Yiff.party is down or gone?


Engaged Member
Mar 1, 2020
anung_un_rama 262177
Ever since Patreon became a thing. I notice alot of furry artists that I use to follow became shady AF or be completed Asshole once they got that easy money. Some of them do cuck content for fan favor characters just to spite the people that been following them for a long time. IDK why platforms like Patreon or the Epic Store that making people to become completed asshole once they given that money? Its mostly common here in the west. I haven't notice any of this from people on the East that been break comic book sells left and right.


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
Wait, Epic does that too now? Great, depression intensifies. This is the former Epic Megagames we're talking about, right...? To think they helped their own developers release open source code for abandonware as well as distribute it for free...

Mindsets do die, but only the good ones... I'd like to confirm the assholery is in the west, but unfortunately, I could name (but won't, F95 rule) at least 18 artists, all from Japan, doing this on a Japanese platform. I first thought it was the Patreon mindset spreading and turning their brain into western mush, but it looks like some of them (fortunately) don't know about Patreon and don't speak English.

For the ones who did have a Patreon, the fact they suddenly became fluent in English was a dead giveaway...


Nov 11, 2020
I guess I should have posted here sooner. Thank you for the feedback, this keeps adding up... Really sorry for what happened to you, but Patreon really is a shady place. I wouldn't even dare to comment in there at all. Even pausing a pledge for a single month exactly once in a full year can get you banned by the creator (this was before the yearly thing even existed) and Patreon won't do anything against that.

This leaves... pixiv fanbox. With tons of shady artists removing content and changing pledges in the middle of the month (both against the ToS). The platform itself isn't shady but oh damn, the artists sure are...
It's not the first time I've had something like this happen to me on Patreon. I've had problems with 4 other artists. Some of them are promise on their payment page that they are providing their Patreon's with "HD" or "High Resolution", "Hi-Res" art and when you pay for the tier that is suppose to give you this content its almost all low res art. Some artists also only give access to the current months content so if you didn't sub to them from the beginning you're SOL. I got removed and banned from one artists Patreon just because I asked him to reupload 1 image. He didn't even message me to say "no." He just banned me without a word. Oh and then there's Xenoforge aka "Dogboneartwork". What a peice of work she is.


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
To think those are the artists who scream piracy. What a joke... :FacePalm:

Patreon failing to comply to its own ToS isn't much better, but oh well... Hope KemonoDev or whatever kind of cyber-entity this frontguy user is manages to get something stable at some point so angry backers can lash out, spite them and motivate the former worshippers to do the same thing by having them fall in the same trap and notice worship time is over.


Engaged Member
Mar 1, 2020
Wait, Epic does that too now? Great, depression intensifies. This is the former Epic Megagames we're talking about, right...? To think they helped their own developers release open source code for abandonware as well as distribute it for free...

Mindsets do die, but only the good ones... I'd like to confirm the assholery is in the west, but unfortunately, I could name (but won't, F95 rule) at least 18 artists, all from Japan, doing this on a Japanese platform. I first thought it was the Patreon mindset spreading and turning their brain into western mush, but it looks like some of them (fortunately) don't know about Patreon and don't speak English.

For the ones who did have a Patreon, the fact they suddenly became fluent in English was a dead giveaway...
No I referring to the the Epic Store run by Tim Sweeney himself. Who use time exclusives in order for people to get on his shit platform and pay game developers millions of dollar for making their game time exclusive in his platform. In practice, Its understandable for small developers to take that deal and get the funding they needed. In reality, they taken the exclusive deal to make up their loses and not honestly make a good product with it or became complete asshole toward the people who back them once they took that deal.

I only time I see Japanese artists became assholes is due to those middle man platforms. Convincing them that those fan sub from pirate sites are bad. Despise these platforms like FAKKU offshoring translation by these pirate translators. When it comes to Patreon I haven't seen much from the east.


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
RD8K Ah, thanks for the clarification. Didn't even know about Epic Store to be honest.

And yeah, it'd indeed make sense that those Japanese artists who used to be honest turned into complete assholes all thanks to FAKKU and friends... Heck, had been subbing to them for years, only to find out that they suddenly decided to go lazy, some of them suddenly had mastered English (how surprising) and well, you know the rest since I'm far from the only one in this situation, we all got ripped big time at some point. It's payback time.

Sucks that the honest ones - they're rare, but they do exist - have to be caught in the crossfire...


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2019
anung_un_rama 262177
Ever since Patreon became a thing. I notice alot of furry artists that I use to follow became shady AF or be completed Asshole once they got that easy money. Some of them do cuck content for fan favor characters just to spite the people that been following them for a long time. IDK why platforms like Patreon or the Epic Store that making people to become completed asshole once they given that money? Its mostly common here in the west. I haven't notice any of this from people on the East that been break comic book sells left and right.

Power corrupts and money is form of power.
Dec 4, 2020
To think those are the artists who scream piracy. What a joke... :FacePalm:
Right, exactly. And thats aside from the fact that most of the staunchest piracy witch-hunting DRM artists are - in a sense - pirates themselves. Except they're pirates who're making money from their piracy.

The majority of porn artists I've seen over the years (since long before Patreon was "the new norm"), are just "fanartists" who rarely ever draw original content, so now in the days when nearly everyone is a "paywall artist" they're effectively comitting copyright infringement or illegal redistribution. The most common excuse is about as flaky as a bag of crisps: "You're not paying me for art of IP's I don't own the rights to; You're paying me for 'the incentive to draw'". When you put it through the BS filter it reads: "You're paying me for art of IP's I don't own the rights to".
Dec 4, 2020
Wait, Epic does that too now? Great, depression intensifies.
No I referring to the the Epic Store
I only have minimal experience with the Epic store, but Epic Megagames, the dev: To me they were one of the most generous developers back in the day. To think, with their Unreal Tournament games, right since the first all the way up to the last "full UT game" UT3, EVERY SINGLE official DLC was 100% free. And not only that, but their DLC's were usually HUGE. 10-20 new maps, new characters, new game modes, new skins, weapons, vehicles etc. All free!

Nowadays you can't even get 2 new maps and a new character (or any comparitively tiny DLC) without paying £10-15. The games industry I guess is just another area where greed has just gone out of control. But I'm going way off topic so I'll leave it at that :p


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
Yeah, I hope Epic store and Epic Megagames aren't related. I almost cried when I saw devs for various games going "we have good news guys, not only we're going to release our games for free, but we also made sure to get permission from Epic Megagames and they even allowed us to share the source code so developers can learn from it!"

I wish I still had a link but Epic Megagames confirmed it, and it felt like I was a little girl suddenly seeing Santa Claus for real. Not just the "you get it for free", the game was $5 shareware. Allowing the developer to bypass the whole copyright shit, and even allowing resharing of source code for all of their abandoned games, and distributing them on their own site as well to ensure copies were widely available.

It went the same for MMOs - developers were allowed to outsource and help people make private servers. Even Epic Megagames itself went out if its way to teach how to properly set them up for some games. Of course, there's the obvious limitation (because when you are nice to people, always be ready for the worst, exploiting kindness is one of the worst traits in human genes and no one is immune, we just have to resist as hard as possible) - you cannot make money out of it or if you do, you have to provide a little compensation to the developer (all up the developer, and they all went with, honestly, really nice ones, like 'if you make over $10k from this, you agree to pay 5% to the developer, otherwise your income is royalty-free, thank you for your understanding and hope this helps all of us!'.

All of this was before the crowdfunding era. But even when the crowdfunding started, the idea was this:
- support a project you like, if enough people contribute, you can make it happen.
- support a creator you like, help them make cool stuff, and you can just give zero money and show moral support, it doesn't matter.
- get freebies for your support, even if you can't support financially, because developers really like your interest in their projects and that motivates them.

Welcome to 2021 where greed and corruption turned the entire world into Mexico where the mafia has complete control over the law and justice is a joke. I predict an Orwellian dystopia not too long in the future, and as usual, I would really like to be wrong, but I also hope I will finally have completed my own ruined life's biggest, unfulfillable wish by then.

"No one is above the law." - US AG Sally Yates, 2017-01-20 ~ 2017-01-30.
"Fuck this shit. I'll write a blogpost about it, archive it, spread it, see if anyone cares, and hope the next four years won't be a complete apocalypse." - Also Sally Yates, to herself, before realizing you cannot cure stupidity and brainwashing. Not even justice can do that, because justice is dead.

Pirates also fight for justice. It's a lesser known concepts because all pirates totally are bad and never support mangaka, doujinka, game developers, etc. Pirates enjoy getting shady companies down. Pirates also particularly enjoy exposing double standards from hypocrites who will yell for having their content shared and redistributed, but conveniently close their eyes when do it themselves (because it's different) or because "they need the money to survive" when they ironically are richer - even after all the taxes - than professional artists running a perfectly nice tipjar and telling people to not support them if they can't afford it, and their moral support is more than enough and they're fucking thankful for it because they are not worthy.

Being kind, helpful, generous to people in this society is a flaw. A really huge one. But you can't take that away from any of us. Don't you fucking dare. That's how mankind should be. Sharing is caring, and not caring about yourself doesn't mean you don't care for others. It just means your self-esteem is so damn low you don't fucking care about whatever happens to you as long as you know there will be people fighting for proper mindsets without some SJW "but my morality" bullshit, mindsets where we can be - to quote anne O'nymous - who we are, not sycophants, not V/Guy Fawkes, not some whiteknight (but still be mostly anonymous because fuck attention whoring and fuck nicknames) - only the former part is a quote by anne O'nymous, the latter is just a rant.

Really went all out here, but had to get it off my chest even though there's not much left inside. I still have a 'heart'. I'm still human. You won't take away our mankind no matter how much fucking money you throw away or send our way. Fuck you and fuck your money and power bullshit.

To get back on KP and KemonoDev: We (I'm not alone) better not discover more stuff that can get this upside down, and you better be worth all that 'based' retarded showering. If it turns out to be another hit-and-run, don't expect to get away with any money. No offense here, just making sure you and the mysterious frontend guy come clean because you still haven't answered on where the request money goes and how it works. In detail. No DMs, and DMs are public anyway - Xenforo convos are made that way, and even private messages are public if casually intercepted on any forum engine that isn't batshit crazy levels of security and paranoia. If you still don't, then we'll just ask that frontend guy about it. Reselling is not cool. That's not how you pirate things. If you want to spite a creator, all you have to do is simply leak their content and if they're thin-skinned, they'll already be mad. If, instead, they're smart, they'll thank you for it. Free advertising. Of course, you can also cut off any and all income by reporting all of their fraudulent schemes while they try to take you down if you really are clean. That's perfectly legal as long as you don't provide any sensible information, and you can do that very easily.
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anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Welcome to 2021 where greed and corruption turned the entire world into Mexico where the mafia has complete control over the law and justice is a joke. I predict an Orwellian dystopia not too long in the future, and as usual, I would really like to be wrong, but I also hope I will finally have completed my own ruined life's biggest, unfulfillable wish by then.
I'll be the devil advocate for once, but why should they care as long as it works ?

To limit to the game industry, games are so sophisticated nowadays that they cost a fucking tons of money, and needs years to be done. You want to make a AAA game ? Count your budget in millions and expect four years for the devel. Of course, when you're millions in dept to your investors, you need to sell. And for them to invest again, you need to make them not only get their money back, but also earn a lot of new money.
But look around you, there's too many games. Unless you hit the jackpot with a franchise that raise a fanbase (CoD, Assassin creed, ...) you need to be different from the others, and nowadays different mean "visually better". A better that in fact only you notice because, while not being yet at a reality level of visual quality outside of the cinematic, we are so fucking near to it ; in a way it's like the speed of light, you can never reach it, just be nearer than previously.
In the end, they just don't sell enough. Therefore, instead of wondering how they can do better games, they wonder how they can do better buzz (cyberpunk 2077), or earn more money (micro transactions). And like it works, they continue this way.

The same can be said for so many other topic, like Internet of Things by example. Congratulation, your bubble lights are now connected ; like they need the cloud to works, please don't forget to pay your monthly fees.
They don't need the cloud to works, they could use Bluetooth to reach your phone, but like few know that, many pay the fees.
A philosopher who's name I forgot, said, in the middle of the 90's that the 21 century would be the century of services... Something tell me that it isn't how I was seeing those "services", but it's what we have reached. The more the time pass, the less you pay for what you own, but for the right to use it.
And once again, we let them do, therefore why shouldn't they continue ?

But this is not necessarily a fatality.
While the US is fucked, in Europe we resist, and this model can not export outside of the Western world because there's not enough money there.
In the late 00's and early 10's we thought that Internet spirit was dead ; ads, ads everywhere. Then in 2021 we are, and "free" made its big return on the web. Even crowfunding and sponsorship business model tend this way ; those who can pays, in order for those who can't to still be able to benefit from [whatever] is payed.

[...] Also Sally Yates, to herself, before realizing you cannot cure stupidity and brainwashing. Not even justice can do that, because justice is dead.
When you're smart, you know that there's no reason to yell.
Right now in my country (France), there's few dozen of thousands on the streets because they don't want to vaccinate. And they think they are the majority, because they are the only ones that make the noise. But with half of the country having had at least their first dose, the math don't say the same.
The majority act while the stupids make noise. It's easier in some countries than in others, that's the sole difference.


Engaged Member
Mar 1, 2020
anne O'nymous
Because just like what happen somewhere in the 90s I believe. It going to inevitably cause a game crash and no one gonna bother buy their shitty AAA games down the road. The reason we're not in a game crash already is their are diamonds here or their that can replaced that market of garbage. Whereas before, every game studio was releasing garbage after garbage to a point that everyone had a backbone and stop buying them. Their is a breakpoint were they will stop releasing garbage once their funds out. Because if they decided to make their games exclusive to the Chinese market once they can't make money from the west. Will be suicidal for knowing the content within some of their I.Ps and how they sold themselves as.

Making a triple A game is alot cheaper then to think. I believe a very talented studio given 1/3 of a budget of a Triple A game can do alot more then any AAA studios right now. The reason these Triple A games are so high in budge and needs years to be completed. Is due the fact their given that money and some of it is put in places where it not needed or paying off the bloat. The state that Cyberpunk 2077 was released can give you that reason. The state of many triple A games that were released with false advertisement or riddle with bugs can give you that reason. Hell the CEO of Activision (If I remember his stupid name) said how his company was in the green and them afterward laid off 600 people. That show that they need to cut off their bloat so that cost is lessen in needed for important thing of the development for these titles.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Still playing devil advocate:

Because just like what happen somewhere in the 90s I believe.
There's a major difference with the 90's. At this time indie studios were named Epic Games or Apogee Software, among others, and were making the games they wanted to play. It's this, more than the lack of quality and diversity coming from the AAA studios, that led to the crisis. Why pay (I don't even remember how much) for an average game, when you can have better for less, with a Jazz Jack Rabbit or a Doom by example ?
Nowadays, outside of niche markets, like the adult gaming scene by example, even indie studios are making games for the money. And like gamers will never cease to games, even if the games are in fact average, as long as it's the sole alternative there will be no crisis.

It going to inevitably cause a game crash and no one gonna bother buy their shitty AAA games down the road.
Four years that Star Wars Battlefront 2 raised the community against EA... and I still don't see the crash. What I see is more and more pre-orders and micro-transactions, not AAA studios having a revelation. For the last trimester of 2019, EA made more than one million US dollars just with the micro-transactions, and they reached 52 millions sells for the said Star Wars Battlefront 2 at the start of his year.
Therefore, once again, they have no reason to change their mind. People complain, but they buy the game anyway.

Their is a breakpoint were they will stop releasing garbage once their funds out.

In 2020, EA have an operating income over the billion US dollars... It's less than in 2019, but with 11 billions of assets, they can even take few years without benefits before they have the obligation to changes their mind.
It's just a fact, a really sad fact, this business model works.

Making a triple A game is alot cheaper then to think. [...] The state that Cyberpunk 2077 was released can give you that reason.
You know that CD Projekt wanted to delay the release, but was forced by their bankers, right ? It's the biggest project of the studio, and they put the whole studio at risk with it. I can assure you that if they had the possibility to make it for less, they wouldn't had hesitated a single second. It would have implied less risk for the studio and less pressure from the bankers.

The state of many triple A games that were released with false advertisement
Shocking. A cinematic, played as advertisement on a dedicated high end computer coupled to a high end screen that cost more than you'll earn in two years, don't looks like what you'll get on your home computer.

or riddle with bugs can give you that reason.
At the opposite, it's the demonstration of the effective cost of such games. Those bugs happen because coding nowadays games is an effectively complex task. A small change in this or that, and everything start to break, but there's so many variables (not only in the codding meaning of the word) in play, that you can't test every single possible context for every single instant of the game.
It's for this reason that many studios simply discard PC. Consoles have a frozen configuration, what make the development, then the tests, way more easier.
But for PC, you've to take count of few tenth of GPU, then to take count of the CPU that can, or not, give enough power for this or that effect. And obviously, you can't go to minimum. You can't make your game so it play nice on a 1060, dot. The guy who just bought a 3090 want to benefit from it, yet the 1060 being only 5 years old, the game still have to play nice on it, and on all the NVidia GPU in between, and on all the GPU that aren't made by NVidia.

To this you've to add the pressure coming from the community. The game have to be released, but the release process take a full month. Going for the "zero day patch" option permit them to have one month more of testing, while making the community wait one less month.


Engaged Member
Mar 1, 2020
There's a major difference with the 90's. At this time indie studios were named Epic Games or Apogee Software, among others, and were making the games they wanted to play. It's this, more than the lack of quality and diversity coming from the AAA studios, that led to the crisis. Why pay (I don't even remember how much) for an average game, when you can have better for less, with a Jazz Jack Rabbit or a Doom by example ?
Nowadays, outside of niche markets, like the adult gaming scene by example, even indie studios are making games for the money. And like gamers will never cease to games, even if the games are in fact average, as long as it's the sole alternative there will be no crisis.
Thank you for saying in detail of what I just said. I'm not trying to be a jerk here, but that basically what I just say. People standard from the first crash were alot different then their are today. The main point I was making is their will be a TRIPLE A gaming crash down the line, not a GAMING INDUSTRY crash. As long as we have GOOD alternative to replace the Shit within market. They won't be any chances of a game crash to happen. Their will be however a point of people being completely done with buying triple A gaming content if they continue the path their going.

Four years that Star Wars Battlefront 2 raised the community against EA... and I still don't see the crash. What I see is more and more pre-orders and micro-transactions, not AAA studios having a revelation. For the last trimester of 2019, EA made more than one million US dollars just with the micro-transactions, and they reached 52 millions sells for the said Star Wars Battlefront 2 at the start of his year.
Therefore, once again, they have no reason to change their mind. People complain, but they buy the game anyway.
That is due the fact they have a IP monopoly on who get to make Star War games and consumerism which give people the mindset of "don't asked questioned, just consume product and get excited for next product." Regardless of quality, lack of content from previous title, or how much the company is fucking them over.

"In 2020, EA have an operating income over the billion US dollars... It's less than in 2019, but with 11 billions of assets, they can even take few years without benefits before they have the obligation to changes their mind."
It's just a fact, a really sad fact, this business model works.
I doubt that sustainable, especially with their previous studio shut down.

You know that CD Projekt wanted to delay the release, but was forced by their bankers, right ? It's the biggest project of the studio, and they put the whole studio at risk with it. I can assure you that if they had the possibility to make it for less, they wouldn't had hesitated a single second. It would have implied less risk for the studio and less pressure from the bankers.
That the consequence when a studio is brought by investors and relying on them and not the people who buying their game. The investors are the one who has more say in what direction the game taken. Even if it mean it risk the studio reputation or IP destruction. Because they THINK they know what's best even though it a bad move long term for the studio.

Shocking. A cinematic, played as advertisement on a dedicated high end computer coupled to a high end screen that cost more than you'll earn in two years, don't looks like what you'll get on your home computer.
And yet they spend development cost and advertise it as such. Leaving the legitimately of the question "will they get sued?" and the answered to that is always, "it depend on what country the studio is in." The shit that the game industry get away with can be illegal to do in other industries. I still don't get how that even allow...

At the opposite, it's the demonstration of the effective cost of such games. Those bugs happen because coding nowadays games is an effectively complex task. A small change in this or that, and everything start to break, but there's so many variables (not only in the codding meaning of the word) in play, that you can't test every single possible context for every single instant of the game.
It's for this reason that many studios simply discard PC. Consoles have a frozen configuration, what make the development, then the tests, way more easier.
But for PC, you've to take count of few tenth of GPU, then to take count of the CPU that can, or not, give enough power for this or that effect. And obviously, you can't go to minimum. You can't make your game so it play nice on a 1060, dot. The guy who just bought a 3090 want to benefit from it, yet the 1060 being only 5 years old, the game still have to play nice on it, and on all the NVidia GPU in between, and on all the GPU that aren't made by NVidia.

To this you've to add the pressure coming from the community. The game have to be released, but the release process take a full month. Going for the "zero day patch" option permit them to have one month more of testing, while making the community wait one less month.
Or just say they offshoring a group of incompetent people that has no full experience and are going to get laid off once the title is completed, because that is cheaper within the cost. Then keeping the previous people who use to be their for years and left due to "creative differences."

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
That is due the fact they have a IP monopoly on who get to make Star War games and consumerism which give people the mindset of "don't asked questioned, just consume product and get excited for next product." Regardless of quality, lack of content from previous title, or how much the company is fucking them over.
So, at one time people will stop buying AAA games... but they'll continue to buy AAA games based on franchises with a strong fan base, like Star Wars, Marvel, but also FIFA or Call of Duty.
Isn't already how EA is working since more than a decade ?

I doubt that sustainable, especially with their previous studio shut down.
You understand that, half of the time when not more, they buy a studio only to remove it from the competition, right ? So obviously, at one point they'll shut it down. But before this they'll try to get part of their money back, by making this studio release few games ; preferably average games, because the studio need to not be loved by the scene anymore.
Electronic Arts board is perfectly aware of the scene crisis. They know perfectly well that they are following the devil route, they just don't care because they are powerful enough to make the rules. They have the franchises that will make their games sells whatever they do with them, and they have the money to remove any studio that rise enough to be a potential treat in the future.

That the consequence when a studio is brought by investors and relying on them and not the people who buying their game.
What is the consequence of the cost that you, wrongly, imagine being not that high. Even if you remove the advertising cost, a game like a The Witcher title, Cyberpunk 2077 or a Call of Duty title cost more than US$ 80 millions. Even a game like Skyrim, that stand below in term of quality, had a development cost around US$ 85 millions.
Actually there's only two studios on the world that can fund them by themselves, EA and Nintendo.

And yet they spend development cost and advertise it as such. Leaving the legitimately of the question "will they get sued?" and the answered to that is always, "it depend on what country the studio is in."
Absolutely not. It depend on what country the game is sold. And EA already lost many trials all around the world. But exception made of FIFA, half their market is in the USA, so I'm not sure if they care this much.


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
To get slightly back on topic, did some back-and-forth with KemonoDev (Shino) and Sofie, greatly appreciate the feedback.

Misconceptions that were clarified, and needed to be pointed out:
- Requests only are there to specify which tiers must be grabbed; basically, my understanding of it is 'how much money do I need to be able to fulfill this request', idiots using $10000 are just trolls setting it to the code's max value instead of being informative, checking the creator's page, which plan actually is the highest used (many plans are for extra support and not needed), etc.
- Requests cannot be edited and many idiots don't even read how to use them (effectively linking to a dead link as you must use the goddamn ID, read, the, fucking, manual, please).
- Providing a picture currently isn't super helpful as it will 404 most of the time, and only one vote is allowed by IP (there is abuse going on to boost one's own requests, but that one should be pretty obvious as getting a random IP without any traceback is not rocket science)
- Pictures retain their original filename so do not use sensitive filenames
- KP and MH are different projects using different code, and Shino and Sofie work on it concurrently. Sofie mostly takes care of MH.
- Sofie firmly believes that issues will be taken care of 'as they come', and pointed out that 'they are new to this'.
- Downloaders are intended to be valued over importers. While I strongly disagree with this, since the emphasis on it is the distribution, the next point was discussed.
- A known cloud network approach has been discussed to highlight on how downloaders can help provide significant amounts of valuable bandwidth and effectively contribute even if they don't import, scrape or add a list of known users worth scraping.

Not highlighting server specs because reasons (F95 is automatically crawled and archived. Discord is public but requires actual effort and interest to lurk there, grab the info and archive it).
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Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
To make points stronger: most of the crawlers are based in countries that can easily provide gigabit-tier bandwidth and can get a VPS at dirt cheap prices if they do not wish to use their home connection. They would also prove that they are not just here to hit and run, as this is completely worthless, regardless of what the development team thinks.

I am also sure most of them would be happy to have a way to contribute back if they realize this means a huge speed and stability increase for them and everyone else, while also significantly boosting the importer distribution power, effectively being 'everyone wins'.


Engaged Member
Mar 1, 2020
- Requests only are there to specify which tiers must be grabbed; basically, my understanding of it is 'how much money do I need to be able to fulfill this request', idiots using $10000 are just trolls setting it to the code's max value instead of being informative, checking the creator's page, which plan actually is the highest used (many plans are for extra support and not needed), etc.
Then why haven't they just clean up the troll requests that idiots posted on the request list?
- KP and MH are different projects using different code, and Shino and Sofie work on it concurrently. Sofie mostly takes care of MH.
Then where are the updates about MH? all I been getting is it been working on secretly compare to what Kemono Party development. I not even sure if it even existed atm and it just code right now.
- Downloaders are intended to be valued over importers. While I strongly disagree with this, since the emphasis on it is the distribution, the next point was discussed.
Did you asked him if it due to it being easy to manage bandwidth then it it to increased storage? Because that can be more understandable. However, that point comes off "pretending to be unaware" of the bugs like content/creators not being imported or duplication pages mess up importing. On top of that, Importers have to deal with a 2 GB upload limitation for packs that ranges to 6-8GB larger for certain creators releases. Leaving it not knowing if the system can tell if it spam or not when we break those packs into parts and spam upload 40+ .rar files per creator.


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
RD8K I stopped at that because I hate Discord.

1) Considering requests cannot even be edited, I'd say that's not on their priority list, they'd rather make things look cool.

2) You have to ask Sofie on discord since Sofie cannot even be reached at all. As far I can tell, the user is posting screenshots of what MemoryHole looks like. Thinker is a dead end, looking back at the log just shows he's in charge of discord cleanup once every few months and that's that.

3) I did, they're confident they can handle that.
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I'm also aware of the import limitations myself but didn't even bother after confirming downloaders were the priority. There's a gallery-dl clone for kemono (monitored by kemono-bugs) and China also has tons of crawlers.

Where they will find the money to buy backend servers is a mystery. Compare to - that's over a very long time.


Engaged Member
Mar 1, 2020
Also, I'm wondering what happen with that Kemono FAQ/About page they implemented around the shitshow they had with Twitter. Did they got rid of it or what?