VN - Ren'Py - WVM [S2 Ch. 1 Ep. 13 B3] [Braindrop]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Started this a few updates ago and I have really enjoyed it. Most characters are well drawn out and the interactions are good. The story is unfolding and I think when the fit hits the shan, the MC will come out on top.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Good start, but becomes super boring recently.

    I dont have much to say, the main and suportting characters becomes extremely retarded as the story progresses, speaking of history, this shit is not going anywhere just keep walking around in circles, circles and circles with the same retarded characters showing how much they can be stupid, empty and devoid of any quality (The main character mainly) making stupid decisions after stupid decisions (All of them) to justify the terrible ""plot"" that was installed after the good start of the game.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Story is boring and all over the place. Renders are nice so that is a plus. I am not sure what exactly the dev is going for. This is the type of game with the most boring dialogue. I usually enjoy reading the dialogue but after 5 min in, I had to hold ctrl just to see the sex scenes. It seems the dev release short updates often, but I wonder if it adds up each month. Overall if you want to see nice render download but if you expect anything else don't bother.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    I have to say after seeing how many reviews this game had and the general score, i was excited to try this game out. But holy fuck, the dialogue in this game is atrocious, like im reading the same fucking thing over and over.
    "Babe i missed you so much babe."
    "Wow babe i was gone for a minute."
    "Yeah but i miss you so much, please bang every girl we meet to make them happy."
    Every time the girlfriend talks its the same boring nonsensical vomit inducing drivel.

    Some renders are pretty good to look at, but some poses by most of the girls just look offputing. And all this POV shit, goddamn it gets tiring after a while.

    The story is "average" i liked the notion of the basketball thingy, but so far it's boooooring. Still maybe that will change in the future. All girls throw themselves at the MC because he is...a good guy? Perfect? Dick the size of a toddler? Who knows they just keep coming.

    I like some of the characters, Zoe, the mom and Victoria i think her name was the teacher.
    And there are some characters that i just dont care about.

    Shauna the best friend, couldnt give a fuck if she was trans or not, dunno why this is even a choice given that the girlfriend is just shoved down your throat all the fucking time. Shaunas model is just creepy looks twisted in most renders.

    Now the girlfriend, with her gigantic creepy cat jaguar eyes. Weird body proportions and where every scene she is in you have an upclose render of her huge eyes where you see some distant light shine. Every dialogue with her is boring and i just started fast skipping through it tbh, every "sexy" scene with her i just skip cus its the same boring crap without animations like usual.

    And then the MC, the Gary Stu himself, even the inner dialogue with this guy sucks and it is the same stuff over and over. Everything is perfect for this guy and everything is handed to him, i get it its a porn game but i can play Minecraft and enjoy my time more than reading what this guy is thinking about. Nothing bad ever happens to him, well except the forced girlfriend.
    And now my biggest problem with the MC, his giant horse cock. Tho it does get "smaller" after a few days but its still very revolting.

    Eh maybe this will get better in the future, add some animations, get rid of the constant POV renders, cut the dialogues in half (atleast) and this might be a good harem game but for now, it is very, very basic.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    The game has a great potential.

    Graphics are gorgeous (my compliments to the dev), writing is good.

    Yes, the story is idealistic but after all, this is meant to be a fantasy game and not a reality documentary.

    Only cons I see are the fact the lack of animation and soundtrack.
    Nothing sucks more then reading story lines in silence...
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is really good. It has an engaging story and the girls are beautiful as well. The story is well paced but can be a lot to keep up with at time as there is always something new around the corner, does keep it interesting through what is available so far.
  7. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 507366

    Version Reviewed: 0.7.1

    I was really excited for this game. I couldn't finish it though. It got to be too painful and unrealistic the more I played.

    I did get to the point of almost finishing the first day of college which I believe is the bulk of the game.

    • Awesome graphics and visuals
    • Amazing highly detailed renders
    • Good looking characters overall (there were a few I didn't care for)
    • Good story
    • Good writing (but also bad, see Cons)

    • Females all have large hips and big butts (voluptuous)
    • Sex scenes aren't animated
    • MCs dick is 12 to 14 inches with a huge girth (horse dick)
    • Virgins can take all 12 to 14 inches on their first try. The average vagina is only 4 inches long by the way. A dick his size would tear up any virgin and cause trauma / massive tearing and blood loss.
    • Writing is supposed to portrait life as a super star but it goes way too far and is over the top!
    • MC is a God like being who is perfectly sincere, likeable, comforting, selfless, and who literally has no character flaws whatsoever. God would have a hard time competing with this guy.
    • He is the perfect gentleman and everyone worships him like a God
    • Most characters sole purpose in the game is being with the MC. Their life would have no meaning or purpose without him.
    • Girls line up to fuck him by the dozens. He has more game and sex appeal than 90's Brad Pitt

    This could have easily been a 5 star game if the above cons weren't an issue. The writing is just over the top unbelievable. You are basically playing a perfect God in the game and always say the perfect thing and everyone worships you to the point of obsession. The player can also do no wrong.

    Most players don't like playing a douchebag, myself included. The author just takes it way too far and ends up making the game an impossible scenario.

    It just gets worse as the game progresses. Your mother is OK with you sleeping around, mothers (not yours) encourage their daughters to sleep with you. Everyone is OK with you sleeping with virtually anyone, including their mother. It is just too much and too unbelievable. I can only recommend this game if you enjoy pure fantasy unrealistic visual novels.

    Your girlfriend: "See that girl over there? She looks sad. I think you should go fuck her to cheer her up." (not an actual quote but close)

    For me, the game started out being a 5 star game but towards the end I just couldn't bring myself to finish it. I was really hoping this game would make it to my favorites list. So much potential lost.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoyed this game. It's content took me around half a day to finish the build. The girls basically see you as the Second Coming of Christ and you can start a relationship with them with little effort for those who want an easy time.

    The story is pretty wholesome, the MC is a good man who's kind and caring, rather than being another MC who wants revenge on those who wronged him. He's just a simple man trying to make his way through college to land a good contract to provide for those that he cares about.

    The sex scenes are pretty good, and their quality improves over the course of the game. The renders themselves are amazing. I also like how basketball is the sport for the game, as it's one that I enjoy. Would I have not played the game if it was another sport? Of course not.

    A personal preference of mine is a girl that's trimmed, but most of the girls in the game are shaved entirely. Not really a con, just a tidbit.

    WVM receives weekly updates around every Thursday, with a full day getting completed within 5-6 weeks for those who want to wait for a more complete experience rather than being cut short in the middle of a scene.

    Overall, I wholly recommend this game.

    PS: To any players who may be annoyed or put off by the MC's monster horse dick in the first day or two, Braindrop changed the size to a more reasonable big dick within the third day. From 3 hands to 2/2.5 hands you could say.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    It has great models and an interesting story and plot, and in the recent updates became even better. The graphics, in general, are very good with frequent updates. I would unconditionally recommend this game.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    This game in my opinion is not bad, I like how the characters look but the story is pretty average and as you play the game you realize how easy it is to bang the characters in this game, all the girls just want to smash first time they see you... like yeah, you're a good basketball player who might save the team but that can't be all the reason to get this much coochie. Overall, it was pretty enjoyable and I really liked the game but it wasn't really "Mind-blowingly" good. Its just a really simple game where you get to bang girls. 7/10
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    I was one of the first patrons of WVM, there was a lot of promise early on. I know that it bothers some that the MC is the ultimate Alpha that more or less can beat anyone to death with his horse size penis, I like that part though. I wan't to conquer every pretty girl without any competition, boring for some, but I like it.

    There are some parts of the game that sort of ruins it for me though, one being getting Chasuna, Jamie and the foster mom forced down my throat. It's always risky not letting the player choose what girls he or she is into. If you can't stand the default girlfriend it sort of ruins the game for you. And the main three doesn't do it for me on any level, worst is probably how they act like the MC is Christ come again. Every dialogue with them gives me anxiety and a feeling of being suffocated, they are clingy and obsessive, which is a gigantic turn off.

    Even though a lot of new characters has been introduced since "day 1" none of them have their own personality. There motivation for living and breathing seems to be to be near and to please the MC, which makes them one dimensional, and boring. And for every passing episode there seem to be next to no character development.

    Storywise I was hoping for something like the 80-90's underdog movies, like the " The mighty ducks" , "Rocky" or "Cool runnings". I used to love that sort of movies. The team that no one believes in beats the odds and end up as champions. If more focus were spent on that part (I think that theme will be part of the story, somehow) I think there would be a lot more possibilities to add a bit of drama and to tell a more interesting story. So far it's been a combination of which pussy to fuck (unless it's Jamie or Chasuna, then you HAVE to fuck it...sigh) and becoming Rachels personal cum factory.

    Parts that I like is the MC being the uncontested king of the puss puss, the renders are looking great and that the story plays out in a "sport context". I also like that the MC is a "nice guy", I can't stand playing games were the MC is douche. I would like the MC to be more balanced though, not every girl deserves a hug. Like the character Kimmy, that is a gigantic bitch to the MC when they first meet. Sure, she had her reasons, even though they felt kind of bullshit because they had nothing to do with the MC, really. Even after her explanation I wanted to give her a verbal bitchslap and tell her to fuck right off.

    As mentioned before there are more or less no choices that will have any real consequences, aside from who to fuck and who not fuck. It makes me feel like passive observer rather than being the MC a lot of the time. The lack of choice(s) was apparent early on in the game, but one of the first patreon goals was to hire another programmer and that way give the player more options(1000 dollars, I think). That made me think that down the line I would be able to steer clear of the most of the characters I didn't like (like all the main ones lol). That has not happened however. I know next to nothing about game development, so I don't know how easy or hard that would have been to do, it sure would have been a appreciated though. The dev seems like a great guy though, with a impressive work ethic and I wish him all the best!
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Most of characters looks awful, it's hard even to lool at them for once, and so i couldn't play this game for more than 30 minutes. But for this time i saw enough: dusgusting graphic with "dead" characters and terrible, boring story. Some games just should never have a release.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    This game got really annoying really fast.

    Story:4/5 The bare bones one without the walls (Yes wall"S") of text for each and every reply.

    Renders:3/5 Where I was once willing to give 4 stars, the worshiping eyes every two second on every girl kept annoying me.

    Sex Scenes:1/5 I believe every sex scene in every VN would be bland without the dialogue (even with animation:eek:) but SO MUCH dialogue.
    And not even sex dialogue, constant F***ing moralizing:

    "Babe did you fuck that girl"
    "Yes babe are you ok with it"
    "Of course babe I love you even more because you made her happy by doing it just like you make me happy do you want a bj"

    And this is not even 1/3 of the conversation before the mc and his girlfriend even kiss.

    Most of all I'm annoyed by myself because I've been following this game from the first day it got uploaded here, and I was happy when braindrop moralized the three-way relationship between mc and the two main girls :FacePalm: (because I thought it would lead to hot scenes and not a lot of exclusion because I liked both and I like harem stories, not so that every encounter with a girl becomes a clinical experience and walls of text explaining how it is moral by the girls that mc fucks no less)

    To be clear I do like harem games and I'm not asking for a very deep and emotional reading experience from a porn game.
    (YES we accept the MC is a god. YES we accept that he is and all round "awesome" guy that would make James Bond his little bitch) but will you please for the &#@# &* ^&*% please stop with the f***ing moralizing.
    Saddest of all I still havent unwatched this game. :cry:o_O:poop:
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is simply excellent . The good news is that you can bypass events that you don't want to see. The rendering is done at an acceptable level , and the game history is addictive .
    Render 10/10
    Story 9/10
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the game very much! :) It's simple and to the point. Also the girls are nice :). The developer gives updates on time and they maintain good level. If you need some deep philosophic s**t that is not your game, but if you want some fun - that your game.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    The Anti

    Fun Wholesome story with no unnecessary drama.

    Lots of cute girls to develop relationships with.

    Plenty of sex scenes.

    Fast updates.

    Pregnancy Content & Trans/Female choices for certain characters is a major plus.

    Braindrop cares about the fans and his game tremendously and it shows with every update and interaction he has.

    A wholesome game that will give you a warm feeling.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    My only problem with this game is that there are too many girls! Like legit there's so many storylines that it seems like the sex scenes are fewer.

    However, having so many girls can mean quite the reward as the game progresses, and this creator does nearly weekly updates which is awesome for as high quality as the renders are.

    Some people may not like having so many bitches on your dick just for the fact you're a college basketball player with a big cock since they want more plot, but hey, this game is still fantastic
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This is actually a game where I got fully invested in the main characters. Typically with other games here I don't care much for the most characters, but Jamie and Shauna for some reason really appealed to me.
    I wasn't expecting to legitimately smile or laugh a bit during dialogue in games of this genre.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    Very boring game, with a very boring plot, the mc is just a boring white knight who build a harem full of one dimensional boring girls,

    There is no depth to anything in this game, even some really bad games in this website are more enjoyable at least you get to laugh from the shit.

    But here you don't enjoy and you don't laugh either, it's just empty.

    you can find some decent renders but there is so much better in other games.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Man to be totally honest i didn't really pay any attention to this just thinking meh i don't think it will turn out good or meh it's not my style/story isn't interesting and when i played it ???damn i couldn't stop i nearly finished it in one day man i'm very impressed by your work mr. Braindrop i'm really looking forward to how this will turn out very good game