
Nov 11, 2017
View attachment 701543

As I mentioned in the last post, I had some new female characters to introduce, but I wanted to give each one a little bit more of a treatment.

I know I've been spending a lot of time writing code, but that hasn't stopped me from continuing to write story. I've got a lot of manuscript just waiting for art. As I finish up character designs and the like I'll dole out some of the new cast here and there.

Raena Larson: Director of Sales, Mirai Electronics, North America

Long story short, Raena can be a real ball buster. She's a goal oriented leader that will do whatever she has to in order to make her quotas. With the failing of the operations division under Arthur Weathermoore, that's been getting more and more difficult over the years. Convincing her that the old guard needs pushed out wont' be a hard sell.

But she has her own agenda. And depending on how you play it, she can be your best ally, or your worst enemy.
Also, she's married.

But when the hell has that ever mattered to anyone?

What Else You Got?

Replay Mode!

Coding is done. I have one more feature to add at a little later date, and that's the ability to jump to any chapter of the game. It's modular and dropping it in won't be an issue, I just need some updated scenes now to test it out.

Here's how it's implemented. If you have cheat mode turned off, you can open it up and replay any chapter you've completed. You can make different choices, etc, and no matter what you do, it won't have any effect on your current play through or save. So even if you make entirely new decisions, when you are done with your replay, you can return to your game and pick up right where you left off.

There is also a separate menu that will just let you play the sex scenes you've completed. So go for the full chapter or just the sweet spots. The choices is yours.

Now if cheat mode is turned on, you can play ANY chapter in the game and ANY sex scene. Same rules apply. As you play through, nothing gets saved and your current play through will remain intact. So once you're done exploring or whatever, you can turn cheat mode off and pick up right where you left off. So that's that.

Sex Scene Expansions!
One of the reasons I developed the "sex menu system" was because I wanted to give patrons a chance to add their own content to the game. Because the choices of kinks and preferences is so wide and diverse there was never any way I would satisfy them all.

For $250 (I know it's a lot, but hell, it's a lot of work), Patrons can purchase custom content for the game. Basically, if there is a sex scene in the game, and there is a particular activity, position, fetish, etc that you want to see added to the scene, you occupy one of the $250 slots, we'll settle on the particulars, and then I'll add the option to the sex menu for that scene as well as 20 to 30 renders to make it all happen.

Once the scene is done, I'll release for everyone to enjoy.

Well now, thanks to the redesign of the code for the sex menu, the game picks up on what's available and offers up the choices accordingly. So what's the benefit?

Simply put, the way the system was set up before, I'd add the additional content and you've have it, like it or not. Now, you have the option of deleting or just not downloading any fetishes or content that you don't want.

So let's say a patron requested the opportunity to pump Lola, well if that's your thing, you just don't have to download it and your game will work fine. In other words, your sex menus will only include the things that you like. No need to bypass or scroll through content you don't want, you can just remove it completely.

And then if you chose, you can download it again later, or download new scenes that you want, and just drop the files in and your game will pick the up and add them to the menu automatically. If you remove the files, the menu will take them off.
No crashes, no reloads, no restarts! No wasted time downloading an extra half hours worth of content that you aren't even planning to play.

And since it's all drag and drop, it means I can add as much as we want on the fly, and never have to code a thing. It also means there's no upper limit to how much additional sexual content we can add. Having it doled out separate packages pretty makes the sexual content a la carte.

Take what you want, leave the rest on the buffet.

Writing, Writing, Writing, Render, Render, Render
This week I'm about 80/20 on the creative/coding ratio.

Now that all the upgrades are done I'm in the process of upgrading all the existing content to work with the new code structure. It's not difficult and shouldn't take long. Just need to get it done. That's the 20%.

The remaining 80% this week should all be spent on content creation! So I'm stoked about that. I'm hoping maybe Tuesday and Friday, or maybe Tuesday and Saturday getting some live streaming in. I miss doing that!

As things settle down and I get into a routine, I should be able to start picking up three or four live streams a week if all goes well. Just have to see how things shake out.

That's all I've got for now and I'll let you know when I'm streaming that sweet Cassie content!

Salute mates!
A la carte content ordering is certainly a good sales idea.

At the same time, it sounds like you're essentially creating a non-destructive save/load feature on top of the base save/load system - which is cool, though I wonder if this was needed to impact your development at this point. Not trying to be an armchair quarterback, but maybe I am unintentionally: was this feature created to support the downloadable content, mostly?

I mean, you obviously like the process of making sausage and that's very cool. As someone who also enjoys making sausage and building for eventualities that will hopefully support a larger picture, I personally experienced times where it was tough to know when enough was enough when it came to optimizations in coding (or experience/design, testing, etc.) before releasing something at work or even for sharing with peers. Even my simpler stuff tends to take some thought and will be revised more times than people realize - I wish that I was faster and more talented at many things :) .

In your case, we've heard from you about doing amazing things in the background enablement for this game and it's been quite neat to hear+discuss. At the end of the day, I wonder if release frequency might be in your consideration with these enhancements, as well - are you trying to get everything enabled (sort of in a waterfall style) for future releases to flow more easily (i.e., more incremental)? I say this not in complaint (i.e., I remain a solid patron), but as objective observation and minor advice from what I have personally experienced with my own work and judgement over the years.

For the downloadable content, would that be considered stand-alone and not flow from within the game - only playable via the new scene playback system? Would native Save/Load be disabled for such content?

Thanks for this update!
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Sommelier of Pussy & Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
A la carte content ordering is certainly a good sales idea.

At the same time, it sounds like you're essentially creating a non-destructive save/load feature on top of the base save/load system - which is cool, though I wonder if this was needed to impact your development at this point. Not trying to be an armchair quarterback, but maybe I am unintentionally: was this feature created to support the downloadable content, mostly?

I mean, you obviously like the process of making sausage and that's very cool. As someone who also enjoys making sausage and building for eventualities that will hopefully support a larger picture, I personally experienced times where it was tough to know when enough was enough when it came to optimizations in coding (or experience/design, testing, etc.) before releasing something at work or even for sharing with peers. Even my simpler stuff tends to take some thought and will be revised more times than people realize - I wish that I was faster and more talented at many things :) .

In your case, we've heard from you about doing amazing things in the background enablement for this game and it's been quite neat to hear+discuss. At the end of the day, I wonder if release frequency might be in your consideration with these enhancements, as well - are you trying to get everything enabled (sort of in a waterfall style) for future releases to flow more easily (i.e., more incremental)? I say this not in complaint (i.e., I remain a solid patron), but as objective observation and minor advice from what I have personally experienced with my own work and judgement over the years.

For the downloadable content, would that be considered stand-alone and not flow from within the game - only playable via the new scene playback system? Would native Save/Load be disabled for such content?

Thanks for this update!
I blame myself for not being clearer about the concept I was trying to describe. It's not as complicated as all that and there is still just the renpy save system. What I mean is this...

Chapter 1 Complete, Chapter 2 Complete, Chapter 3 Complete---->Enter replay mode and replay Chapter 2.
Anything you do while in replay mode isn't stored. None of your choices will recorded, none of your blue/red points will increase/decrease. You just play through it doing whatever you want and when you're done, you jump right back to the end of Chapter 3 ready to go into Chapter 4. It's just a simple flag saying "We're in replay mode, don't record anything and when we're done, drop us back off where we started.

The same goes for when Cheat mode is on, except you'll have access to every scene in the game. Nothing is recorded and when you're finished replaying or playing ahead, you get dumped back off where you were in your actual play through.

Nothing complex or time consuming to implement. Just a flag Replay_Mode = True or False and if True, nothing gets stored in the record. And then a quick menu to display either completed scenes, or all scenes if Cheat Mode is True or False.

I added this feature because it's the kind of thing that I as a player would want. Sometimes I really enjoy a scene or episode of something and I want to go back and experience it again without having to start over or load up a save from a specific point.

Or in a case like this, where the scene can unfold differently, it would be fun to go back and replay a scene, turn on cheat mode, change some character stats around, and then see what other combinations were there without having to start from scratch. It was quick and simple to put together and it's a feature that I think will add to people's enjoyment. At least that is the intent.

My goal was to get everything compartmentalized so that as you add new scenes, or new content or optional content, the game recognizes its presence, and knows how and when to present it to the player. And that's what I've done. I say done because, well, it's done. All I'm doing now is updating the old content to work with the new structure and then all I'm doing is writing new scenes and making pictures and dropping them off to you guys.

In situations like the sex scenes, where new content may be added after the fact. Players can either A: download the additional content as it becomes available and use the replay system to go back and experience the additions. Or B: Start a new game and the new content will be there in sequence where it's supposed to be.

The upside is that as new things get updated and continuity errors get corrected, you have a choice to jump back and check out the changes, or just see them on your next play through.

The way things are set up now, I can pretty much change any part of the game I want, add content or delete content, and the game will adapt and move forward. Every scene and screen is designed to be segregated from the other so that no matter what, your saves can't break and the train keeps rolling forward.

Obviously...I won't know if it was successful until it hits the market. But I've run it through the ringer several times and I'm feeling pretty confident about it.

I'm spending a little bit of time working on updating the old content for the new structure, but most of my weekend and the rest of this week will be spent working on Cassie's chapter. I can't yet speculate what the increased frequency of releases will be, but it will definitely be faster than any we've seen on this game yet. Of that, I'm most excited!


Engaged Member
Jan 20, 2020
Chapter 1 Complete, Chapter 2 Complete, Chapter 3 Complete---->Enter replay mode and replay Chapter 2.
Anything you do while in replay mode isn't stored. None of your choices will recorded, none of your blue/red points will increase/decrease. You just play through it doing whatever you want and when you're done, you jump right back to the end of Chapter 3 ready to go into Chapter 4. It's just a simple flag saying "We're in replay mode, don't record anything and when we're done, drop us back off where we started.
Oh wow, I can't wait to play and try that out. Plus maybe break it as well :D
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Nov 11, 2017
I added this feature because it's the kind of thing that I as a player would want. Sometimes I really enjoy a scene or episode of something and I want to go back and experience it again without having to start over or load up a save from a specific point.

Or in a case like this, where the scene can unfold differently, it would be fun to go back and replay a scene, turn on cheat mode, change some character stats around, and then see what other combinations were there without having to start from scratch. It was quick and simple to put together and it's a feature that I think will add to people's enjoyment. At least that is the intent.
Interesting thought process - the above is what I was most curious about and answers most of my questions, thanks: we can't do anything to impact our saved game/journey when replaying custom sex scene content. I am one of those people who creates multiple save paths (with labels, when available, otherwise using numbered sections of the Save UI for different paths) and would naturally replay from a specific point for changed content. It will be interesting to see if replay is something that I would find beneficial, but I can easily see its convenience to experience things non-destructively.

I guess that means we can't do a Ren'Py "Save" during a replay because the act of attempting to leave the replay context would force stoppage of that mode, perhaps? Will there be a visual indicator that Replay mode is active, as well?


Active Member
Dec 24, 2017
View attachment 701543

As I mentioned in the last post, I had some new female characters to introduce, but I wanted to give each one a little bit more of a treatment.

I know I've been spending a lot of time writing code, but that hasn't stopped me from continuing to write story. I've got a lot of manuscript just waiting for art. As I finish up character designs and the like I'll dole out some of the new cast here and there.

Raena Larson: Director of Sales, Mirai Electronics, North America

Long story short, Raena can be a real ball buster. She's a goal oriented leader that will do whatever she has to in order to make her quotas. With the failing of the operations division under Arthur Weathermoore, that's been getting more and more difficult over the years. Convincing her that the old guard needs pushed out wont' be a hard sell.

But she has her own agenda. And depending on how you play it, she can be your best ally, or your worst enemy.
Also, she's married.

But when the hell has that ever mattered to anyone?

What Else You Got?

Replay Mode!

Coding is done. I have one more feature to add at a little later date, and that's the ability to jump to any chapter of the game. It's modular and dropping it in won't be an issue, I just need some updated scenes now to test it out.

Here's how it's implemented. If you have cheat mode turned off, you can open it up and replay any chapter you've completed. You can make different choices, etc, and no matter what you do, it won't have any effect on your current play through or save. So even if you make entirely new decisions, when you are done with your replay, you can return to your game and pick up right where you left off.

There is also a separate menu that will just let you play the sex scenes you've completed. So go for the full chapter or just the sweet spots. The choices is yours.

Now if cheat mode is turned on, you can play ANY chapter in the game and ANY sex scene. Same rules apply. As you play through, nothing gets saved and your current play through will remain intact. So once you're done exploring or whatever, you can turn cheat mode off and pick up right where you left off. So that's that.

Sex Scene Expansions!
One of the reasons I developed the "sex menu system" was because I wanted to give patrons a chance to add their own content to the game. Because the choices of kinks and preferences is so wide and diverse there was never any way I would satisfy them all.

For $250 (I know it's a lot, but hell, it's a lot of work), Patrons can purchase custom content for the game. Basically, if there is a sex scene in the game, and there is a particular activity, position, fetish, etc that you want to see added to the scene, you occupy one of the $250 slots, we'll settle on the particulars, and then I'll add the option to the sex menu for that scene as well as 20 to 30 renders to make it all happen.

Once the scene is done, I'll release for everyone to enjoy.

Well now, thanks to the redesign of the code for the sex menu, the game picks up on what's available and offers up the choices accordingly. So what's the benefit?

Simply put, the way the system was set up before, I'd add the additional content and you've have it, like it or not. Now, you have the option of deleting or just not downloading any fetishes or content that you don't want.

So let's say a patron requested the opportunity to pump Lola, well if that's your thing, you just don't have to download it and your game will work fine. In other words, your sex menus will only include the things that you like. No need to bypass or scroll through content you don't want, you can just remove it completely.

And then if you chose, you can download it again later, or download new scenes that you want, and just drop the files in and your game will pick the up and add them to the menu automatically. If you remove the files, the menu will take them off.
No crashes, no reloads, no restarts! No wasted time downloading an extra half hours worth of content that you aren't even planning to play.

And since it's all drag and drop, it means I can add as much as we want on the fly, and never have to code a thing. It also means there's no upper limit to how much additional sexual content we can add. Having it doled out separate packages pretty makes the sexual content a la carte.

Take what you want, leave the rest on the buffet.

Writing, Writing, Writing, Render, Render, Render
This week I'm about 80/20 on the creative/coding ratio.

Now that all the upgrades are done I'm in the process of upgrading all the existing content to work with the new code structure. It's not difficult and shouldn't take long. Just need to get it done. That's the 20%.

The remaining 80% this week should all be spent on content creation! So I'm stoked about that. I'm hoping maybe Tuesday and Friday, or maybe Tuesday and Saturday getting some live streaming in. I miss doing that!

As things settle down and I get into a routine, I should be able to start picking up three or four live streams a week if all goes well. Just have to see how things shake out.

That's all I've got for now and I'll let you know when I'm streaming that sweet Cassie content!

Salute mates!
Raena Larson: Hmm...normally I'm not very fond of chicks with short and/or odd hair colors, but you managed to catch my attention with her. She looks really good, and sounds like a very interesting character. Question: So, if you make her your enemy, is some dirty, nasty, belligerent, hate fucking on the menu? I just find the prospect of banging an adversary to be very alluring.
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Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
Yes I have the same problem. Is there a fix?
Current patch is for current version.

i have createt a incest patch for the version 1.1.5.Here is the link.Install guide is in the file.You need the bug fix itself too..The patch must be updated when new content comes for cassie.If the patch don´t work for you: Start a complete new game or maybe this should work too but i didn´t test this is load an earlyer savegame where you are in amanda´s office where you can click on the girls to start her storys.The only think what maybe didn´t work then is the journal.If you will that this work too: You need a savegame before you see cassie the first time.
Edit 25.02.2020: Update the incest patch for the version 1.1.5
You need to drop the files in the patch in the "game" folder inside the game folder. So say your game folder where the .exe is "Dr Amana 115", inside you will find a "game" folder: c://Dr Amana 115/game, that is where you need to drop the files.
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RC-1138 Boss

Message Maven
Apr 26, 2017
In situations like the sex scenes, where new content may be added after the fact. Players can either A: download the additional content as it becomes available and use the replay system to go back and experience the additions. Or B: Start a new game and the new content will be there in sequence where it's supposed to be.
I get it now. Although i am unlikely to use it first (prefer to play through the content) but it is nice to have the choice available.

View attachment 701543

As I mentioned in the last post, I had some new female characters to introduce, but I wanted to give each one a little bit more of a treatment.

I know I've been spending a lot of time writing code, but that hasn't stopped me from continuing to write story. I've got a lot of manuscript just waiting for art. As I finish up character designs and the like I'll dole out some of the new cast here and there.

Raena Larson: Director of Sales, Mirai Electronics, North America

Long story short, Raena can be a real ball buster. She's a goal oriented leader that will do whatever she has to in order to make her quotas. With the failing of the operations division under Arthur Weathermoore, that's been getting more and more difficult over the years. Convincing her that the old guard needs pushed out wont' be a hard sell.

But she has her own agenda. And depending on how you play it, she can be your best ally, or your worst enemy.
Also, she's married.

But when the hell has that ever mattered to anyone?

What Else You Got?

Replay Mode!

Coding is done. I have one more feature to add at a little later date, and that's the ability to jump to any chapter of the game. It's modular and dropping it in won't be an issue, I just need some updated scenes now to test it out.

Here's how it's implemented. If you have cheat mode turned off, you can open it up and replay any chapter you've completed. You can make different choices, etc, and no matter what you do, it won't have any effect on your current play through or save. So even if you make entirely new decisions, when you are done with your replay, you can return to your game and pick up right where you left off.

There is also a separate menu that will just let you play the sex scenes you've completed. So go for the full chapter or just the sweet spots. The choices is yours.

Now if cheat mode is turned on, you can play ANY chapter in the game and ANY sex scene. Same rules apply. As you play through, nothing gets saved and your current play through will remain intact. So once you're done exploring or whatever, you can turn cheat mode off and pick up right where you left off. So that's that.

Sex Scene Expansions!
One of the reasons I developed the "sex menu system" was because I wanted to give patrons a chance to add their own content to the game. Because the choices of kinks and preferences is so wide and diverse there was never any way I would satisfy them all.

For $250 (I know it's a lot, but hell, it's a lot of work), Patrons can purchase custom content for the game. Basically, if there is a sex scene in the game, and there is a particular activity, position, fetish, etc that you want to see added to the scene, you occupy one of the $250 slots, we'll settle on the particulars, and then I'll add the option to the sex menu for that scene as well as 20 to 30 renders to make it all happen.

Once the scene is done, I'll release for everyone to enjoy.

Well now, thanks to the redesign of the code for the sex menu, the game picks up on what's available and offers up the choices accordingly. So what's the benefit?

Simply put, the way the system was set up before, I'd add the additional content and you've have it, like it or not. Now, you have the option of deleting or just not downloading any fetishes or content that you don't want.

So let's say a patron requested the opportunity to pump Lola, well if that's your thing, you just don't have to download it and your game will work fine. In other words, your sex menus will only include the things that you like. No need to bypass or scroll through content you don't want, you can just remove it completely.

And then if you chose, you can download it again later, or download new scenes that you want, and just drop the files in and your game will pick the up and add them to the menu automatically. If you remove the files, the menu will take them off.
No crashes, no reloads, no restarts! No wasted time downloading an extra half hours worth of content that you aren't even planning to play.

And since it's all drag and drop, it means I can add as much as we want on the fly, and never have to code a thing. It also means there's no upper limit to how much additional sexual content we can add. Having it doled out separate packages pretty makes the sexual content a la carte.

Take what you want, leave the rest on the buffet.

Writing, Writing, Writing, Render, Render, Render
This week I'm about 80/20 on the creative/coding ratio.

Now that all the upgrades are done I'm in the process of upgrading all the existing content to work with the new code structure. It's not difficult and shouldn't take long. Just need to get it done. That's the 20%.

The remaining 80% this week should all be spent on content creation! So I'm stoked about that. I'm hoping maybe Tuesday and Friday, or maybe Tuesday and Saturday getting some live streaming in. I miss doing that!

As things settle down and I get into a routine, I should be able to start picking up three or four live streams a week if all goes well. Just have to see how things shake out.

That's all I've got for now and I'll let you know when I'm streaming that sweet Cassie content!

Salute mates!
Look forward to the new character. Wonder if Nanami will get jealous or angry too. She was kinda when Roger spend time with Lola and later send her away to talk with the wannabe mob boss. :LOL:


Engaged Member
Nov 7, 2017
You need to drop the files in the patch in the "game" folder inside the game folder. So say your game folder where the .exe is "Dr Amana 115", inside you will find a "game" folder: c://Dr Amana 115/game, that is where you need to drop the files.
i have no idea why you quote me (maybe i´m to k.o from the work) but i´m thinking to change the install guide and the instalation from the patch.Maybe i make an game folder and put the files there so that the user only extract the zip file direct in the main folder where the exe is


Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
i have no idea why you quote me (maybe i´m to k.o from the work) but i´m thinking to change the install guide and the instalation from the patch.Maybe i make an game folder and put the files there so that the user only extract the zip file direct in the main folder where the exe is
Ohh sorry it was just to show that newbie whoch file was it. Nothing else.
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Lesser-Known Mesmer
Apr 2, 2019
4.40 star(s) 78 Votes