
Apr 18, 2019
I am thinking the writing is on the wall for the first teacher to have lewd scenes with. I think it will be Veronica, but I think it will take some time for it to happen, but not as long as Harper. She already seems like she is thinking about quitting her job, and if she does then there would be nothing stopping her and the MC from hooking up. BD could easily add a new teacher to replace her and find another way to get her involved. Another possibility is maybe she wants a child of her own and could be a future client of Rachel's. It is clear there is an underlying story here with her, especially after the walk in the park.

As for Harper my thoughts is it will take a long while for a lewd scene with her. I feel she is going to have a major role when the MC gets drafted to the NBA. Maybe he will hire her on as a personal trainer or somehow she gets a coaching job with him in the NBA. Another possibility is the team doesn't do well the first few games and she gets fired (seems likely since Ryker is clearly trying to do something to mess with the MC), and then nothing would stop it from happening. My last thought as to how a lewd scene could happen is something to do with the kidnapping story shared with the MC. This story really got me thinking, I have a feeling it was Natalie's father that kidnapped her and he was sent to prison for a while and may try to come back again in a future update then the MC steps in to save the day and then Harper starts to fall for him for saving her and/or Natalie from the father.

I know some are interested in Lauren as well, but I just can't see how that would happen yet. I have a feeling at some point she is going to take over for Charles since he seems like a time bomb just waiting to go off at any point especially with his niece and nephew acting like complete idiots. She keeps referencing that Charles screws things up, but Charles also indicates he has to fix her mistakes as well so who knows.

So many possibilities for this game if you can try to read into what BD is trying to create here. I see so many possible stories hidden within what we have already seen in the game, I can't wait to see how BD takes this game in the long haul. Sorry for all the inline spoilers but I didn't want to ruin anything for someone who is not current, and I needed some points to back up my theories.
This. This right here is why I absolutely love this game. I just played it for the first time two weeks ago and I ended up playing through the whole thing in one day. Had to call in sick to work because I couldn't sleep thinking about what was going to happen, until I finished it.

And since then I keep thinking about all the little things. What's going to happen at the bowling match? Whats going on with MC's mom? Is there more to Nat's kidnapping? How are the new relationships going to begin, like Harper, Tali and Emiko? How are the current relationships going to progress, like Bailey, Zoe and Penelope? Most games like this I play and then forget about til they update, but this one I just can't stop thinking and theorizing. So much so that this is the first game of this type I've ever supported on Patreon.

Uncle Loco

Engaged Member
Game Developer
Apr 28, 2020
This. This right here is why I absolutely love this game. I just played it for the first time two weeks ago and I ended up playing through the whole thing in one day. Had to call in sick to work because I couldn't sleep thinking about what was going to happen, until I finished it.

And since then I keep thinking about all the little things. What's going to happen at the bowling match? Whats going on with MC's mom? Is there more to Nat's kidnapping? How are the new relationships going to begin, like Harper, Tali and Emiko? How are the current relationships going to progress, like Bailey, Zoe and Penelope? Most games like this I play and then forget about til they update, but this one I just can't stop thinking and theorizing. So much so that this is the first game of this type I've ever supported on Patreon.
The story is so interesting to me in this game (I have about 4 or 5 different play sessions up to the last update going with different girls in each save). All I have been doing is trying to guess what is going to happen. I can't wait to see how the story is going to progress. I feel half the time I forget this is a lewd game, as I have been so stuck on the story line. The MC actual family story line is so interesting to me, as well as what the heck is Ryker really trying to do at the school. I have so many theories about the game and the directions BD is going to take. I don't think I have ever felt this way about a game like this before. I like talking about it and sharing/hearing thoughts about the game. I hope BD gets better so we can all continue the enjoyment of a great crafted game.
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henry hopkin

Jan 20, 2018
Besides, didn't BD say he's moving away from "days" to "weeks" after day 7?
He didn't really specify, although he did say and I quote "I'll have a more concrete answer in the coming days but you can expect it to be out relatively soon" in regards to day 7 update. This was said on June 2nd.


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2019
He didn't really specify, although he did say and I quote "I'll have a more concrete answer in the coming days but you can expect it to be out relatively soon" in regards to day 7 update. This was said on June 2nd.
All i've seen is the thingy about bi-weekly releases ... did i miss something? oO


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2019
Once week 1 is completed, the game will stop being day 8 , day 9 in each update but a week or so instead, so we don't have to wait several years for an actual basketball match :p
Jesus ... thx, i really missed something important there xD


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2019
i know what you mean fam, i keep replaying her scenes in day 7 in hopes that a lewd render pops up somehow :devilish:, she's so adorable :love:

hope Braindrop feels better soon, visiting this forum can't be great for any developer's mental health

can't wait for tali daddy content!
We will teach big daddy BD that for one negative comment there's hundreds of positive ones ... we just need to keep the positive vibes flowing towards them :)


Mar 15, 2019
So many calling for Harper and the other teachers. I think with all the content people forget we still are in the final day of the first week of school. We'll probably have to wait a number of weeks or have some time skips to advance the year before we see any teacher action.
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Irgendwie Irgendwo

Engaged Member
Jun 30, 2018
So many calling for Harper and the other teachers. I think with all the content people forget we still are in the final day of the first week of school. We'll probably have to wait a number of weeks or have some time skips to advance the year before we see any teacher action.
Three words: Cathy and Jade. :D But then again, our star basketball player didn't have to go through Hell Week...
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The Krypt Angel

Engaged Member
Feb 17, 2019
hope Braindrop feels better soon, visiting this forum can't be great for any developer's mental health
He hasn't been around much lately, his last activity was 1 am friday morning our time (he and I are in the same time zone) and before that it was almost a week. That said tho the thread itself isn't so bad a lot of us are BD's patrons so it's usually nothing but love for him and his game around here. We get the occasional troll now and then but if someone comes in talking shit we usually eat them alive and a mod has to come and clean up the carnage :giggle:


Jan 17, 2020
I think it is good we have heard nothing my guess is he is relaxing and finishing Day 7 MAYBE even getting the full week release done but either way i suspect we will hear something tomorrow or Wed like screenshots / preview. Then he will ( my guess ) release Day 7 or Week 1 -- Thur to Sat THEN take the rest of the month off or so.

He has earned a break and i would not even fault him if he took off longer then this month but i doubt he will cause he really likes to work on the game and does not like to let down the fans even if we all support him doing this.


New Member
Jun 26, 2019
I know we all want BD to at least finish day 7, but from what i got from reading his Patreon page is he is starting burn out, and he is taking the negative reviews/comments to heart, which is understandable, as this is his passion and his hard work, and his first VN, but it will take sometime for him to just get past the troll reviews and hopefully take away something from the actual constructive negative reviews, (or dare i say legit negative reviews).

IMO, he really needs to take a step away for a while like he wants to and find some joy and energy irl to continue this great piece of work he has started, and make the story he wants to make and has envisioned(good or bad) as to learn from his mistakes, it seems to be the consensus on Discussion forum here that no matter how long he takes we all will wait.

Because all good things come to those who wait.

With that being said this is my first time posting anything on F95zone forums, even though i joined a long while ago, but i just felt i need to comment here as I really am enjoying his work so far, and i really do not want it to fall by the way side (like so many other VN's i've i seen on here) due to BD falling into the wrong mindset.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2018
What other occupations do you think we'll get for future Rachael Clients?
Occupations of Rachael’s clients so far.
Successful Businesswoman (Anna), Famous Athlete (Keyana), A-List Movie Actress (Eden), Runaway Princess in Hiding (Talismah)

My guesses i thought of.
Famous Singer - like a best-selling music artist.
Supermodel - on hiatus or retiring to start family.
Doctor - plus personal doctor for MC?
Lawyer - personal lawyer too.
Heiress of a Conglomerate Company (ex: Disney (mass media & entertainment), Hilton Hotels (hotels & resorts), PepsiCo (food), etc.) - free Hollywood executive connections, free hospitality, free food :LOL:.
Famous Photographer
Royalty not in hiding
Mafia Princess - :unsure:


Active Member
Oct 28, 2018
Braindrop Take the time that you need, i kinda told you a while ago that weeklies were going to burn you out :) but that is from experience. I will work for literally months without taking any time off other then weekends and those are filled with whatever needs fixed around the house or long trips to help friends or family to help them out so not really downtime like they should be. It takes a toll, mentally and physically.

I hope now that you've hit that burnout point you will slow down a bit, the bi weeklies are a good idea, but dont set double the output as your goal, slowdown and relax a bit, 120-150 (200 max) would be a good goal for 2 weeks, there are devs putting out monthlies with 250-300 renders and that is just fine. Your health, both mental and physical, is more important to the future of WVM then how much you can output in a week or two.

Also you wont be able to make everyone happy so dont try to. Just know there are many of us out here wishing you nothing but the best and are very thankful for what you do. Take care!
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