
Aug 24, 2017
that is an absolutely batshit insane take. for one i actuall dm'd the developer a couple months back, and for all intends and purposes they said that the project is on the way and they're working on it. now i do have to admit, the silence since then is a little alarming. but to say that they have some sort of a master plan to keep the $100/month patreon running is alittle insane. if you actually go to their petreon, it's very telling that they are or at least were, very passionate about the game, and judging by the last couple of posts most of the art for the next update is done. i don't know what happened or who's running their account, but i do hope it's them and the update will come.
It's a complete shizo take, considering most of the months last year patreon payments were paused iirc
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Feb 20, 2020
Other than that Pig Princess game, every game I've found on here that I actually like ends up either Abandoned or collapses into Patreon fishing. This'll be the first one I've seen to actually start back up again.
I mean assuming a project has been abandoned is normal given the track record of patreon projects like this, but to assume it's no longer being developed cause the creator died is a stretch.
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Jan 8, 2018
Should have posted some pictures them, i dunno. Would be WAY easier
I don't have any right to share teasers/assets that were shared with me privately. But hey, even another member posted a screenshot of a recent conversation with the artist, and still people didn't believe it :)

At least now you got another teaser from the developer


New Member
Game Developer
Mar 22, 2022


Let's talk about 0.8 ...
Hello everyone,
Sorry for the absent of update posts. I felt like we needed to be at the end of the current update before we speak.

I know a lot of you are rightfully disappointed with the lack of communication and I have only myself to blame. I feel really strongly about holding up expectations and when I start feeling like it’s not enough I just curl inside and distance myself to just concentrate on work.
There were a lot of things holding us back in this update – more complex gameplay, a big list of bugs and issues in the new code and constantly working around engine limitations.
During the last year while the game was mostly on hold a lot of things happened.
I myself had to do frequent side jobs and we both have our regular work. That took the most time from the game. I was also sick a lot this year, but now it’s all better. There is no secret or unique thing about it .. I just paused the moths I felt like the work done was not enough to justify it – so that was most of the time I was sick. The rest we worked as much as we could in between. We were also experimenting with updating our engine version but just lost a few weeks for nothing in the end.
A year ago I had been without a job and could concentrate on the game much much more then I can now. That could also make it look like I was not as invested anymore. I hope I can show you that’s not the case with the following posts.


So what's new in this update?

The forest area has been reworked. How?
We've fully reworked the forest area of the Big Beyond into something closer to the desert map. Made the tiles smaller, squared and more intuitive. All the old events and enemies are still the same there, it was mostly remade for newer players and to of course add more content down the line. Also, the navigation there was very confusing at times, we know.

This is how we plan on doing future map areas. We've also had ideas to make smaller areas that are more interactive. Like the map below.
It's a little cove area that could be a part of a future dungeon. It'll allow us to make it more interactive and introduce different ways for the player to complete the event.
Not only that, but now that we have the tile generation at a decent level we can start using it to make special dungeon events. Those will be unforgiving, hardcore places where the player is not allowed to save with all sorts of bonus scenes and events there.
Talking about navigation – we have also implemented some quick ways to go around the starting areas in a very small update way back and now made it even better.

There are 3 more posts which I'll post later, but tl;dr the development of the 0.08 update is almost finished.


Feb 27, 2023

View attachment 3352387

Let's talk about 0.8 ...
Hello everyone,
Sorry for the absent of update posts. I felt like we needed to be at the end of the current update before we speak.

I know a lot of you are rightfully disappointed with the lack of communication and I have only myself to blame. I feel really strongly about holding up expectations and when I start feeling like it’s not enough I just curl inside and distance myself to just concentrate on work.
There were a lot of things holding us back in this update – more complex gameplay, a big list of bugs and issues in the new code and constantly working around engine limitations.
During the last year while the game was mostly on hold a lot of things happened.
I myself had to do frequent side jobs and we both have our regular work. That took the most time from the game. I was also sick a lot this year, but now it’s all better. There is no secret or unique thing about it .. I just paused the moths I felt like the work done was not enough to justify it – so that was most of the time I was sick. The rest we worked as much as we could in between. We were also experimenting with updating our engine version but just lost a few weeks for nothing in the end.
A year ago I had been without a job and could concentrate on the game much much more then I can now. That could also make it look like I was not as invested anymore. I hope I can show you that’s not the case with the following posts.

View attachment 3352393

So what's new in this update?

The forest area has been reworked. How?
We've fully reworked the forest area of the Big Beyond into something closer to the desert map. Made the tiles smaller, squared and more intuitive. All the old events and enemies are still the same there, it was mostly remade for newer players and to of course add more content down the line. Also, the navigation there was very confusing at times, we know.

This is how we plan on doing future map areas. We've also had ideas to make smaller areas that are more interactive. Like the map below.
It's a little cove area that could be a part of a future dungeon. It'll allow us to make it more interactive and introduce different ways for the player to complete the event.
Not only that, but now that we have the tile generation at a decent level we can start using it to make special dungeon events. Those will be unforgiving, hardcore places where the player is not allowed to save with all sorts of bonus scenes and events there.
Talking about navigation – we have also implemented some quick ways to go around the starting areas in a very small update way back and now made it even better.

There are 3 more posts which I'll post later, but tl;dr the development of the 0.08 update is almost finished.
That is so good to know, we appreciate the effort guys. Wish you the best!


Active Member
Nov 5, 2022
Can't really see anything in that screenshot.

Chance for the "death in ukraine" theory to be correct is still 51.74%, unless we see an actual game update
4.10 star(s) 39 Votes