Yiff.party is down or gone?


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
Yes, since the domain may distribute shady ads. That's my guess without providing the exact URL where the threat triggered (sorry, I don't work on this thing myself, but URL phishing redirects are very likely to happen from ad rotators).


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
KemonoDev Looks like a few people starting adding issues on the github repos (I don't use github myself and I never use notifications anywhere so I don't really know how this keeps the, uh, github community informed of new stuff, mostly because I don't like what github became after Microsoft took over - as for notifications, social avoidance I guess, though really just not user-friendly :D ).

Not sure if you are the one behind kemono-bugs but should anything special be mentioned there? Wouldn't exactly want to use a github account only to repost what's already been said, that'd only be annoying for you to read.

(I'm also not sure how often quickfix maintenances actually happen as after a quick glance some changes might require the server to be offline and restarted for them to be applied.)


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2019
Someone more knowledgeable in Japanese or/and fanita.jp rules correct me : you have to subscribe first to an artist to be able to buy their past terms ?

For example when I'm trying to buy from this artist :

and last month redirect me to the same payment page :

Looks a bit greedy to me....but I may do something wrong here.


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
Nope, that is correct. Backnumbers are paid plan only, free plan members cannot purchase them. It used to be even worse in the past, as they were sold separately (so you effectively had to buy every single tier).

Some creators are way less greedy and refuse to go with Fantia's system, so they will instead allow you to browse the entire backlog. But they are extremely rare to find, and I am not importing the very few that exist because they are honest. Shouldn't exactly surprise you from a platform where you can 'tip' a few thousand bucks (no, not yen, actual US dollars) with emotes lol.

As for creators who also rebelled against Fantia's social tipping system and forcefully disabled it, that's exactly a single creator I know out of over 50k I browsed. They will effectively *prevent* you from using any paid emote (free reactions are not a problem if that's your fetish) and even encourage you to use a free plan.

Edit: Oh, and wait until you see their commission system... They may be greedy but at least they're upfront about it lol. :sneaky:
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
It amuses me that people still don't know why talking about Patreon #4937719/Patreon #8369635 is extremely dangerous, while all of us Yiff users know all the rather damning details as well as the entire list of users participating in it, without having to worry about it being some kind of leak (this is obviously against global rules) since they casually admitted to it. Oh the irony. :p

The only reason I never bothered contacting Sam (yes, our Sam this time) about it is because he's busy enough dealing with F95 and there are other mass criminals to deal with anyway on various scales, as RD8K pointed out.
anyone getting Error 003 when trying to add favourite ?
Not KemonoDev (and not working on this thing) but that's quite a vague error code.

KemonoDev Thanks for the FANBOX comment importing! This one's appreciated because it can be hard to grab publicly depending on the situation.


Engaged Member
Mar 1, 2020
KemonoDev Thanks for the FANBOX comment importing! This one's appreciated because it can be hard to grab publicly depending on the situation.
Oh, its been implement? sweet. I'm gonna notify other threads and sites that fanbox comments can now be imported. So they can update their pages for content that are hidden within the comments.


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
Oh, its been implement? sweet. I'm gonna notify other threads and sites that fanbox comments can now be imported. So they can update their pages for content that are hidden within the comments.
Wasn't aware artists were doing this on fanbox too. I guess I don't support enough of them - only supporting enough to notice the ones removing things each month or casually adding plans the same way you described for Gumroad...

Thanks for the info, I'll keep an eye out - and obviously inform everyone too, though I don't exactly have many ties to the outside world... :sneaky:


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
So its only me then. it just say "error 003, could not favourite artist". i can unfavourite but not favourite for some reasons
Tried reporting on github? KemonoDev doesn't check there quite often but maybe one of the contributors could help you:

(hopefully that's the right one, I don't really know much about github stuff...)

errorList is a generic Map (list) for Kemono imported from kemono-fetch:

* The map of error names and their messages.
export const errorList = new Map([
  ["001", "Could not favorite post."],
  ["002", "Could not unfavorite post."],
  ["003", "Could not favorite artist."],
  ["004", "Could not unfavorite artist."],
  ["005", "There might already be a flag here."],
  ["006", "Could not retrieve the list of bans."],
  ["007", "Could not retrieve banned artist."],
  ["008", "Could not retrieve artists."],

async function favoriteArtist(service, userID) {
  try {
    const response = await kemonoFetch(
      { method: "POST" }

    if (!response.ok) {
      alert(`Error 003 - ${errorList.get("003")}`);
      return false;

    return true;

  } catch (error) {
(! ) checks for a response that is not HTTP 2xx ( ) so all this tells you here is the request failed.
Could use more logging imo but as I said, not working on this so sorry if I'm misunderstanding things in the code.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
Maintenance in progress (check ) just in case people don't know why there's a 502 for data servers.
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Feb 14, 2021
The question is probably off-topic, but does anyone know or is there a program that downloads packs of photos from the authors?


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
The question is probably off-topic, but does anyone know or is there a program that downloads packs of photos from the authors?
Not exactly offtopic imo, as this is one of Kemono's main issues that they outright refuse to address by using the 'let everyone hammer servers then order more servers' approach.

Yes, many of them, and they're the reason downloads are so slow and unreliable on limited server hardware. Importers usually complain about slow uploads, which means it is also a problem as without importing, there is nothing new to download.

To contribute on your end, you can use or code a script that sends a polite user agent, delays reasonably between each download and only sends one query at a time. This will take a very long time for even 500 files, but it does the job and doesn't molest the server.

Also, since cloud/peer based distribution was rejected, there is no way to have a smooth, mostly non-redundant content distribution approach, so you will likely be redownloading some files even after properly sending check and skip signals.

One of them is listed on their github page... and encouraged. :rolleyes:


Feb 14, 2021
Not exactly offtopic imo, as this is one of Kemono's main issues that they outright refuse to address by using the 'let everyone hammer servers then order more servers' approach.

Yes, many of them, and they're the reason downloads are so slow and unreliable on limited server hardware. Importers usually complain about slow uploads, which means it is also a problem as without importing, there is nothing new to download.

To contribute on your end, you can use or code a script that sends a polite user agent, delays reasonably between each download and only sends one query at a time. This will take a very long time for even 500 files, but it does the job and doesn't molest the server.

Also, since cloud/peer based distribution was rejected, there is no way to have a smooth, mostly non-redundant content distribution approach, so you will likely be redownloading some files even after properly sending check and skip signals.

One of them is listed on their github page... and encouraged. :rolleyes:
I put it wrong, I meant uploading a photo from the site, take the same Miss Ally, there are 93 pages of photos and each one can be downloaded separately ...


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
I put it wrong, I meant uploading a photo from the site, take the same Miss Ally, there are 93 pages of photos and each one can be downloaded separately ...
Ah damn. Sorry for misunderstanding your post.

Don't worry, I derped as well. Turns out the one on github is a link to PixivUtil which is meant for pixiv.

Can't exactly provide support on how to use it as I don't use it myself but it might provide compatibility for the site you are trying to download from. It should also offer 'polite flags', but I'm not sure about that part. If you're familiar with a terminal and command line interface, you can also use the wget command (will require Cygwin or similar on Windows, it's usually built-in).

Or you can just use browser extensions like JDownloader, DownThemAll, etc. Hopefully got your post right this time ;)
In order to upload it to the site, you'll have to use the import feature but manual uploads are disabled at the moment (unless this was changed).
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Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
Bookmarked, thanks a lot! I literally couldn't find it but I'll admit I didn't exactly check the page source.

Funny how that FAQ looks like it was written by Sofie and not Shino when Sofie is supposed to be working on MemoryHole.
Infighting between Kemono and MemoryHole would make the situation even worse than it is so please tell me I am wrong.


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
Was already archived but rebookmarked it.
Gave me an even stronger headache (chronic migraine is fun) and I'm a wall of texter myself.

So the tl;dr is the furry community made a fuss about Kemono not being 99% furry? I'm totally going to riot because toilet.party isn't almost entirely scat, or lesbian.party isn't the purest form of love.

Just change the domain name if that's an issue. Where's the problem? :unsure:


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
KemonoDev Good job with the latest feature, Shinonome. (y)

This was already easily doable because reasons, but I guess this means now all contributors will be able to do it as well.