
Aug 14, 2020
People who think this game doesn't have paths either haven't played it or don't understand what a path is.

A path is where you make a choice and the outcome changes depending on your choices.

All of the LI's in WVM have a simple binary choice, "Do you want to fuck this girl?". If you choose yes, you are on one path, if you say no you are on the other path.

If there are only 2 LI's, that gives 4 potential paths.
1. Fuck no girls
2. Fuck girl A but not girl B
3. Fuck girl B but not girl A
4. Fuck both girls.

If you add in paths like "Does girl B have a dick?", "Does girl A know about MC's choice with girl B?", "Does girl B know about MC's choice with girl A?", "is the relationship between the MC and both girls polyamorous or does the MC just fuck both girls?", the The number of paths grows quickly with just the 2 LI's.

WVM has a huge amount of intersecting paths, as many of the LI's live with the MC and/or interact with each other when the MC isn't present. The paths may not have an effect on a given scene but they all need to be considered.

Adding a path when you already have a complex system doesn't need to be a complicated thing, it depends on the path being added. A simple binary choice on a girl to impregnate for cash, (if you are on that path of course), is easy to add. A new LI or adding a polyamorous subgroup within the LI's is harder, and could be very complicated depending on other paths involved.

We have NO IDEA what path is being considered, and this means we have NO IDEA how much work is involved in adding the path.

The dev obviously has some sort of mental health issues because everyone does. Most people don't even notice their own issues as their mechanisms for coping with them are entrenched and sufficient to cope with them. As a simplistic example, we all suffer from some degree of stress, and we cope with it by a variety of means such as going to the gym, going for a drink, talking to someone or playing a adult VN for relaxation. Not every solution works for every person, and some actions that can be a solution for one person can cause additional issues or exasperate existing ones for other people.

I'm very glad to see that we will have someone other than the dev to deal with the social media side of things from now on, as this will remove a source of stress from BD.

Will this result in more frequent updates? I have no idea. I hope it does, as I enjoy the VN.

Will this result in an improvement to BD's mental heath? I can't be sure, but I hope it does, as I enjoy the VN.

Will this result in a reduction of the complaints and hate posts? Probably not, but I hope it does as I don't like feeling sorry for the people who don't have anything better to do with their lives.
I think you're confusing paths for routes. I'm not exactly sure of the correct definitions, but the way I view it and I know a good few other view it is that the LIs in games have routes; meaning that you're either on their route, or you're not. Paths on the other hand are more focused on the story than the LIs; meaning that you're either on the 'Good Guy' path, or the 'Bad/Evil Guy' path. Depending on which you choose will alter the entire story as a whole. Yes, there's a cheating and being faithful "path" but it's stretching it to consider that a path. Just because we get to make a choice on whether or not the MC cheats with one character or not doesn't really change the story, just delays the inevitable.

Moving onto how "paths" aka routes make things more complicated... this story is pretty linear. You either see a scene, or you don't. I'm not the most knowledgeable when it comes to coding, but to my understanding (which is very limited) I see it as "if x happened, then y happens" and that isn't a very complicated task that would take BD 5+ months of dev time to write out. Not to mention, BD said that an update consisting of over 2,000 renders was ready to come out in February makes your point invalid. It's a harem game, the LIs are either in the harem, or they're not. BD doesn't have 10 different groups which consist of 20 different combinations of characters in them, they're either apart of the harem and you see their scenes, or they're not apart of it, and you don't see their scenes.


Moving on to his mental health... I saw some people comparing LoF to WVM seeing as Drifty from LoF has gone through some very tragic events in his life as well. I've been a critic of BD lately, but I will say that a persons mental health and their IRL lives should be their focus, not some game. It's a cheap shot to compare what one person went though with another person; we don't know every detail of their lives and we shouldn't. We don't know how much either has healed from tragedies in their lives and how well they've coped with said tragedy, and it's none of our business. What is our business is being told there would be a release over and over for months which is the equivalent to well over 5 times the amount of content we received just a few weeks ago (which BD was also late to release). Being told that BD would have a 2,000+ render update out in February which I may add was BEFORE any of the event's BD went through is our business. We were told months prior to all the things BD was going through that he'd have an update that's over 2,000 render out in February meaning all the art/coding/everything else needed for an update was ready. It's just about August and the only thing we've seen since BD told people we'd see 2,000+ renders is a 300 render update and some DILDO (or whatever the fuck it's called) for Harper. But People aren't saying he shouldn't take time to himself and his family. We're saying "where the fuck is the 2,000+ renders promised to be released over 5 months ago and why are we only seeing 300/2,000+ renders". But I digress. Comparing one person's health to another isn't the way to go about anything and truthfully isn't a very logical argument to make either. I agree we should've seen a shit ton more content a LONG time ago, but don't compare what one person is going through with another person; people are all different and we don't all cope the same way when we go through tragedies.

Moving on... By this point, it seems more like BDs just giving out excuse after excuse and people are getting tired of hearing the same spiel over and over again, myself included which is 100% justified and BD even said so himself. Yet a shit load of people continue to enable him by giving him over $16,000 a month on average. Do you people understand how much fucking money that is for doing basically nothing? That's close to a $200,000 a year salary. Sure BD has paused pledges here and there, but all he needs to do is let it run for 3-4 months and he makes more than the average income of a family in the US; when compared to a good portion of the rest of the world, the cost of living in the US is a good amount higher so I don't even want to image how that amount of money can be used across the globe. So why continue funding someone who can't keep their word? The math is laid out for you. 2,000+ renders somehow becomes 300 renders 5 MONTHS LATER. Do some people not understand basic math? A child could tell you that shit doesn't add up :KEK:. I'll quote some of my prior messages which lay out how absurd the development of WVM has been.

A message pointing out where BD mislead everyone
So I don't think that anyone has a problem with BD taking some time to himself to handle whatever he has going on IRL as it should always be prioritized over anything imo, especially the persons mental health. But to the people constantly defending BD, it just makes no sense at this point...

I was a Patreon member of BD for months, but like many, I pulled my support for a multitude of reasons. I've always enjoyed WVM, but I can only support a project whose dev I believe is a man of their word, keeps their promises, and puts out quality content on a scheduled release date (not that we need to see an update every single month, but keep it structured ie; every 3-6 months consistently). But the problem I've had with BD and I've also seen other people having with him is that BD isn't a man of his word. Going back to January, BD was saying we'd get a release of 1,500+ renders by February/March. Then the release got pushed back to early/mid March. By early March, the release was 1-2 weeks away. Then BD had no reason to believe the release wouldn't be in March and that would include between 2200-2400 renders. Then he says there won't be an update in March, but there will be one in April. Then mid April, still no update, but BD says the update will be over 2,000 renders. Then May comes around with no update still . But BD let's people know that one of his family members sadly passed away who he was caring for. Loosing a family member sucks and my heart goes out to him and he deserved to take some time to himself and his family as I previously mentioned, IRL should always be prioritized.

But he still continued down the same path that he's been going the prior 4+ months. He say's he won't be releasing the update in chucks and it would be a large update, yet in later posts, that's exactly his plan. Then we get the DILDO or whatever the hell it's called with Harper, truthfully I didn't even pay it any mind, but BD said it helped him get into a better mindset so I'm all for it. But then in late May, BD says he plans for 2-3 releases in June and that he wanted to have the entire update out by the end of July/early August. Then mid June, BD says the update would be 600-700 renders long. Note that months ago, he said the update was going to be 2.000+ renders. Months after saying that, he then says the update would be only a small fraction ie; 600-700 renders AND he would be releasing it in parts which he also previously said he WOULDN'T do. Late June he say's the release would be on June 29th and that he set out that month to update all of day 32 in 3 different updates... He then says the full update will take 5 different chunks to update entirely. Then lo and behold, the 700 render update isn't ready by June 29th or 30th. And as his record would show... theres no releases in June, but a very small 300 render on July 2nd. From January BD said he had over 1,000 renders ready for an update, to March having over 2,000 renders for the update, and then FINALLY to 6 months later and we only get a 300 render update is wild to me lol.

Braindrop has also said that this is a hobby which, at this point is a load of BS. He's said it himself that this is his job and he's worked 12+ hour days on WVM. This is his source of income as he's mentioned in his mindrops. WVM may have started as a hobby, but now, it's as BD said, HIS JOB! He earns between $8,000-$24,000 a month which averages out to $16,000 a month or $192,000 a year ( ). Thats a FUCK LOAD of money for a single game dev to be making while producing little to no results. People aren't getting upset for absolutely no reason. So the problem people have with BD isn't that we don't enjoy WVM but we don't enjoy being fed false information. How does an update go from 1,000 renders, to 1,400 renders, to 2,000+ renders, to a 300 render update 6+ months after he told everyone he had over 2,000 renders? It's the breaking of his word that's pissing people off. We want to see honesty, but all we've seen have been false promises. How is it such a bad thing for BD to be held accountable? I can't understand how some people can defend this...

People want to see a dev keep their word. If a dev says "I have a 1,000 render update that will be ready to be released on 8/1/2022, we expect the dev to keep their word. Having a dev constantly pushing back the release date for MONTHS, not even a few days just to get some bugs sorted is repetitive and isn't a good look for the dev. And when the release FINALLY does come out we see that the update isn't even 1/4 of what the dev originally said it would be, just compounds onto the lack of trust that the dev has lost with the community.

I don't believe we'll see the remainder of the 2,000+ renders any time soon which is a real shame. In its infancy, WVM was one of the best games out there. I'd love to be proved wrong and hope I am, but based on BDs history, I sadly doubt there will be any updates any time soon...

View attachment 1936592

All quotes from Mindrops
A timeline of BD's Mind Drops
A follow up to my previous message and a timeline of development of WVM.


Update | 1/22/21 - WVM Day 8-9 (9.3.0) (203 Renders

Update | 1/31/21 - WVM Day 8-9 ( (200 renders) (SAVE FIX)

Mind Drop #11 | 2/16/21 - "one release this month. But, that release will be the size of two updates (400 renders) near the end of the month."

Mind Drop #12 | 2/23/21 - No update this month due to BD moving. "Next update will be on March 13th and the second update will be on March 27th. (First update will be 400 renders + the reworked scenes, the second will be 260-300 renders)"

Mind Drop #13 | 3/01/21 - Dev still moving in. "Update near the 13th"

Continuation of Mind drop #13 | 3/2/21 - Gives an update schedule: "Most full updates will be between 800-1200 renders. So given my expectations for myself and the private timelines I'd give myself you can expect 2-3 months per update. (Also some updates would be shorter so potentially only 1 month for some). The next full update after day 9 will be days 10-14. Then after that will be week 3. And in the event that an update exceeds that timeframe I'd likely release it in 2 parts. I wouldn't go more than 3 months without a release. Potentially less."

Mind Drop #14 | 3/08/21 - "400 render update will be sliding to the 17th-20th"

Mind Drop #15 | 3/16/21 - "400 render update releases March 20th, rest of Day 9 will release mid-April". Says "I don't do this for money" and pauses pledges for March/April

Mind Drop #16 | 3/23/21 - BD having issues with his eyes. "Update will be out ASAP but it will be a few more days. No exact timeline as I had honestly hoped my eyes would be back to normal by now. Check out the earlier post to see why the update isn't ready yet. Due to the additional days I'll pull another homie move and bump the update to 600 renders mainly because I feel shitty about this situation, especially since it was easily avoidable."

Mind Drop #18 | 4/06/21 - "I've decided to focus on releasing the rest of day 9 as a single update. This update is north of 1000 renders and has many animations"

Mind Drop #19 | 4/13/21 - "Full day 9 release is still planned for this month". "And you guys are about to get a 1000+ render update dropped on your head"

Mind Drop #21 | 5/03/21 (Not quite yet) - Missed release date. "Update is close and I'm still grinding away on it, I just need more time."

Mind Drop #22 | 5/11/21 Almost - "There's been many things like planning a wedding, planning to be a father, moving across the country, changing how I want to do releases, and dealing with a medical issue with my eyes for an entire month". "This is honestly 100% the last post until the the juicy 1500+ render update."

Yo | 5/29/21 - Getting married/moving. Paused pledges

Yo | 6/17/21 - On honeymoon. "I do slightly regret giving the hard date of the 24th as that seems like a short amount of time".

Update | 7/3/21 - WVM Day 8-9 ( (1800 renders) (35 animations)

Mind Drop #23 | 7/14/21 - "The next full update will be days 10-14. Which can sound daunting considering the latter half of day 9 took 5 months to make".

Mind Drop #26 | 8/09/21 - "I never plan to give exact release dates ever again or even exact sizes of updates even if it isn't an official release and just a beta."

Mind Drop #27 | 8/20/21 - "I will say that the first beta will be a smaller one and it should be out soon but it will not be in August".

Mind Drop #29 | 9/10/21 - "I've decided to go light on the first beta release. It's only going to be 200 renders long.
(I've done much more than 200 renders but I stopped working linearly a while ago. Meaning I don't work in the same order of the story, for instance I've completely finished day 13 but still have a lot to do on day 11.)(And for those that don't know, the next "full release" is going to be days 10-14 and the days go by much quicker. Although day 10 is a bit longer just because of the exhibition game). The exhibition won't be featured in the first beta but it will be the last release without a basketball game lol. So when will that be? Late Sept - Early Oct"

Mind Drop #33 | 10/08/21 - "Change to first beta date: - It's moving from October 12th to October 15th at 3pm EST".

Update | 10/15/21 - WVM Day 10 ( (208 renders - 0 animations)

Mind Drop #34 | 10/18/21 - "Next Beta? (ETA: Early November)"

Not a mind drop | 11/8/21 - BD spending time taking care of his family. "There will be a beta this month 100%. It's essentially ready outside of a few tweaks. I just don't want to release until I'm in a position to work on any issues if any were to arise but in the case that things are extended then I'd run that risk. 300-350 renders long, haven't decided the exact stop point yet".

Still not a mind drop | 11/28/21 - BDs a father! "There will not be a beta this month. I've thought about it a lot and even though the update itself is ready... I'm not. Simply put I'm not in a position mentally to push anything out. Things are still settling in my personal life and I couldn't handle any issues with a release right now. Not setting any dates yet but there will be 2 betas in December".

Mind Drop #36 | 12/03/21 - "Upcoming Releases: - 2nd beta (December 14th - 24th). - 3rd beta (January 6th). - Full release of days 10-14 (Febuary 14th)".

Mind Drop #38 | 12/17/21 - "Betas: No planned changes to dates atm". "February 14th is still the planned release date for the full release of days 10-14".

24th to 30th | 12/23/21 - "I'm gonna just say it how it is, I need to move the release date to the 30th. It will not move again".

Taking the L | 12/30/21 - "All of that to essentially say I am not ready to put out an update and I'm sorry. I wish I was, trust me". "I will be pausing pledges for this monthly cycle. I gave reasons for why I didn't last month and while those things are still true, I'm not comfortable doing it 2 months in a row. This might make me sound crazy but with where I am at this very moment, for my own mental health I'd rather say goodbye to 15 grand than push out this update".


Mind Drop #39 | 1/25/22 - "Update soon™. I'm aiming to put out a smaller update that's beta sized (probably 250-350 renders) either before this month ends or at the start of February".

Mind Drop #40 | 1/31/22 - "(Days 10-14 coming late Feb / early March)".

Mind Drop #41 | 2/11/22 - "Assuming things go smoothly and as I expect them to then it will be either near the end of February-early March. If there's any mishaps then I'll let you guys know about it and then it'd likely be mid-March.
It will be between 1600-1800 renders".

Mind Drop #42 | 2/18/22 - "I was really racing to have it out before the end of February but the closer we come to it the quicker I realize it isn't very feasible since I want to send the update to testers before releasing it.
So right now my expectation is early March if everything goes right and mid March if there are any hiccups between now and then". "How long will the wait between Days 10-14 and Days 15-21 be? - The very early expectation I have is around 2-2.5 months. A big reason Days 10-14 has taken as long as it has is that I've made many scenes that have been moved to later in the story. So I have a pretty substantial head start on days 15-21 and a similar head start on days 22-28".

Not a Mind Drop | 2/25/22 - "So when can we expect it? Early-Mid March depending on if there are any issues that need to be fixed".

Not a Mind Drop... again | 3/05/22 - "So when can we expect it? It's at least a week away... maybe two if it takes a little longer than I expect it to".

No news is good news... and this is news | 3/18/22 - "Day 10(31) is around 1400 renders long including the beta (It's by far the longest day after the redo, mainly due to me showing the process of a gameday so it can be assumed and not shown in future updates. It's also that long since I included scenes to make that gameday process more interesting )
The rest (Days 32-35) are about 1000 renders long so the update in total is around 2200-2400 renders long".

Update will be in April and I do not plan on pausing, please adjust pledges accordingly | 3/31/22 - "Hey guys, just a quick update to let you guys know that I won't be able to finish the update this month". "It doesn't matter if the update is 2400 renders long and the biggest I've ever put out. The wait has been entirely too long and I completely understand where the frustration has come from". "I'm not here for the money, I put as much effort and time as I do into it because it's my job but the truth is that if I didn't make a single penny from this, I'd continue making it just for myself. I love doing it".

Mind Drop #44 | 4/03/22 (Not #43, the update isn't ready for that yet) - "What's delaying it now dev wise? The honest answer is there's a lot of indecisiveness on my end". "In February me, my wife, my kid, and my grandpa all had to pack up and move again because of some weird events happening at our new house at the time. (That started early January)".

Yo | 5/3/22 - BD family member passed away so he took some time for himself and his family

My current plan | 5/16/22 - "There are no release plans for the update yet". "I don't want to unpause pledges until I release the update but at the same time I don't know when that will be and I have a family to provide for."

Harper DILTO Release | 5/29/22

Plans for June | 5/31/22 - "Also the DITLO was something I had promised to make a long time ago. And it felt really good to make. It wasn't some ulterior motive thing to justify working on something outside of WVM. It was just something that I knew might help me get out of the funk I've been in". "I plan on having 2-3 releases in June and I want the whole update out by the end of July or early August. And when it's finally all out I plan on continuing with the chunks of update into the next big update".

Yo | 6/13/22 - "As it stands right now the first chunk will be in the 600-700 render range"

Mind Drop #47 | 6/24/22 - "There will be a release on June 29th". "As far as the rest of Day 32 goes I plan to release it in the first week of July. The only tinkering I have to do to it is another scene in the locker room but it's not very large. As for the rest of it, I plan on having 3 total releases afterwards. So a total of 5 chunks".

Sup | 6/28/22 - "I don't think the 700 render update will be ready by June 29th or 30th. But it won't be much longer at all. There is a 300 render update that's pretty much ready to go though". "WVM is my hobby and I do this for fun". "
So the two options are: A. Release them in smaller chunks - The first one (300-ish renders) on the 29th and the other (400-ish renders) the moment it is finished (Likely July 1st-3rd), or B. Wait and release them together (700-ish renders) the moment it is finished. (July 1st-3rd)". (B won btw)

Update | 6/2/22 - WVM (S2-C1-E1) release! (359 renders 10-ish animations)

-----------------------------------------------------7/21/2022 (Current day)----------------------------------------------------------

So... On 2/11/22, BD said that day 10-14 was originally planned to be released February 14th and was supposed to include 1600-1800 renders. Soon after on 3/18/22, BD said, "Day 10(31) is around 1400 renders long including the beta, (Days 32-35) are about 1000 renders long so the update in total is around 2200-2400 renders long". So he had over 2,000 renders ready 4 months ago yet we only get a 350 render update???

BD says this is his job on 3/31/21, "I'm not here for the money, I put as much effort and time as I do into it because it's my job but the truth is that if I didn't make a single penny from this, I'd continue making it just for myself. I love doing it". Yet on 6/28/22 he says "WVM is my hobby and I do this for fun". Making on average of $16,000 a month or $192,000 a year is an insane amount of money. That's around 3 times the average salary of a person in the United States. Just to put it in perspective how much money that actually is for the average person:
View attachment 1938559 (I couldn't find a more up to date chart). Thankfully BD has paused his patreon on multiple occasions, but $16,000 for even a few months out of the year is a lot of money for producing LITTLE TO NOTHING.

So the math is laid out for anyone defending him. Yes the man has gone through some shit and my heart goes out to him for said 'shit'... But how exactly do you justify 2200-2400 renders FOUR MONTHS AGO to having a 350 render update? Thats 15% of the work he said he had completed months ago! Where's the remaining 2,000 renders? BD has broken his word time and time again, how can people continue to say it's justified? Shits wack :ROFLMAO:

View attachment 1938534 View attachment 1938574
A message doing some good ol' elementary level math!
So a post right before he makes another $16,000+... These Mind Drops are just becoming something BD copy and pastes at this point; A complaint about his personal life with excuses that we've read dozens of times now, that BD loves making WVM and just want's to focus on dev work yet we're still waiting on 2,000 renders that we're due 5+ months ago, how he'll no longer give a release date, however, that's been said a good few times too and we've seen how that turned out, and finally how he's still "working" on the game yet has little to show for it. Braindrop has 'brain washed' so many people into enabling him. He isn't a man of his word, if he was, we'd have the 700 renders that he said would be released weeks ago, or even better, the 2,000+ renders BD said were ready to be released in February. How are people still supporting him on such a large scale? 2,000 renders are ready months ago, to a 300 render update 5+doesn't add up! Why are some people so infatuated with this game that they fail to see how they're being milked out of their money? Sure, spend your money however the hell you'd like, but c'mon... A 5 year old can do the math and see that something isn't right here.
View attachment 1953179

And to finish off this message - To the resident face palmer, I'll add a face palm so you don't have to: :FacePalm:


May 9, 2020
I understand that, but Braindrop problems started two years ago, and were nowhere near what LoF Dev had to endure.
Ok this is just unfair. All bullshit aside on how BD is behaving with its community, you just can't measure how bad a certain situation affects a person when it comes to mental health. And, consequently, you can't say "he started way before, he should be better now because in my objective PoV the precipitating factor was not so bad in comparison".

That's just a bad take.


Dec 23, 2017
I don't see anyone bashing the game or even saying they dislike it. What they are doing is mocking the dev.
Awkwardly, I have to disagree. I dislike the current trajectory of the game, even aside from the atrocious release schedule and the lying about hundreds/thousands of renders that are going to drop any day now.

The game has just become a confusing, bizarre mess in the last few major updates (I tend to point to the bowling event as the inflection point here). Think about the recent scene with Zoey; she basically breaks down because she simply can't communicate how much she loves the MC and the emotions she has put down on paper are just too strong to verbalize at the present time. I'm sorry, this goes way past porn game romance logic and becomes hard to even conceptualize as sane. Zoey barely knows the MC and she's having panic attacks about how much she loves him and how scared she is to communicate to him how much she loves him and her feelings.

This level of overly emotional response to almost no real stimuli feels completely divorced from the fairly straightforward established relationships or simple lust that explained most interactions between MC and the girls in the first ~2 years of the development of the game. And this applies to more than just Zoey. As I mentioned in a previous post, the MC spent a bizarre amount of time in the last few updates just going from room to room hugging girls who burst into tears and proclaimed their devotion to him despite barely knowing him.

Maybe it was always the intent of the dev to take the story this way, but it felt like there was more variety in the types of interactions MC had with girls before. Some he had relationships with before the game started, some were pure lust, some liked him for his actions or his fame (like Penelope), some were "saved" or "protected" by MC (which I think was always the goal with Harper and Natalie). But, now they all seem to be protected/saved by MC and love and adore him for it. That lack of variety in the character of most of the girls, especially the "new" girls, really limits their appeal aside from relatively minor aesthetic differences. Normally, if a new update involves a scene with your favorite girl, that's something you get really excited about. For WVM now, what, aside from haircut, really differentiates half the cheerleaders from each other?

And that's leaving aside entirely that WVM, apparently, now exists in a world of ninja-employing mobs and some shadowy triumvirate of local political power that has secretly been watching over the MC for decades. Blegh.

Obviously, the fact that he's not even providing this messy story in a consistent fashion is an issue ("...and the portions are terrible!"), but I have real problems with the way the story has evolved at the exact same time his work ethic seems to have evaporated.

juan palote

Engaged Member
Dec 5, 2017
Ok this is just unfair. All bullshit aside on how BD is behaving with its community, you just can't measure how bad a certain situation affects a person when it comes to mental health. And, consequently, you can't say "he started way before, he should be better now because in my objective PoV the precipitating factor was not so bad in comparison".

That's just a bad take.
I didnt meassure how the situation affected each person.

I said that objectively, losing a daughter is harder than losing a grandfather, for the sole reason that humans expect their grandfathers to die before them, but dont expect their daughters to die before them.

Now, the point still stands that its being two years and BD still hasnt recovered, and at the same time refuses to hire real help. What is he expecting, that in the next month he suddenly gets over what he couldnt in two years? As if it was a switch?

What are the real expectations here? I dont see him getting over the shit that he has in his head anytime soon, my last hope was that releasing something would unblock him, that didnt happen, so what is the roadmap now? And i am not taling in terms of dates, i am talking about realistic plans for the future, because continuing solo and hoping for the best like the last 2 years isnt a realistic plan.
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Devoted Member
Oct 24, 2019
I think you're confusing paths for routes. I'm not exactly sure of the correct definitions, but the way I view it and I know a good few other view it is that the LIs in games have routes; meaning that you're either on their route, or you're not. Paths on the other hand are more focused on the story than the LIs; meaning that you're either on the 'Good Guy' path, or the 'Bad/Evil Guy' path. Depending on which you choose will alter the entire story as a whole. Yes, there's a cheating and being faithful "path" but it's stretching it to consider that a path. Just because we get to make a choice on whether or not the MC cheats with one character or not doesn't really change the story, just delays the inevitable.

Moving onto how "paths" aka routes make things more complicated... this story is pretty linear. You either see a scene, or you don't. I'm not the most knowledgeable when it comes to coding, but to my understanding (which is very limited) I see it as "if x happened, then y happens" and that isn't a very complicated task that would take BD 5+ months of dev time to write out. Not to mention, BD said that an update consisting of over 2,000 renders was ready to come out in February makes your point invalid. It's a harem game, the LIs are either in the harem, or they're not. BD doesn't have 10 different groups which consist of 20 different combinations of characters in them, they're either apart of the harem and you see their scenes, or they're not apart of it, and you don't see their scenes.


Moving on to his mental health... I saw some people comparing LoF to WVM seeing as Drifty from LoF has gone through some very tragic events in his life as well. I've been a critic of BD lately, but I will say that a persons mental health and their IRL lives should be their focus, not some game. It's a cheap shot to compare what one person went though with another person; we don't know every detail of their lives and we shouldn't. We don't know how much either has healed from tragedies in their lives and how well they've coped with said tragedy, and it's none of our business. What is our business is being told there would be a release over and over for months which is the equivalent to well over 5 times the amount of content we received just a few weeks ago (which BD was also late to release). Being told that BD would have a 2,000+ render update out in February which I may add was BEFORE any of the event's BD went through is our business. We were told months prior to all the things BD was going through that he'd have an update that's over 2,000 render out in February meaning all the art/coding/everything else needed for an update was ready. It's just about August and the only thing we've seen since BD told people we'd see 2,000+ renders is a 300 render update and some DILDO (or whatever the fuck it's called) for Harper. But People aren't saying he shouldn't take time to himself and his family. We're saying "where the fuck is the 2,000+ renders promised to be released over 5 months ago and why are we only seeing 300/2,000+ renders". But I digress. Comparing one person's health to another isn't the way to go about anything and truthfully isn't a very logical argument to make either. I agree we should've seen a shit ton more content a LONG time ago, but don't compare what one person is going through with another person; people are all different and we don't all cope the same way when we go through tragedies.

Moving on... By this point, it seems more like BDs just giving out excuse after excuse and people are getting tired of hearing the same spiel over and over again, myself included which is 100% justified and BD even said so himself. Yet a shit load of people continue to enable him by giving him over $16,000 a month on average. Do you people understand how much fucking money that is for doing basically nothing? That's close to a $200,000 a year salary. Sure BD has paused pledges here and there, but all he needs to do is let it run for 3-4 months and he makes more than the average income of a family in the US; when compared to a good portion of the rest of the world, the cost of living in the US is a good amount higher so I don't even want to image how that amount of money can be used across the globe. So why continue funding someone who can't keep their word? The math is laid out for you. 2,000+ renders somehow becomes 300 renders 5 MONTHS LATER. Do some people not understand basic math? A child could tell you that shit doesn't add up :KEK:. I'll quote some of my prior messages which lay out how absurd the development of WVM has been.

A message pointing out where BD mislead everyone

A timeline of BD's Mind Drops

A message doing some good ol' elementary level math!

And to finish off this message - To the resident face palmer, I'll add a face palm so you don't have to: :FacePalm:
ya know how odd it looks ... your quoting everything you've posted and no other :rolleyes:


Devoted Member
Oct 24, 2019
Awkwardly, I have to disagree. I dislike the current trajectory of the game, even aside from the atrocious release schedule and the lying about hundreds/thousands of renders that are going to drop any day now.

The game has just become a confusing, bizarre mess in the last few major updates (I tend to point to the bowling event as the inflection point here). Think about the recent scene with Zoey; she basically breaks down because she simply can't communicate how much she loves the MC and the emotions she has put down on paper are just too strong to verbalize at the present time. I'm sorry, this goes way past porn game romance logic and becomes hard to even conceptualize as sane. Zoey barely knows the MC and she's having panic attacks about how much she loves him and how scared she is to communicate to him how much she loves him and her feelings.

This level of overly emotional response to almost no real stimuli feels completely divorced from the fairly straightforward established relationships or simple lust that explained most interactions between MC and the girls in the first ~2 years of the development of the game. And this applies to more than just Zoey. As I mentioned in a previous post, the MC spent a bizarre amount of time in the last few updates just going from room to room hugging girls who burst into tears and proclaimed their devotion to him despite barely knowing him.

Maybe it was always the intent of the dev to take the story this way, but it felt like there was more variety in the types of interactions MC had with girls before. Some he had relationships with before the game started, some were pure lust, some liked him for his actions or his fame (like Penelope), some were "saved" or "protected" by MC (which I think was always the goal with Harper and Natalie). But, now they all seem to be protected/saved by MC and love and adore him for it. That lack of variety in the character of most of the girls, especially the "new" girls, really limits their appeal aside from relatively minor aesthetic differences. Normally, if a new update involves a scene with your favorite girl, that's something you get really excited about. For WVM now, what, aside from haircut, really differentiates half the cheerleaders from each other?

And that's leaving aside entirely that WVM, apparently, now exists in a world of ninja-employing mobs and some shadowy triumvirate of local political power that has secretly been watching over the MC for decades. Blegh.

Obviously, the fact that he's not even providing this messy story in a consistent fashion is an issue ("...and the portions are terrible!"), but I have real problems with the way the story has evolved at the exact same time his work ethic seems to have evaporated.
facepalm me for talking about your gf or bf ?


Feb 17, 2021
Awkwardly, I have to disagree. I dislike the current trajectory of the game, even aside from the atrocious release schedule and the lying about hundreds/thousands of renders that are going to drop any day now.

The game has just become a confusing, bizarre mess in the last few major updates (I tend to point to the bowling event as the inflection point here). Think about the recent scene with Zoey; she basically breaks down because she simply can't communicate how much she loves the MC and the emotions she has put down on paper are just too strong to verbalize at the present time. I'm sorry, this goes way past porn game romance logic and becomes hard to even conceptualize as sane. Zoey barely knows the MC and she's having panic attacks about how much she loves him and how scared she is to communicate to him how much she loves him and her feelings.

This level of overly emotional response to almost no real stimuli feels completely divorced from the fairly straightforward established relationships or simple lust that explained most interactions between MC and the girls in the first ~2 years of the development of the game. And this applies to more than just Zoey. As I mentioned in a previous post, the MC spent a bizarre amount of time in the last few updates just going from room to room hugging girls who burst into tears and proclaimed their devotion to him despite barely knowing him.

Maybe it was always the intent of the dev to take the story this way, but it felt like there was more variety in the types of interactions MC had with girls before. Some he had relationships with before the game started, some were pure lust, some liked him for his actions or his fame (like Penelope), some were "saved" or "protected" by MC (which I think was always the goal with Harper and Natalie). But, now they all seem to be protected/saved by MC and love and adore him for it. That lack of variety in the character of most of the girls, especially the "new" girls, really limits their appeal aside from relatively minor aesthetic differences. Normally, if a new update involves a scene with your favorite girl, that's something you get really excited about. For WVM now, what, aside from haircut, really differentiates half the cheerleaders from each other?

And that's leaving aside entirely that WVM, apparently, now exists in a world of ninja-employing mobs and some shadowy triumvirate of local political power that has secretly been watching over the MC for decades. Blegh.

Obviously, the fact that he's not even providing this messy story in a consistent fashion is an issue ("...and the portions are terrible!"), but I have real problems with the way the story has evolved at the exact same time his work ethic seems to have evaporated.
I mean, If we're talking about the changes he made I think it starts before the bowling night right?, If I remember correctly the game was originally supposed to have incest with the sister and step-mom(and probably bio-mom), but then when patreon changed their rules he said he won't be making incest content but "modders are free to add it if they wish", which caused some to reach out to him for the names of his models/BGs and textures, and were either ignored or blocked(only saw 1 claim of being blocked, so don't know the truth of that statement), followed by months later him changing his mind and announcing there will be no incest, followed by months later another announcement that he's "going back and shrinking MC's dong" and "reworking the story" which many took to mean the removal of the hints toward incest so people stop asking if it's going to happen. this is just stuff I remember happening I don't remember where in the BD timeline it all fits.
Feb 29, 2020
Awkwardly, I have to disagree. I dislike the current trajectory of the game, even aside from the atrocious release schedule and the lying about hundreds/thousands of renders that are going to drop any day now.

The game has just become a confusing, bizarre mess in the last few major updates (I tend to point to the bowling event as the inflection point here). Think about the recent scene with Zoey; she basically breaks down because she simply can't communicate how much she loves the MC and the emotions she has put down on paper are just too strong to verbalize at the present time. I'm sorry, this goes way past porn game romance logic and becomes hard to even conceptualize as sane. Zoey barely knows the MC and she's having panic attacks about how much she loves him and how scared she is to communicate to him how much she loves him and her feelings.

This level of overly emotional response to almost no real stimuli feels completely divorced from the fairly straightforward established relationships or simple lust that explained most interactions between MC and the girls in the first ~2 years of the development of the game. And this applies to more than just Zoey. As I mentioned in a previous post, the MC spent a bizarre amount of time in the last few updates just going from room to room hugging girls who burst into tears and proclaimed their devotion to him despite barely knowing him.

Maybe it was always the intent of the dev to take the story this way, but it felt like there was more variety in the types of interactions MC had with girls before. Some he had relationships with before the game started, some were pure lust, some liked him for his actions or his fame (like Penelope), some were "saved" or "protected" by MC (which I think was always the goal with Harper and Natalie). But, now they all seem to be protected/saved by MC and love and adore him for it. That lack of variety in the character of most of the girls, especially the "new" girls, really limits their appeal aside from relatively minor aesthetic differences. Normally, if a new update involves a scene with your favorite girl, that's something you get really excited about. For WVM now, what, aside from haircut, really differentiates half the cheerleaders from each other?

And that's leaving aside entirely that WVM, apparently, now exists in a world of ninja-employing mobs and some shadowy triumvirate of local political power that has secretly been watching over the MC for decades. Blegh.

Obviously, the fact that he's not even providing this messy story in a consistent fashion is an issue ("...and the portions are terrible!"), but I have real problems with the way the story has evolved at the exact same time his work ethic seems to have evaporated.
I agree with you, and speaking of strange situations in the game's story, I'll add one more strange situation, the fact that Rachael is hiding Talismah because she is a "princess". :WaitWhat:


Dec 23, 2017
facepalm me for talking about your gf or bf ?
I awarded you a facepalm because your post was silly. The user you were responding to was using his prior posts to provide evidence supporting specific empirical claims he made in the post.

Also, I was just being generous. See, you are the only user on this site I've ever seen with over 1000 posts who also has more posts than likes. That means that, literally, in expectation when you post, people don't like it. Because any response counts towards that total, the facepalm improves your likes/posts ratio a tiny bit. You're welcome.


Jan 26, 2018
This is another bullshit from Braindrop.

If he knows he is having issues, and has been having for 2 years, instead of hiring a PR guy, hire someone that helps you WITH THE GAME.

I know he prefers to work alone, but for the last 2 years he has been unable to properly work at all, we dont want better excuses, we want progress with the game.

Accept your limitations, swallow your pride, and hire help.
Plot twist- He'll still be working alone, the PR guy will be BD in a hoodie that's one size too big


May 19, 2018
I awarded you a facepalm because your post was silly. The user you were responding to was using his prior posts to provide evidence supporting specific empirical claims he made in the post.

Also, I was just being generous. See, you are the only user on this site I've ever seen with over 1000 posts who also has more posts than likes. That means that, literally, in expectation when you post, people don't like it. Because any response counts towards that total, the facepalm improves your likes/posts ratio a tiny bit. You're welcome.
as the kids say 'L + ratio', I think. just had someone explain it to me a couple of days ago.


Chasing Redhead sm0ls
Jun 2, 2017
July 30 has come and it's birthday shout-out time. To Stacy, a kindhearted, sweet & beautiful redhead who means more to you (MC) than you even know.

Happy Birthday Stacy!
View attachment 1954296
Oh my sweet, sweet sister Stacy

I know you did not turn out to be cedey but no one realizes you are my other sister that mom has amnesia about.

I cannot wait to make sweet, sweet love to my sweet, sweet sister Stacy.

Happy Birthday!!

Your present is ready and will be cumming soon



Mar 28, 2022
Any chance someone can clarify for me?.... Is a complete "Season 1"???

I'm really not clear on what the diff between that version and the one I see posted as season 2 is?



The Freakiest of Lemons
Oct 24, 2018
Dam, cunts here complain when BD is silent still complain, give him shit, make fun of etc. When he speaks out.

Man some real cunts here, including the mods considering they're doing fuck all.
Could you please have the common decency to forgive players for wanting BD to live up to his promises and deliver game content he claims to have made

This applies equally to patrons and pirates;sure, the pirates may not have given actual money to BD but they've still been repeatedly lied to which feels fucking shitty
May 18, 2022
Could you please have the common decency to forgive players for wanting BD to live up to his promises and deliver game content he claims to have made

This applies equally to patrons and pirates;sure, the pirates may not have given actual money to BD but they've still been repeatedly lied to which feels fucking shitty
There is a big difference from voicing one's displeasure and disappointment compared to the cuntish and trollish shit posts that fill this thread.

I get the frustration some feel even though I understand it less on the pirate side which ironically is always more vocal. What I don't get is the personal attacks, the toxicity towards the dev and his family.

As far as I know the mind drops were meant for the people actually supporting this dev with money. It wasn't posted here by the dev. So any info they feel betrayed by wasn't even meant for them. And frankly I don't see any dev owing anything to the pirates.
3.70 star(s) 650 Votes