
Dec 3, 2020
Your Place 0.12-0.20v [game](WIP)/ Love in futa time 2 [video](WIP) jul/27
An hour ago
Hello, everyone!
After a funeral, two rehabilitation sessions and another medical appointment with the traumatologist here I am again! The truth is that he already wanted to.
Regarding the game, two main points: the progress in renders and the corrections of version 0.12.

Starting at the end, I have already received several reports that the game has a series of bugs in the script, I will correct them today (the day I write this) when I return from the doctor and probably the day the post is published I will have already made the game free to access on Twitter and Discord. It's been almost a month since I released 0.12 so I think it's a good time. In any case, the game is now free to access, because it had been leaked a few weeks ago. Anyway.

Regarding the game, I have finished the renders of the next three scenes of the story: the talk with Sas on the balcony, the Friday meal with Sas and Alex and the conversation with Sas after eating on the couch. In this last conversation the player will have the option of going to talk to Alex, who is angry with Sas (scene +18) or going directly to the gym with Saska. Which is the scene that is already partly done from the previous update but that I am going to lengthen to include another character in it: Dana. In the gym scene I think there will be three +18 scenes: one with Sas, one with Dana and one with Katia. Each scene will have two to four animations, although some of them are already done.

After the gym there is the date at Isabella's house, which is mandatory to attend, but it is not mandatory to have a +18 scene: it will be easy to have it anyway... Isabella is always ready for anything... and after a few drinks. .. well, she will even be willing to exchange roles.

Regarding Love in Futa Time 2:
The class day will begin with some general shots of the school and a narrator telling how Post High School works, this way I don't have to depend on the characters! ;)


Dec 3, 2020

Hello, everyone!
The last few days I've been busy with three main things: finishing rendering the gym scene, starting the scene at Isabella's house, and starting the chapter script. Let's get started:

1. The gym scene is finished (about rendering), so you don't have to decide that it's completely listed: just edit videos and write your script. But the part weighs that more time and recursos require, that is where the end of the game is rendered. This process requires a lot of time and effort on the part of the computer, so that it can't be done without rendering.

2. The scene at Isabella's house. I was hoping to do something simpler at the beginning, but it ended up being a full-fledged date. I've edited several moments of this date until I got to a first conversation with Isabella in which she is still "contained", at this dinner they will discuss things related to the company they work for and Isabella's life. When I finish rendering this part I will move on to the final part of the dinner. After dinner (and finishing two bottles of wine) Isabella will be different... the normal thing after two bottles of wine. After dinner, there will be a short conversation and the NSFW animations will begin. The day will end with Isabella passed out from the alcohol (before that the player can choose whether to do something with her or just leave, according to the player's tastes). Regardless of the player's decision, Isabella will end up asleep and the MC will return home to start Saturday meeting with Mrs Bellmere.

3. Since I haven't received any more messages about bugs in the script, I've already started writing version 0.2. Any bugs that may still exist and have not been fixed in 0.12b will be fixed in future versions, but there won't be a 0.12c, as it would require deleting what has already been written or using backup copies, which could be a bigger hassle than waiting for the new version. Obviously, if anyone sees any bugs (images that don't load, spelling mistakes, glitches in general) please let me know, indicating where you saw them (because the script is already more than 34,000 lines of code and searching without references is a bit complicated) and I'll fix it for version 0.2. For now, regarding the script, I wrote it at the beginning of Friday (at Isabella's house too), I haven't finished it but even so it's a relatively faster process than rendering and can be done at the same time. That is to say, I will continue writing the script in the next few days while I render the last scenes and animations of the day.

4. Looking ahead to next week: I hope to make more progress on the script (I started working on it this Thursday), finish the dinner conversations and start the post-dinner animations. There will be several animations and it will take a while. But I prefer it this way: this will be Isabella's character "closure". The "closure" does not mean that she will stop appearing of course but that the MC will come to understand what Isabella is... this will be explained in more detail in-game, I won't do it here to avoid spoilers. However, all characters will have a "closure". And in this update there will be more character closures. However, it will be for secondary characters: those who do not have a relationship level, that is, those who do not appear in the MC's mobile phone contacts. Examples of secondary characters are Lola, the businesswoman who appears on the first trip with Mrs Bellmere or the maid of the Bellemere family. They are characters that will appear several times and will have some importance but not enough to enter the story more than sporadically.

Regarding Love in Futa Time 2:
I have continued with the recordings of scenes prior to the beginning of the class... it is terrible. Seriously it is terrible to use sims4 as a serious program to record a story. The supposed "free will" of the NPCs seems to me more and more like lazy programming... I have never had the hatred that seems to be shared by most gamers towards EA, for all the things that are known: systematic destruction of franchises and minor companies, games that look more like a slot machine than a game, etc... I had always ignored these criticisms based on a cruel principle: "if they sell garbage and live off it it is because there are people who like to consume garbage." But these levels of deterioration compared to sims3 without going any further is something serious. The development of commercial games is declining in quality and is being replaced by marketing campaigns and the use of monopolies. The sims3 as a game is superior to sims4, it has more creativity, possibilities: it is better made, despite the time in which it was developed. And I am very afraid that if there is ever a sims5 it will be worse than sims4. It is a process of years, each game has something less than the previous one, and the new added content is not what differentiates it from other games in the series, but rather issues outside of development, more related to marketing, propaganda and the increasing abuse of the monopoly. And all this ends up leading to a worse product. It is sad but the gaming scene is not what it was ten or twenty years ago: it is much worse. (Sorry for so much text)

RC-1138 Boss

Message Maven
Apr 26, 2017
Not completely sure about what dev means with closure here. :unsure:
Also it seems he is in development hell with using sims 4 for a game.
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Sep 4, 2024
I have 2 major critisms with this game so far

First is the rape scene after the mugging you need to be very careful with these scenes and personally I think the player should always be given an out. I'm fine with it but it is a very sensitive subject and although it is rather well done I like to avoid it for my MCs if I can. The fix seems rather simple as well give the player the option to run or fight the muggers and have him hit harder than if he complies, clearly the scene is to introduce the police woman so have her find him in the morning after MC gets his hopes up she tries to extort him but when he explains he was mugged and doesn't have his card or phone she threatens him leading to MC pleading to use her phone to call Saska for help and she comes to pay the fee and pick him up and the story resumes from there. I feel this makes enough sense and allows the player an out although it could use some touching up and I'm open to suggestions to do so.

Second is the police raid simply put it's a fucking mess and ruins Saska and Anna's character for me. Starting with Anna we are told she is very smart, calculating, calm under pressure and always in control but she decides in this moment the key to her plans is fine to leave behind and get imprisoned by the corrupt police probably to never be seen again and I can't see someone of her character doing anything less than throwing you over her shoulder if she need to to get you out of there it's sloppy and very poorly done in favour of having the Isa scene in my opinion and theres clearly more going on above Anna with the whole escaping the death sentence thing so it's more than saving MC it's probably critical to her role and safety/freedom in some way.

Then theres Saska holy shit this whole bar scene is so bad for her first she's characterised as smart resourceful and at least cares for MC then she decides to leave you to get gangraped by three futa she knows will not ask permission or have any reason to go easy on you (to the contrary they know you have experience) and given MC has already expressed Anna and Sam make him uncomfortable and she should know enough that he is scared of them saying she's drunk and wants to have fun is a very poor and lazy excuse. But the actual raid kills her character dead she's so dumb she decides rather than sneaking out MC or even getting out of there herself she's gonna get the fucking doctor and her girlfriend out of there who are probably the two people in the whole bar that are in the least amount of danger of the police doing anything to them they could literally just sit down and there's no reason outside of corrupt police they wouldn't be absolutely fine and even then locking up a doctor and her wife for partying would be a PR disaster in this sensitive time for them for me it's very poorly thought out but furthermore she should understand that MC is in a very high amount of danger in this situation and given his recent experience of being mugged and recent revelation of him being kidnapped and extorted she should be especially protective of him but she clearly couldn't care less about him as she makes no attempt to even look for him nevermind help him and kills my investment in her character. I would straight up kick her out of the story but you definitely won't be given that option.

My first complaint is personal preference but the second destroys the story and if you want to keep it that way there need to be serious consequences for Saska and crew you need to have the option to lose it with her if you have the Alpha points and enough relationship with Alex MC should demand she and Anna return their keys (although they will clearly keep a copy and MC should not be dumb enough to think otherwise) and kick her out of the apartment. It should remove any agency Saska and crew have over MC no more forced to go to strip clubs or bars and certainly no more showing up at his apartment and her only way to contact you should be showing up at work/in public or by phone call and Anna and Sam should understand that them showing their face or getting in contact may ruin their chances of getting MCs help and given the players preference remove MCs participation in their schemes full stop but give the player the option to accept any plans they come up with in future although your involvement will be less than if you let Saksa stay. If you want to keep it this way and Saska to stay and MC have any sort of trust with her she's gonna have to have a very lengthy thought out believable explanation of why she and Anna acted the way they did during the escape.

Honestly I can't coming up with a good way to get MC at Isa's apartment that night (like the author wants) outside of Anna taking you and throwing you at her and telling her to take you away given Anna's character I would be surprised if she didn't know who Isa is and take the opportunity to get rid of the dead weight and if you change the options a little to go with Anna or point out Isa to her the INT gain can still be there. It's poor but at least accounts for Anna being brain dead and Saska not worrying about you because she knows Anna will take care of you but Saska leaving you with 3 predators is inexcusable I have no real ideas to fix that but the whole doctor being there is unnecessary and actively makes Saska seem like a complete idiot leaving MC to his fate so she can have fun with people she barely knows and smuggling them out when they are in no danger compared to MC or her friends. I think it would be best to just remove them or keep them there but have Saska escape on her own.

It's a shame because I was enjoying the story and characters to that point but this completely broke it for me.
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Discussion Dynamo
Sep 3, 2022
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