I'll bring
Waifusgalore and
TitaniumDickDiamondBalls here too.
Thanks for highlighting that Kemono belongs to you and partychan belongs to the former ofans.party's owner(?)
From the (forced, last resort) discord quickchat:
Sofie: "We don't manage Kemono. While Shino may reply [...]" - This pretty much means "Kemono code discussion goes in talk-room", where 99% is meme talk or MemoryHole logos.
Sofie: "This is their server, not ours." - Knew that but wanted to point out how ironic it was not to have a separate contact endpoint, or at least channel subset, for each one.
Sofie: "We would appreciate it if you remembered that in the future." - So don't mention Kemono on the MemoryHole discord when it's about code. Makes sense, in fact, since it's meant for MemoryHole. Also, I guess it was a really, really big mistake (and I don't even know what went through my mind here) to try and defend the furry fetish vs real porn when I dislike furry myself (but respect the userbase and their tastes as long as they don't grow cancerous or force it), and Sofie made it clear in the past that the approach to remove realporn made them upset and all content should be allowed (hello RL snuff movies and **).
I hate discord (just no), telegram (no apps thank you), twitter (even in the open, there's no salvation), *and* any kind of 4chan/8chanspawn (hello captchas and shitposts) so apologies if this sounds a bit rude, but feel free to fix any inconsistencies in there, after trying to make some sense from both what was said in discord and what you just said:
- Kemono belongs to you (
KemonoDev), aka Shino, and reachable ways are: F95 (not really convenient for you I'd say, but the most viable), twitter (lolno), telegram (even more lolno), discord (welp), or protonmail (for more obscure things). Code is JavaScript and Python.
- MemoryHole belongs to Sofie, reachable ways: discord. Code is TypeScript, Kotlin and Java.
- Seiso belongs to Sam (not our Sam, that discord Sam), again: discord. Code: Didn't check.
- ofans/partychan belongs to, I suppose, Thinker, since the discord was started by Thinker even though the user is pretty idle. Reading literally six months of backlog was just too much, even with almost zero offtopic.
I'm sure some of the pinged users might be able to shorten all of this a little bit, but in any case, thank you very much for the quick reply and trying to make things less confusing.
Again, thank you, and apologies for the rather rude-sounding post. Just trying to make sure importers will consistently be able to work along with downloaders without both sides being rekt or going what the fuck just happened.
Edit: Added the obvious F95.