Dumbledore had the sence to demonstrate the whole debacle to his minions
What about ”I got bad at being in a relationship with her and we called it quits”?
The half assed perpectives of the flashbacks are nothing short of visions from whichever goddess you desire.
MC is such a bad narrator to himself he is not even getting prepared to go into a do or die situation.
No, instead of drinking the iron skin and the cat eyes or at least charming himself - he a warlock FFS,
he goes commando facing certian death by his own asertion.
we had lots of fun and now I am edgy becuase of her
We got a lotta faith in circumstance playing a major role whenever MC is facing anything, really.
We got no lore to go on, MC is all but shut into himself - a self imposed embrago on his skill or being himself.
Sometimes with the lies one tells himself to get over his past, by trusting the lies, he forgoes anyhting
that made him himself - not his foes, not even his allies and certainly not his bae believe anything of him now.
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Way to make a pit by drinking yourself senseless and burying yourself under the rabble of you heartache.
I like the idea of having a moment of the entire flashback
We all would, but all we got is a couple of ”he said”-s of the damn forgetfulness blood pact
and some ”she said”-s of them going through it together.
There it is - no meaningful flashback, but still him and her telling of their own volition,
mostly to themselves, what they want of the actual flashback that never is shown
in any meaningful way other than snippets to add to the confusion.
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She's not the most popular character,
but I always thought the two of them looked adorable together.
Guess that is why they share your view in bunking together.
MC has so much time and places to grow from all the pits of lonesome and despair
he dug deep for himself ... he has a choice between a blood sucker and a soul sucker
to go all the way in this game ... or just be throbbing buddies thru and thru ... game will tell.