Yiff.party is down or gone?


Jun 22, 2018
For the unaware, kemono.party is on its last legs. For reasons I do not have a complete understanding of, only the Patreon and Discord importers are working, and Patreon's has been having issues.

- The people running SubscribeStar are willing to go through less than legitimate means to keep track of you if they suspect you are sharing your login with importers. It's been down for a year or two.

- Fanbox recently did some new DDOS/scraper protections and it borked the Fanbox importer. It either sees the importer using your login using a different IP, and/or they have a flag now for people trying to view an entire artist's works as quickly as the importer does. The result it is you have to relog and change your password. Not sure if people have been banned. No one seems to know if it's worry over people losing their accounts if the importer trips the detection, or if there's no one working on it. No Fanbox artists have been updated since Oct 18th.

- Importers stopped being open source at some point; Maybe there were fears that Patreon are working on ways to break them, and this would slow that. No one seems able to communicate with the people (if there are any) working on the broken importers.

The result is a majority of posts over there (chan.kemono.party/kemono/) are assuming the worst, and the admins give little to no communication on these topics aside from the ones working on maintaining the Patreon importer. The number of people assuming they're just keeping Kemono going until the Patreon importer breaks far outweigh the people keeping fingers crossed that other importers get fixed.

I've seen "everything from the Fanbox importer is fixed, but the timing on evading the scraper-protection is finicky", to "the programmers are on vacation until the new year", to "it's over and let's spitball new importer site designs."


Jun 22, 2018
Im sick of the trolls and doomposters, probably the majority of them are accounts of butthurt artists or their fan drones trolling.
Some people didn't forget how yiff.party went down without warning. They could cut back most of the doomposting if they gave any news about what's going on. It's only a matter of time before Patreon tries to emulate what Fanbox has, and (at least I) haven't seen a single admin post talking about solutions being put together, talking to former uploaders, or seeking programming help.

Hard Knocks

Dec 26, 2019
anyone else getting virus alerts from the attachements on kem?
https: // c5. kem
it only goes off with the links with c5 in the url, c1 to c6 are fine
are they actually malicious?