game, because every happy moment feels hollow and "false" in the shadow of what could be taken away at any time. And the lack of any actual follow through on threats doesn't lessen my anxiety, it just makes the game feel more false to me. Like it's introduced something that would "obviously" end badly but has just decided not to allow things to follow their "natural" course out of contrivance.
    And so the realistic nature of the story, the characters, and the threat, work against me; the connections I've made to the characters mean I'm too irrationally worried about what "would" happen to them, and how powerless I would be to help them, to play the game.
    Which suuuuuucks. Cause in cause I haven't made it clear, I like most every other part of this damn game!

    And obviously for most people this is a ridiculous degree of extrapolation and is probably to some degree unhealthy.
    And as a depressed person who struggles not to fixate on everything negative, I would agree with you (to an extent :p ). It's why I didn't give this game a lower mark, or try and hold my hang-ups against the devs. These are obviously my problems and mine alone.
    But I guess I also try and avoid assuming that I am the only person in the world who thinks and feels at least somewhat like I do. So I write this second part for anyone who comes after me who relates to stories the way I describe, so that they might have fair warning about what the game involves before they get into it, should they still want to give it a try. Cause all of my many compliments still apply; if you don't have my hang-ups it's totally a game you should play if it sounds at all up your alley. And even if you do it's probably worth trying just because it can be so much fun and maybe this Ryker asshole won't bother you as much as he bothered me.
    But hopefully this ends up being useful to at least one other person trying to make their mind up on this game. I know I'd have appreciated knowing this kind of stuff before I started :)
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Playing this just feels good so I just start with the few negatives why I gave only 4 (and a half, if I could) stars.

    - Excessive use of the word "Plus" to start a sentence. Gets annoying.
    - Weird or in some cases plain wrong punctuation.

    + Pretty much everything else. Leaves me with a happy feeling after playing :)
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    I don't know why this game has so many reviews and almost all are good. I mean, it's not bad but it's nothing extraordinary. The plot is non-existent, choices doesn't matter and you can have all the girls without even trying. Yeah the renders are decent but this game is just too simple imo.