All right, I'm not a fan of the duck jokes but this one made me laugh so it gets a pass.
Dude, I have been around long enough (lurking and active) to know that if you stick with your vision, especially seeing how popular it is ALREADY, you will be fine and possibly CRUSH the living shit out of it...
I have ALSO learned; that EVERY.SINGLE.NEGATIVE.CRITICISM that ANYONE.EVER posts HERE is because they already LOVE the game and have a little, petty thing they want to change. They make it sound like they are COMPLETELY DONE with your work; you ruined it, blah, blah....bullshit. You will NEVER hear from those that TRULY dislike your work; they will just move on to something else. And here is the kicker; those that complain will CONTINUE to play regardless of whether you change it or not, no matter how much they kick and scream and tantrum they won't stop. The ones that do NOT contribute to you financially, will play the shit out of your game, crying while they masturbate to it... all the while sending you nasty posts that tell you they are CLEARLY playing over and OVER!
They love the game enough to comprise (sometimes EXCRUCIATINGLY) detailed diatribes as to why your "shit sucks" after they have been playing it (and "roughing-up-the-suspect", wink, wink, nudge, nudge) over and OVER for hours.
- Look at EACH negative criticism as like 5 POSITIVE and IGNORE the content of their post (because they will keep playing)
- Only read and "take-in" positive/constructive criticism from here AND PAYING Patreon members (THESE people love AND will spend the time telling you how to improve), fuck every other negative poster's comment
- Most importantly; you know how I said every 1 NEGATIVE posts is worth like 5 POSITIVE? That means if you change even 1 thing to make a negative poster happy you will make 5 HAPPY but SILENT sponsors/lurkers UNHAPPY! I have seen too many devs go down that rabbit-hole and disappear
Yeah crew the tl;dr This is for you!
DUDE! You have 45 PAGES of comments in less than 2 FUCKIN' MONTHS! You must be doing SOMETHING right!
P.S. The whole reason I started this was to tell you I FUCKIN' LOVE the lips!!!! I think it gives them a unique, while beautiful and somehow innocent(?) look? Like they don't know how to kiss? I can't put my finger on it, but it's HOT; like in a sloppy, virginal kiss kind of way... I don't even know if that makes sense, but daddy LIKEY!
P.S.S. Very few dev's I come out of the closet for to white-knight so, know I feel strongly. And LOVE your work.
And had a beer or 4 so, don't be surprised if I have deleted this by tomorrow, heheh
Your work is STRONG BD, very STRONG. (in my profession there is no better compliment I can give)
Where's my next beer...
SUPER P.S.S.S; my w and s keys seem to be sticking, so please be gentle