No. By definition someone's no longer a hobbyist if they're accepting payment for their services. It's the exact opposite of 'amateur'.
The fact this concept is contentious exemplifies how pervasive the patreon milkery culture is. (now im thinking about going back and changing my take on if patreon is to be blamed

nowhere did I use the word amateur
You should revisit the definition of professional:
I already shared, but will again...
The average adult game developer on Patreon that has paid subscribers brings in less than $100 USD per month in subscriptions (that's after patreon's cut but before credit card transaction fees and where applicable VAT and/or taxes). Even after 4 years on Patreon.
Less than 20% earn $1000 USD or more per month.
So, of the 9000 developers on Patreon, 7000 have paid subscribers or are in their first year, about 1200 earn more than $1000 per month. For some countries, that may be high enough for "main occupation" earnings... But for USA, Western Europe, Australia, Canada, Japan, etc.... That's not even minimum wage, let alone living wage, for a full-time main occupation. Less than 1% earn $100,000 or more (after patreon cut, but before transaction fees, VAT, taxes, expenses).
The vast majority are still hobbyists, side gig, and part time enthusiasts. The fact that they are soliciting subscriptions does not make them professionals - there is more to it than that. Really there is more to it than getting paid for it full time, but hey, we're going on minimum definitions here.
Correct, and Patreon's proceeds brought in will be considered a small business for tax purposes (at least where I live).
Self employment and small business are two different things. And they are taxed differently, at least in most of the world.
Self employed: just the one person
Small business: owner with employees
You know, the more I interact with people here, the more I wonder how many people here have experience in the real world.