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I put in my two weeks notice yesterday, and today I've learned that tomorrow might be my last day. Turns out, my boss saw this coming a mile away. He knew about the money I was making with the game, and had hired someone the other day in preparation for this. Apparently she's a very quick learner. My boss congratulated and told me that if I wanted to Friday could be my last day. THAT'S TOMORROW!! I thanked him for letting me work at such a great job for so long., I've been there for 9 years. This means I'll start full-time on adult video games on Saturday. I was somewhat working on these games full-time already. I just had the job as a backup. Now I really don't think I need it. Updates may come out a tiny bit sooner, but not by much. I will be able to focus my mind on the games now, instead of "I may have to go to work today" in the back of my head. I AM PUMPED!! TIME TO CELEBRATE!