
Active Member
Oct 4, 2018
RomanHume If that program works and has an understandable GUI, why not market it on Patreon and Itch.io to make more $$ if it's stable and reliable? All the changes in the game and gui seem to be good. However, the most important question is "are we going to get more scenes with a certain blonde minx?"
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Sommelier of Pussy & Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
I came here today and found out there is a lot of shit going on. What a pleasant surprise. Now to get back to the Fan art thread, I hope you are still amenable to posting recipes as characters are introduced into the Doc's world.
I will, I'll just need the occasional kick in the ass to remind me to send them out. It's one of those things that I never think about in the chaos of everything else going on. So just ping me every once in awhile and I'll piece together the info.

I know but what can I do? the heart dick wants what the heart dick wants

I understand. I mentioned it as it could erase the need of a incest patch definitively. And given that you are currently on the job of investing in the code so that this can work not just for this game but for future ones, I thought that it was a good alternative to look into that once and for all. So that in any other game you can include with no restrictions ridiculously suspicious unrelated teenager lovers, that you saw grew up, you've taken to school and live in your house. Or any extremely similarly looking woman, born on the same day, that grew up with you, and never left your side, almost as if she was your twin.

I have no idea about coding, but given everything you have done so far with pet names, my guess is that including one for relationship would not be that different. Obviously this need not be for all characters, just those that would make patreon start bitching. And I have seen it a lot just a "define your relationship here". Given all the work you have done with the notebook and pet names I really not that much.

Here is our lovely girl with the patch
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Here is without patch. For some reason, the notebook still says she is My daughter.
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So as I was saying, I though just setting two variables. Following your notebok style of "She calls me Daddy", I call her "Cass", it could be something like this: I am Cassie's "x" (for father), making Cassie my "y", for daughter.

So maybe in your code you could include an extra part such that some characters require another two variables. Characters in here are not related. This many variables. Characters in here are related, we need this two extra variables in the notebook. There is not need for more, as other games need, as your pet system cover the informal way of calling each other.

Again, I don't mind, I am confident the patch will keep being updated (I know it has nothing to do with you). Just in the lookout for "a once and for all code creator of all codes". We need a shorter name. While I would like "Daddy Code" in honor to Cassie, given all the terminator jokes I suggest "Skynet Code"
Oh it's certainly not difficult to do. The naming system I've implement just represents the closest I'm willing to get to that line. My though is that if you can nickname every character in the game, then how can I possibly control if a few players abuse that system for a single character.

I just want to make sure patreon and their watch dogs have zero leverage when it comes closing me out. They shut my page down once before a long long time ago and it was such a miserable experience that I wouldn't want to do anything to risk a repeat.

Plus who knows, when I move on, I don't think it'll be a huge challenge for me to write a quick python scrip that would scrub the code and make the changes.

There aren't many to begin with. Relationships are kind of presented in the beginning of the game and never really mentioned again after. But we'll see what the future bring.


Sommelier of Pussy & Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
Ooooo. Super detailed post about tech stuff is promising. Roman saying he's gonna be focusing a lot more on writing and art stuff is even more so. I haven't seen it suggested in several places that the next big content drop might have a Cass chapter to break the drought for we ever faithful and thirsty lads :love:
Although being a bit more serious for a sec, while I probably swing my boner for Cass around here a little too liberally, I have to admit part of the reason I'm such a big fan is my interest in seeing how well the #totallynotbydesign father/daughter dynamic between her and Roger plays out. Well my interest and my hope that the dynamic ends up being done the way I enjoy these sorts of things being done :p

Now not to intimate that I'm the kind of degenerate who specifically looks for this type of content of course, but in my extensive experience I don't think I've ever seen this type of dynamic done well, from my perspective, in an adult game.
I as well am not intimating anything, but, I too have never seen this dynamic represented in a way that I thought was particularly convincing. This dynamic that we're not speaking of is one of the challenges I've been looking forward to. I want to test whether or not I can sell it believably.

I suspect a part of this is the fault of Patreon; if your game can't feature any incest, then even if you write a relationship that could be interpreted as such with some creative patching, it still needs to be a sensical relationship for players who don't use said changes. And there aren't many types of relationships that offer such a strong mix of intimacy, familiarity and taboo, so if you have to borrow a different one to get passed the censors, I doesn't surprise me that the creators have to structure the #totallnotincest relationships in a way that is, well, totally not incest. Although I don't at all fault creators for using Patreon; I use it to help fund some of the artists I found on here whose work I love, afterall. Plus these mofos do great and sexy work, and they deserved to get paid, son!
Besides even outside of Patreon funded games it seems like devs/writers don't seem to share my perspective on the whys and hows that it's a *cough*interesting*cough* dynamic. Or if they do then they unfortunately don't, for me, land the execution.
I also blame it on porn in general not caring much about the particulars and just diving right into the sex as fast as they can inside a 30 minute window. I spent a lot of time reading the stories posted by people who decided to share their tale of consensual incest. It was the most insightful google search I'd ever done. :p

Obviously in those posts are a lot of bullshit stories, but you read through a good deal of them and you start to get a feeling about which ones are legit and which ones are "fan fiction". Seriously, run that search, there are some hot stories!

I mean, I could be alone in the reasons for why I like this kind of stuff, and maybe my fellow degenerates on here will speak up and let me know that I am :p. But to me, most people have a pretty strong real world aversion to thinking about their family that way, and so, to me, it stands to reason that in order to overcome this baseline resistance, the desire most be super fucking strong. Like, overwhelming-of-your-faculties-of-reason level strong. The type of lust that drives some people to ridiculous, career-and-marriage-risking affairs, or to fuck in places where it's heart-racingly likely that they'll be caught; the type of lust, in other words, that demands, like a siren blaring in your head, to be satiated, damn the risks and damn the consequences.
Again, at least that's how it is in my mind. By contrast, in all the games I've played the idea that you might wanna fuck your mum/dad/sister/brother barely registers as an alarm. I'm lucky if I get a "oh no it's totally wrong that I feel this way" internal monologue before our MC starts jacking it to the sight of a naked family member they've up till that point probably spent their whole lives with. And I mean it's still incest even if there's no real tension or sense of taboo, and maybe walking that tension tightrope isn't something devs want to do when they're trying to write stories of fantasy fulfilment that often have to try to double as interactive games to some extent. And obviously I could just be alone (or in the very small minority) in wanting the taboo and struggle between lust and feelings of wrongness. Maybe most people are happy to know in their mind that the relationship is taboo, and that doesn't need to be played out in the character dynamics.
I'm trying to circumvent a lot of the usual tropes by remember that my characters had a life, thoughts and feelings before the story started. And that the story is really the kicking off point where people have started to act on those desires in several different ways. Jane didn't just rail Roger in the office because it was there, she's been thinking about Roger for a long time. She grew up around the man and it's not unlikely that she's developed a bit of a wet spot for her best friend's dad.

Of course the exploration of that history has yet to really come out. But even in the Roger/Cassie scenario, things started heated up for one of them way before the story you're reading began. And we'll get into all that in good time. But for now it's my way of justifying the rapidity of things happening.

Anyway most of that, not important. The only reason I mention it is that this game, as it's still in development, is the only one I've found where I'm a considerable way in (in terms of how much cumulative story there is; it is obviously likely to be waaay longer, but I still feel like there's been a lot of substance) and still haven't seen MC really commit to being ok with the idea that it's totes cool for him to fuck his own daughter. Which means that the middleground that I've experienced carries this tension I'm talking about, where, sure it's ok for Roger to like his daughter's ass, and sure it's ok for Cass to secretly like that her dad finds her attractive, but actually fucking, or even putting the idea of a sexual relationship into actual words, or even subtextual innuendo, is still seemingly pretty far off the table.
This is where the history prior to the game comes in. And don't worry, it's not going to be a quick "well she's always felt that way" and move on. One of the things I like about the game is the study of psychology. I read a whole college text book on Social Psychology to prep for the game. I was originally going to use that information for Amana's dialogue but it's sorts spilled over into some of the character design and their motives.

That said, as things heat up and things go to exciting new places, there will be plenty of opportunities for Roger and Cassie talk about how they got where they are, and that's when a lot of the backstory is going to come forward and hopefully put everything into a believable context. This is the goal anyway.

Which is great! From the perspective of someone like me at least. And it's not like the transition needs to be suuuper long, like some protracted game of hot-and-cool, will-they-won't-they shit. Once the audience is aware of the dynamic, and once the characters start to catch on, you can go from 0 to fucking in one particularly hot and tense encounter, provided you build the tension to a point where its believable that the characters' desires would boil over and break the dams of any reservations they have.
So on one hand I'm here as a big Cass fan, cause I'm hoping that her relationship with Roger will "degenerate" ;) in a way that I'd find really hot. And on the other hand there's the risk I see that you can't reasonably write what I believe is the degree of tension and moral resistance that is realistic to expect between a father and daughter when you have to pretend, for the sake of the Patreon overseers, that Cass is only your neighbour's daughter.
At least in my head there's a pretty big difference in tone, tension, taboo, between "I shouldn't fuck you, even though I really want to, because you're barely half my age and I've known you since you were a baby and my family and your family are really close" and "I shouldn't fuck you, even though I really want to, because you're my literal daughter".
But of all the creators on here I've played and enjoyed the work of, if there's anyone I'd expect to pull it off it'd be Roman. Assuming that's the kind of dynamic he'd even want to write of course :p
Of course we all know it's not his daughter. So with that out of the way. Let's just say I put a lot of thought into it. I think about these characters probably way more than is healthy. But that said, when I started, I wanted to write the story I wanted to read. I wanted to correct what I felt was some short comings in other works that I'd played. And in other ways, I wanted to prove that you can explore the same old scenarios in new ways.

I guess you could say that I want to prove that porn doesn't have to follow the same old tropes. That you can write story and sex and make both good. Time will tell if I succeed. But that will be for you all to judge in the end.

Excellent post mate! I appreciate all the feedback!


Sommelier of Pussy & Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
RomanHume If that program works and has an understandable GUI, why not market it on Patreon and Itch.io to make more $$ if it's stable and reliable? All the changes in the game and gui seem to be good. However, the most important question is "are we going to get more scenes with a certain blonde minx?"
I don't know if it's any more understandable than Renpy. It still uses the Renpy screen language, attributes, classes and methods. But I've just organized shit a lot better for less breakage.

I doubt I could sell it because first off, I don't have rights to sell the renpy base code. Second, it's structure for a very specific type of game, Doctor Amana. So anyone using it would need to be making a game like this with the same mechanics, etc. And third, I don't want to spend all my time debugging everyone else's code trying to figure out why this or that doesn't work for them. :D

Besides, anyone downloading my game can just open the folders and take it. They don't need to pay for it. They can just delete my script and do their own thing. I don't archive or hide any of my code. So you don't even need Unren to look under my hood. I'm as open Kimono as they come. And any developer that wants my help devising a similar system for their own game just needs to DM me and I'll happily assist.

That reminds me, I gotta stop fucking around and get Subscribe Star set up. I've been so busy that I keep pushing this to the back burner and I really need to catch up with the times.

Oh, and about that blonde, yes, she's got stuff in the queue as well. I'm hoping with my new production pipeline I'll be able to finally start developing a couple of characters at a time.


Officially Dead Inside
Feb 23, 2020
I don't know if it's any more understandable than Renpy. It still uses the Renpy screen language, attributes, classes and methods. But I've just organized shit a lot better for less breakage.

I doubt I could sell it because first off, I don't have rights to sell the renpy base code. Second, it's structure for a very specific type of game, Doctor Amana. So anyone using it would need to be making a game like this with the same mechanics, etc. And third, I don't want to spend all my time debugging everyone else's code trying to figure out why this or that doesn't work for them. :D

Besides, anyone downloading my game can just open the folders and take it. They don't need to pay for it. They can just delete my script and do their own thing. I don't archive or hide any of my code. So you don't even need Unren to look under my hood. I'm as open Kimono as they come. And any developer that wants my help devising a similar system for their own game just needs to DM me and I'll happily assist.

That reminds me, I gotta stop fucking around and get Subscribe Star set up. I've been so busy that I keep pushing this to the back burner and I really need to catch up with the times.

Oh, and about that blonde, yes, she's got stuff in the queue as well. I'm hoping with my new production pipeline I'll be able to finally start developing a couple of characters at a time.
Here's a tangentially related question (in that it is about creating software to ease the burden on the individual): Could you or someone create a distributed system for rendering that allowed the "Idle" PC's of various people to render and upload to a single computer? Similar to how SETI had many computers going through the information they'd accumulated. And would that be something that would help the development of games?
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Sommelier of Pussy & Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
Here's a tangentially related question (in that it is about creating software to ease the burden on the individual): Could you or someone create a distributed system for rendering that allowed the "Idle" PC's of various people to render and upload to a single computer? Similar to how SETI had many computers going through the information they'd accumulated. And would that be something that would help the development of games?
I have no doubt it could be done, but how to set that up is beyond my current capability. Networking is a whole different animal.

I also wouldn't know what all would need to be done to secure such a network to avoid people hijacking the processors of the pc's involved for shit like cryptocoin mining. Definitely beyond my humble abilities.
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Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2019
Here's a tangentially related question (in that it is about creating software to ease the burden on the individual): Could you or someone create a distributed system for rendering that allowed the "Idle" PC's of various people to render and upload to a single computer? Similar to how SETI had many computers going through the information they'd accumulated. And would that be something that would help the development of games?
Someone could do it. It would probably help with smaller companies, that said the cost of said program would also likely be out of the range of a small company.

It just comes down to cost and overhead really. I'm not sure if that method would be any cheaper than just building yourself 2-4 render farms at the end of the day.


Officially Dead Inside
Feb 23, 2020
I have no doubt it could be done, but how to set that up is beyond my current capability. Networking is a whole different animal.

I also wouldn't know what all would need to be done to secure such a network to avoid people hijacking the processors of the pc's involved for shit like cryptocoin mining. Definitely beyond my humble abilities.
Ah, okay. Thank you. As I am not at all a computer person (I'm more analog) I thought I'd ask someone who already can confuse me with their magical unicornness. Anyway, I look forward to more of the game. Need to pillage Jane's ass on the MC's desk, couch, every room in the house. That girl will be walking funny for weeks. :ROFLMAO:

Someone could do it. It would probably help with smaller companies, that said the cost of said program would also likely be out of the range of a small company.

It just comes down to cost and overhead really. I'm not sure if that method would be any cheaper than just building yourself 2-4 render farms at the end of the day.
Hmm... Cost is always the first bitch in these things. I can't say much as I have less money than the average hobo right now.
  • Haha
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Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
I have no doubt it could be done, but how to set that up is beyond my current capability. Networking is a whole different animal.

I also wouldn't know what all would need to be done to secure such a network to avoid people hijacking the processors of the pc's involved for shit like cryptocoin mining. Definitely beyond my humble abilities.
Well, it is possible, as I was using something like that using a thing called Folding@Home, that was using our video cards to look for a cure for Corona and other things. That said, I doubt many of us have the ability to make such a thing, and even if we did, would the latency make it worth while, time wise?

RC-1138 Boss

Message Maven
Apr 26, 2017
I also blame it on porn in general not caring much about the particulars and just diving right into the sex as fast as they can inside a 30 minute window. I spent a lot of time reading the stories posted by people who decided to share their tale of consensual incest. It was the most insightful google search I'd ever done. :p

Obviously in those posts are a lot of bullshit stories, but you read through a good deal of them and you start to get a feeling about which ones are legit and which ones are "fan fiction". Seriously, run that search, there are some hot stories!
Literotica? :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
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Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
Dec 17, 2017
I also blame it on porn in general not caring much about the particulars and just diving right into the sex as fast as they can inside a 30 minute window. I spent a lot of time reading the stories posted by people who decided to share their tale of consensual incest. It was the most insightful google search I'd ever done. :p

Obviously in those posts are a lot of bullshit stories, but you read through a good deal of them and you start to get a feeling about which ones are legit and which ones are "fan fiction". Seriously, run that search, there are some hot stories!
What did you search for, specifically? Asking for a friend! :p


Engaged Member
Jan 20, 2020
Here's a tangentially related question (in that it is about creating software to ease the burden on the individual): Could you or someone create a distributed system for rendering that allowed the "Idle" PC's of various people to render and upload to a single computer? Similar to how SETI had many computers going through the information they'd accumulated. And would that be something that would help the development of games?
There exists something like that already where you can send a file to be rendered on a dedicated machine run by someone else. The Home way of doing it wouldn't really work though I'm not sure why but I don't think rendering an image can be broken up into discrete parts unlike the simulations of protein folding and their specific interactions.

I completely agree with what you wrote, I mean sure I like getting to sex scenes quickly and especially incest ones but also having the characters build up to working out they want to bang is also really hot when they finally do it.
I really enjoy games that have a good plot and really drag you into the world.
The branching paths for Dr Amana is a really cool idea,even if I'm always going blue for cassie and jane (got to corrupt them slowly).
Last edited:


Feb 16, 2020
I as well am not intimating anything, but, I too have never seen this dynamic represented in a way that I thought was particularly convincing. This dynamic that we're not speaking of is one of the challenges I've been looking forward to. I want to test whether or not I can sell it believably.

I also blame it on porn in general not caring much about the particulars and just diving right into the sex as fast as they can inside a 30 minute window. I spent a lot of time reading the stories posted by people who decided to share their tale of consensual incest. It was the most insightful google search I'd ever done. :p

Obviously in those posts are a lot of bullshit stories, but you read through a good deal of them and you start to get a feeling about which ones are legit and which ones are "fan fiction". Seriously, run that search, there are some hot stories!

Ooo sounds pretty interesting; it's probably unlikely, but you got any ones you'd recommend (either links or by name/details)? ;)

Yeah I hadn't even thought of porn haha! I'm so used to it being subpar in terms of story that I didn't even consider that it could possibly be a good source. Which seems weird when I think about it. I mean porn has actors, directors, scripts and typically some sort of story it spends some of its run time boring the audience with, yet it's almost always lacklustre. Although I see my least favourite trope from this type of porn, where they want to make it super clear how all the people involved are related so they're constantly calling each other "brother", "sister" etc., pop up in a lot of adult games as well. And it always suuuucks.

I'm trying to circumvent a lot of the usual tropes by remember that my characters had a life, thoughts and feelings before the story started. And that the story is really the kicking off point where people have started to act on those desires in several different ways. Jane didn't just rail Roger in the office because it was there, she's been thinking about Roger for a long time. She grew up around the man and it's not unlikely that she's developed a bit of a wet spot for her best friend's dad.

Of course the exploration of that history has yet to really come out. But even in the Roger/Cassie scenario, things started heated up for one of them way before the story you're reading began. And we'll get into all that in good time. But for now it's my way of justifying the rapidity of things happening.

Hahaha wet spot is a great term, I'm totally stealing that!
Also definitely looking forward to seeing Cass and her daddy complex unravel. She keeps it *so* normal and above-board that it totally makes sense from Roger's perspective to be second-guessing everything. I mean, people sunbathe at home nude all the time, totally normal. Young women wear their skimpy bikinis around their own home, totally normal. So surely it can't mean anything...right? :unsure: And yet there's just enough there to justify the suspicion. You definitely deserve kudos for how well their dynamic (hell loads of the dynamics) have been written!

This is where the history prior to the game comes in. And don't worry, it's not going to be a quick "well she's always felt that way" and move on. One of the things I like about the game is the study of psychology. I read a whole college text book on Social Psychology to prep for the game. I was originally going to use that information for Amana's dialogue but it's sorts spilled over into some of the character design and their motives.

That said, as things heat up and things go to exciting new places, there will be plenty of opportunities for Roger and Cassie talk about how they got where they are, and that's when a lot of the backstory is going to come forward and hopefully put everything into a believable context. This is the goal anyway.

Yeah see this is why I'm pretty hyped for when the next chapter drops. From everything I've seen and heard, it should be pretty damn dope! Maybe the next chapter will finally kick my lazy ass into gear and I'll figure how to make one of them fancy sigs that you see around here; it's a damn crime that I don't have Cass in mine atm. But soon. Soon.

Of course we all know it's not his daughter. So with that out of the way. Let's just say I put a lot of thought into it. I think about these characters probably way more than is healthy. But that said, when I started, I wanted to write the story I wanted to read. I wanted to correct what I felt was some short comings in other works that I'd played. And in other ways, I wanted to prove that you can explore the same old scenarios in new ways.

I guess you could say that I want to prove that porn doesn't have to follow the same old tropes. That you can write story and sex and make both good. Time will tell if I succeed. But that will be for you all to judge in the end.

Excellent post mate! I appreciate all the feedback!

A very noble goal indeed (gods it feels weird to talk about nobility here, in this den of smut and degeneracy :devilish:)! Time will indeed tell how well it all goes but at least from my perspective, and from what I've seen from the perspective of many of the commenters on here too, you've really shoot out of the gate running with how well the game is written so far!


Sommelier of Pussy & Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018

As I mentioned in the last post, I had some new female characters to introduce, but I wanted to give each one a little bit more of a treatment.

I know I've been spending a lot of time writing code, but that hasn't stopped me from continuing to write story. I've got a lot of manuscript just waiting for art. As I finish up character designs and the like I'll dole out some of the new cast here and there.

Raena Larson: Director of Sales, Mirai Electronics, North America

Long story short, Raena can be a real ball buster. She's a goal oriented leader that will do whatever she has to in order to make her quotas. With the failing of the operations division under Arthur Weathermoore, that's been getting more and more difficult over the years. Convincing her that the old guard needs pushed out wont' be a hard sell.

But she has her own agenda. And depending on how you play it, she can be your best ally, or your worst enemy.
Also, she's married.

But when the hell has that ever mattered to anyone?

What Else You Got?

Replay Mode!

Coding is done. I have one more feature to add at a little later date, and that's the ability to jump to any chapter of the game. It's modular and dropping it in won't be an issue, I just need some updated scenes now to test it out.

Here's how it's implemented. If you have cheat mode turned off, you can open it up and replay any chapter you've completed. You can make different choices, etc, and no matter what you do, it won't have any effect on your current play through or save. So even if you make entirely new decisions, when you are done with your replay, you can return to your game and pick up right where you left off.

There is also a separate menu that will just let you play the sex scenes you've completed. So go for the full chapter or just the sweet spots. The choices is yours.

Now if cheat mode is turned on, you can play ANY chapter in the game and ANY sex scene. Same rules apply. As you play through, nothing gets saved and your current play through will remain intact. So once you're done exploring or whatever, you can turn cheat mode off and pick up right where you left off. So that's that.

Sex Scene Expansions!
One of the reasons I developed the "sex menu system" was because I wanted to give patrons a chance to add their own content to the game. Because the choices of kinks and preferences is so wide and diverse there was never any way I would satisfy them all.

For $250 (I know it's a lot, but hell, it's a lot of work), Patrons can purchase custom content for the game. Basically, if there is a sex scene in the game, and there is a particular activity, position, fetish, etc that you want to see added to the scene, you occupy one of the $250 slots, we'll settle on the particulars, and then I'll add the option to the sex menu for that scene as well as 20 to 30 renders to make it all happen.

Once the scene is done, I'll release for everyone to enjoy.

Well now, thanks to the redesign of the code for the sex menu, the game picks up on what's available and offers up the choices accordingly. So what's the benefit?

Simply put, the way the system was set up before, I'd add the additional content and you've have it, like it or not. Now, you have the option of deleting or just not downloading any fetishes or content that you don't want.

So let's say a patron requested the opportunity to pump Lola, well if that's your thing, you just don't have to download it and your game will work fine. In other words, your sex menus will only include the things that you like. No need to bypass or scroll through content you don't want, you can just remove it completely.

And then if you chose, you can download it again later, or download new scenes that you want, and just drop the files in and your game will pick the up and add them to the menu automatically. If you remove the files, the menu will take them off.
No crashes, no reloads, no restarts! No wasted time downloading an extra half hours worth of content that you aren't even planning to play.

And since it's all drag and drop, it means I can add as much as we want on the fly, and never have to code a thing. It also means there's no upper limit to how much additional sexual content we can add. Having it doled out separate packages pretty makes the sexual content a la carte.

Take what you want, leave the rest on the buffet.

Writing, Writing, Writing, Render, Render, Render
This week I'm about 80/20 on the creative/coding ratio.

Now that all the upgrades are done I'm in the process of upgrading all the existing content to work with the new code structure. It's not difficult and shouldn't take long. Just need to get it done. That's the 20%.

The remaining 80% this week should all be spent on content creation! So I'm stoked about that. I'm hoping maybe Tuesday and Friday, or maybe Tuesday and Saturday getting some live streaming in. I miss doing that!

As things settle down and I get into a routine, I should be able to start picking up three or four live streams a week if all goes well. Just have to see how things shake out.

That's all I've got for now and I'll let you know when I'm streaming that sweet Cassie content!

Salute mates!


Officially Dead Inside
Feb 23, 2020
View attachment 701543

As I mentioned in the last post, I had some new female characters to introduce, but I wanted to give each one a little bit more of a treatment.

I know I've been spending a lot of time writing code, but that hasn't stopped me from continuing to write story. I've got a lot of manuscript just waiting for art. As I finish up character designs and the like I'll dole out some of the new cast here and there.

Raena Larson: Director of Sales, Mirai Electronics, North America

Long story short, Raena can be a real ball buster. She's a goal oriented leader that will do whatever she has to in order to make her quotas. With the failing of the operations division under Arthur Weathermoore, that's been getting more and more difficult over the years. Convincing her that the old guard needs pushed out wont' be a hard sell.

But she has her own agenda. And depending on how you play it, she can be your best ally, or your worst enemy.
Also, she's married.

But when the hell has that ever mattered to anyone?

What Else You Got?

Replay Mode!

Coding is done. I have one more feature to add at a little later date, and that's the ability to jump to any chapter of the game. It's modular and dropping it in won't be an issue, I just need some updated scenes now to test it out.

Here's how it's implemented. If you have cheat mode turned off, you can open it up and replay any chapter you've completed. You can make different choices, etc, and no matter what you do, it won't have any effect on your current play through or save. So even if you make entirely new decisions, when you are done with your replay, you can return to your game and pick up right where you left off.

There is also a separate menu that will just let you play the sex scenes you've completed. So go for the full chapter or just the sweet spots. The choices is yours.

Now if cheat mode is turned on, you can play ANY chapter in the game and ANY sex scene. Same rules apply. As you play through, nothing gets saved and your current play through will remain intact. So once you're done exploring or whatever, you can turn cheat mode off and pick up right where you left off. So that's that.

Sex Scene Expansions!
One of the reasons I developed the "sex menu system" was because I wanted to give patrons a chance to add their own content to the game. Because the choices of kinks and preferences is so wide and diverse there was never any way I would satisfy them all.

For $250 (I know it's a lot, but hell, it's a lot of work), Patrons can purchase custom content for the game. Basically, if there is a sex scene in the game, and there is a particular activity, position, fetish, etc that you want to see added to the scene, you occupy one of the $250 slots, we'll settle on the particulars, and then I'll add the option to the sex menu for that scene as well as 20 to 30 renders to make it all happen.

Once the scene is done, I'll release for everyone to enjoy.

Well now, thanks to the redesign of the code for the sex menu, the game picks up on what's available and offers up the choices accordingly. So what's the benefit?

Simply put, the way the system was set up before, I'd add the additional content and you've have it, like it or not. Now, you have the option of deleting or just not downloading any fetishes or content that you don't want.

So let's say a patron requested the opportunity to pump Lola, well if that's your thing, you just don't have to download it and your game will work fine. In other words, your sex menus will only include the things that you like. No need to bypass or scroll through content you don't want, you can just remove it completely.

And then if you chose, you can download it again later, or download new scenes that you want, and just drop the files in and your game will pick the up and add them to the menu automatically. If you remove the files, the menu will take them off.
No crashes, no reloads, no restarts! No wasted time downloading an extra half hours worth of content that you aren't even planning to play.

And since it's all drag and drop, it means I can add as much as we want on the fly, and never have to code a thing. It also means there's no upper limit to how much additional sexual content we can add. Having it doled out separate packages pretty makes the sexual content a la carte.

Take what you want, leave the rest on the buffet.

Writing, Writing, Writing, Render, Render, Render
This week I'm about 80/20 on the creative/coding ratio.

Now that all the upgrades are done I'm in the process of upgrading all the existing content to work with the new code structure. It's not difficult and shouldn't take long. Just need to get it done. That's the 20%.

The remaining 80% this week should all be spent on content creation! So I'm stoked about that. I'm hoping maybe Tuesday and Friday, or maybe Tuesday and Saturday getting some live streaming in. I miss doing that!

As things settle down and I get into a routine, I should be able to start picking up three or four live streams a week if all goes well. Just have to see how things shake out.

That's all I've got for now and I'll let you know when I'm streaming that sweet Cassie content!

Salute mates!

Wait, we still do that right?
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