In other words where do I go to do this
The HTML itself.
Probably overdoing the details here;
Just in case, I suggest making a backup of the original HTML
I opened Notepad [which on my current system creates a blank "New Text Document"].
Then, in that new Notepad doc., go to 'File/Open' and select the Young Maria HTML from your game folder.
You need to use the open 'All Files' setting in the selection box to see the HTML [it defaults looking for text only files].
Open the HTML, and you should have a page full of code.
Use the 'Find' function, copy/paste that string of code I posted [#328] into the box and search/find it.
Close the'Find' box and make the alterations to the code as stated.
'Save' the now altered HTML file. Go Play.
I didn't use 'Save As', although it should work by creating an altered copy of the original and leaving the original unaltered and in place. If you do, you'll have to rename it [I'd keep it the same and add 'alt' to the name]. Put it into the game folder and use it to play.
If somebody tries that, let me know the results and if it works.
Hrrmmm...bit long-winded there...Arf!