All cheats as of v4.6.0
ymoney = +300 money
ycorrupt = +30 corruption
beautifulm = +30 beauty
populargirl = +30 reputation
soulmate = +10 sibling relationship
scorruptg = +10 sibling corruption
tbmitw = +10 mother relationship
smilvm = +10 mother corruption
tbditw = +10 father relationship
iwmdip = +10 father corruption
bestmansfriend = +30 Ralf relationship
drinksomecoffee = restores energy to max energy
datechanger = to change date
Just wanted to point out a few errors in this text (using 4.6.2.)
ymoney =
+100 money
scorrupt (no "G" at the end) = +10 sibling corruption
None of these work and I couldn't find the new codes.
tbmitw = +10 mother relationship
smilvm = +10 mother corruption
tbditw = +10 father relationship
iwmdip = +10 father corruption
What you can do instead is press F12 (Chrome and FireFox), type in
- (mother relationship sets to XX)
- (father relationship sets to XX)
- (mother corruption sets to XX) (Haven't found a use for it though)
- (father corruption sets to XX) (Haven't found a use for it though)
You can toy around with different variables using SugarCube.State.variables.XX.
However, using SugarCube.State.variables.sibling.corruption
or SugarCube.State.variables.mainChar.relationships.sibling does not seem to work for me for some reason. Everything else seems to work fine.