The game has finally been updated online though they didn't use the hot fix since I couldn't go to Jack's house through the button (it was possible with "explore it more"). Why waiting so much and not using the latest one
So, now that I know how to do it myself, it would probably be better to do it myself though I'm still worried to do stupid things since I don't understand it very well and seing all the problems others have encountered on many other threads...
First, I'm happy to have seen the images from the previous version. It made it more pleasant.
So, for this update :
_The new map is better though the contrast could be better (it's too much on the clear side of the spectrum). The button for the castle don't work everywhere (if it's one you've already fixed then I'm sorry)
_The new smartphone :
At first, I was annoyed you moved the jobs to laptop because how could we buy it if we don't work first. But it was actualy a good move to valorize the loan from the bank.
The contacts menu is well thought though I think the characters that have a relationship that evolve because they are targets should be at the top (like Jack and Jerry). Some characters are missing : mom (I know it's a gay game but mom is still mom), Ron, Bill, Kevin (Jack's friend) and Ralf (it's a joke
). Why not the lifeguard, the sailor, Diego or Padre Hyme, though they are supporting characters. Christian is present at the start (and accessible through the after school activities) though the character is still introduced when we reach 30 school reputation.
The scenes with brother are varied so well done though sending a nude picture didn't change anything (you seem to have solved it with the hot fix). I was hoping the sex scenes at the park and the sea but I found nothnig.
We can receive messages from brother so there should be a warning (sound, color change, icon). Also, when he invites us to the match, the sex scene should be automatic.
I'm still missing 2 contacts since I have 2 spots lefts (right to Jeff and left to Adam).
_The FillMeUp app : it's easy to use and the guys are very different for all tastes though I think all the guys shouldn't be there at the start (more should be appearing with more corruption).
_Brother's new scenes : the window scene isn't available when father is showering (after 8:30 maybe, I don't know the exact time). The recording of the video of Marcus and Perry by brother : we should see the door opening at some point (getting caught without being joined, some voyeurism).
_Uncle Sebastian : I was expecting something more awful with the rape due to some reactions but it was ok (it was a basic drunken scene). The lessons are just gangbangs or I missed something?
- visit Uncle Sebastian's apartment to unlock the next scenes (3 scenes for now at the beginning, at 20 and 40 corruption points)
- more lessons in future updates
- future plan will change Marcus corruption progress to be unlocked only after uncle's lessons
I understand what you want to do but I'm doubtful because, from my point of vue, it would mean that Marcus is influenced by his uncle and it doesn't come from himself, so he shouldn't be this sexually active without him. I think it should work better with kinks rather with corruption. Well, maybe it's just me.
_Hunter : I think I fell in love with another character. I don't know who to choose for Marcus anymore. The cosplay scenes were delightful.
I took the opportunity to try everything again and discovered some scenes and characters I didn't know (Greg at the hidden beach, Dan at the park and Zac in the sport group). The come up and shame action in the library was leading to more than I thought. We can sell Jack's video. I finally encountered Tony at the pool and the mall (but not brother
) and invited him at home.
There are still somme jump time in some scenes : Jeff's encounter, going to jail, having sex with Jack and Kevin or when invited by Mr McEvoy (cf file).
When I returned the loan, I didn't loose the 3000$ (on this subject, I think the banker should give a delay and the consequences (sex evidently) for the late return).
The outside location are now free though we still need to pay when we come back from the farm. Besides, I couldn't trigger the visit at the farm the first Sunday (for it to happen, I did school/sleep and sleep or fishing trip). There must be something I do that cancel it but I can't find what.
The beauty points : I'm the type of person that like to do these kind of things little by little though here it's really energy and time consuming. I know it's to keep an interest for the beauty salon (though I feel like cheating using it). The use of the skincare basket should participate to this (if you take care of yourself then you're more beautiful).
Since you have added so many sex scenes, the Mindless Cumdump ending is more easily triggered. The specialist we have to consult should be moved to the hospital. I've thought like this because it's strange to do it from the bedroom and you want to develop the hospital (there could be some enlargement (or reduction) of the penis too). You could move the pharmacy there too.
The cleanliness status is still working? I didn't need to shower even when I didn't go to the pool (or other cleaning activities) for days.
The drunk status : does it have a function outside mom and dad anger?
I see a Jerry's boyfriend ending but does it still exist (I only know the leather master ending)?
The lube is it used at some point?
In the character info, you stay skinny even if you reach physique 100 in the stats.
I always take off the underwear to make it more easy to be nude but does it even matter to have or not underwear?
The nipple rings are still missing (and you could add some tatoo or piercing in the beauty salon).
You said we can be raped at the beach cabin but all I could trigger was being seen (the eye is creepy).
When we arrive at the police station, if we look around, we can just leave without paying or going to jail.
In the magic tech, you could add some spying camera or another system to spy.
There's not much to do at night so I thought about a planetarium/observatory or an astronomy club.
I encountered a dead end (cf screen shot).