I found a Reddit post from last year describing how to get TyranoBuilder running on Linux using Proton and as it turned out the same method works with the games developed with TyranoBuilder. I tried it with the latest 5.0 version of Proton, all you have to do is to remove the file libGLESv2.dll from the game directory. After that the game works just fine with Proton. Couldn't get it running with pure Wine, though.
So, if you have Steam with Proton installed (you will have if you ever ran a Windows game with Steam on Linux), this is what you have to do to get it running:
1. Create a proton environment (replace USERNAME with your user name)
** /home/USERNAME/.steam/root/steamapps/common/Proton\ 5.0/dist/share/default_pfx ~/.proton
2. Then create a little script with this content and name it proton:
/home/USERNAME/.steam/root/steamapps/common/Proton\ 5.0/proton waitforexitandrun $1
3. Make it executable and copy it to /usr/local/bin
chmod +x proton
sudo ** proton /usr/local/bin/
Now you can use that script to start Windows games with proton:
So for this game just do
unrar x XTrek_-_ANWT.rar
cd XTrek\ -\ ANWT
rm libGLESv2.dll
proton A_Night_with_Troi.exe