
Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2018
I just grind for money. For anything up to 50k its not that hard. Given that some prices are in millions, yes, ofcourse they would add better way to get money as game progresses. Like they added fishing for extra money and stuff like that.
Huh?? Just wait and play from the beginning


Oct 28, 2018
Somebody has already had a go at doing some Janet scenes and posted them under "Fan Art" on NLT's Discord server. ;) (Of course you must know this already!) Not bad for an amateur I suppose but a crude rough effort nowhere near as good as the master's own work. NLT is bound to stretch Janet's story into the future for a very long time, deliberately, to tease and tantalise players of ToN. She is after all one of the most valuable treasures of Nadia :love: and her kettle is therefore bound to come to the boil slowly and steadily. :p In the meantime I can enjoy minx Naomi's adventures, misdeeds and machinations. :) Out of all of the female characters of ToN, if they were real, Naomi is the one I would most like to do the most (I am ashamed to admit) though for a girlfriend Diana would be my pick from the cream of the crop (I find I am surprised to admit considering how slim she is).
I have a feeling Madalyn and Sofia's storylines will be stretched even more as they are key figures in this treasure hunting race. Janet sure is gorgeous, but not the most favorite judging by the posts here. We haven't seen her involvement in the main plot so far. Valerie on the other side knew about the Serum all along thus had her scenes to be the last who happened to have a connection to MC. So I see no reason why NLT has to move her to the end of the queue.
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New Member
Jul 5, 2019
I have a feeling Madalyn and Sofia's storylines will be stretched even more as they are key figures in this treasure hunting race. Janet sure is gorgeous, but not the most favorite judging by the posts here. We haven't seen her involvement in the main plot so far. Valerie on the other side knew about the Serum all along thus had her scenes to be the last who happened to have a connection to MC. So I see no reason why NLT has to move her to the end of the queue.
Janet knows something about MC's Dad and Sofia. Still waiting for a clear connection from Lust Epidemic aside from that Serum and LE characters shown.


Nov 10, 2018
Quality of recent Chapters keeps lowering and lowering, cant remember whens the last time we had an exciting update.
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Active Member
Apr 10, 2020
Is it possible to just get the updates from the android version as the file is too large to install.
Sep 27, 2019
I have a feeling Madalyn and Sofia's storylines will be stretched even more as they are key figures in this treasure hunting race. Janet sure is gorgeous, but not the most favorite judging by the posts here. We haven't seen her involvement in the main plot so far. Valerie on the other side knew about the Serum all along thus had her scenes to be the last who happened to have a connection to MC. So I see no reason why NLT has to move her to the end of the queue.
I wonder who the most popular Treasure of Nadia girl actually is? I seem to remember you asking the same question a while ago and proposing that fans take part in a quiz to rate the women from one to twelve. The problem with that is that most of us have favourites, often for different reasons, with no one lady taking the prize. For example my top three girls today would be: Naomi for sauce and sexiness, Janet for sweetness and beauty, and Madalyn for magic and mystery. All three are beautiful and have banging bodies but because I like them all of them equally but differently I can't list them from first place to third. My bet is that Janet would definitely be near to the top of a majority of ToN fan's top twelve as far as ladies are concerned, which is why NLT is progressing her part in his epic slowly and delicately which I'm Kool and the Gang about.

Sofia and Madalyn remain the greatest mysteries in ToN. We know that they are both seeking something, perhaps the same thing, and only know for sure that it isn't fame or fortune. Sofia already has achieved renown and wealth in spades and Madalyn obviously is beyond them and not interested in either of them. Their stories are probably the most complicated of all and will take a long time to tell with many surprises and revelations along the way. I still can't decide whether Sofia and Madalyn are good or evil although their attitude towards the MC and humanity in general seems cold and distant as befits a villainess. I have the feeling that both are intimately involved with the supernatural thread running through Treasure of Nadia, inherited from Lust Epidemic through the presence of Madalyn in Cape Vedra but can't even begin to guess what.

I am a bit surprised that NLT hasn't thrown his audience a few more Janet flavoured bones by now, e.g., the MC stumbling upon her naked bathing or showering, or while getting dressed, undressed or changing, or wearing revealing sexy lingerie going to bed or getting up after sleeping, or whatever, but NLT so far decided not to. Nor has he featured a scene with Janet engaged in some girl-on-girl action with her new BFF, i.e., the craziest of crazy sexpots Naomi. Given Naomi's totally irresponsible and irrepressible sex drive don't you think by now she would have seduced and become physically involved with the obviously super-horny and sexually frustrated Janet? (As I remember it in Lust Epidemic, apart from a Serum inspired scene in a shower, Val became active with women first before finally slowly and hesitatingly surrendering herself to Brad.) One of the earliest chapters of ToN featured the MC and Kayley accidentally spying Janet pleasuring herself with a sex toy, on a sun lounger, in her back yard/garden, oblivious to onlookers rather kinkily as the MC commented. Apart from that incident and much gorgeousness displayed while wearing a bikini the only sexy thing that happened to Janet was her seeing and briefly touching the MC's erect cock in Dr Jessica Amor's surgery. Obviously a sight like this will play on Janet's mind afterwards because no woman seeing anything like that would forget it in a hurry, no matter who the organ was attached to, and this incident is obviously part of a slow build up towards a more intimate, intense and passionate relationship developing between Janet and the MC. From now on whenever Janet sees, talks to, thinks about, or spends time with the MC, she won't be able to prevent herself from remembering the massive length she now knows that he's got hanging between his legs! Or stopping herself from daydreaming and fantasising about it while awake or catnapping during the day, nor dreaming about the massive chip-off-the-block leviathan during the hours of darkness while drowsing or asleep!

Even if NLT doesn't go the whole way with Janet, yet, I think the time has come for a little more sexiness from her, particularly now that she's spending so much time with and no doubt being influenced by Naomi. A little nudity or lesbian action from the delectable Janet would go a long way and I see no reason to delay it any further.

Janet is so exquisitly beautiful I would love to see more of her... literally!
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Mar 4, 2020
I am, like you, torn as to which character will take the longest to develop. NLT did a very good job designing Janet and her clothing in that she doesn't appear sexy until the clothes come off and MC sees the hidden beauty . Given the history of their games, I would suspect Janet to be the final conquest, but we'll just have to wait and see where he takes us. I don't think it will be Sophia unless she becomes more prominent in the game. I see her (in her current state of development) as a quick flame. Madelyn is using MC and MC is using her, so I don't think her's is the penultimate moment either. That leaves Diane, Janet or Claire as the ultimate conquest.
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