I have such mixed feelings on this game, it's unreal. The first time I played it (0.20), I instantly fell in love with it. Incest is so commonplace on this site, but most of it is the same. Rapey teen rapes family. It's so nice to have a depraved insane mother who just wants her son to squeeze her tits. All the family play in almost plain sight. The trying to hide from the others, while still essentially having public sex. It was beautiful. And the first ... "half"?? ... was a VN which is the best way to make these games.
Let's be honest, there isn't a bunch of choice, and all the wandering around would be pointless.
THEN THE GAME BECOMES A FUCKING SANDBOX ALL OF THE SUDDEN. And a bad one at that. Fuck it, one of the worst. Moon logic to the max. Progress is totally halted because I didn't click on the window. A window that has exactly 1 event in the latter part of 10 hours of wandering about. I love this game, but the sandbox is trash-fire level.
Not to mention how awsome it starts, and how hardcore it backpedles into mediocrity.
1. Sis #1 is a total slut for your cock. Wants to do you at every oportunity. She is cool and stays cool through the entire game.
2. Mom jumps on your cock after one kiss. That's all it took for her to molest you. But then she keeps interupting herself from actually going too far like 20 times. But after interrupting herself, or telling you to go away, she's back at it, mollesting the mc. She is skizofrenic. In part 2, it gets better only in the sense that one of the two routes becomes the only route. You had the possibilty in part 1 to go with a loving relationship. And by loving, I mean one where your mom constantly molests you. YES PLZ! But then in part 2, the hardcore, shove your cock down her throat till she chokes and calling her 'bitch' route is the only one. Don't get me wrong, 9/10 times that would be the one I'd chose. But I loved the horny son molesting mom

3. Your other sis starts off as a bitch. Stereotype, but one I love. Get the incest tsundere right and you have a patron for life out of me. Obv she wasn't done right. Loads of tsun, 0 dere. Though, 1 hour in the game, we go into bizaro world where she tongue duels you to pove a point, and lets you molest her in public. Then we go back to square -1 after that, where all elements of dere are wiped from existance. HOWEVER, you do get to slap her and essentially beat her up and she cums at the very thought of getting slapped by her bro. So that's an amaizng character right there. Too bad you have to go trough like 9 hours of shit to get there.
So recap:
- Game starts of amazingly as a harem incest fuckfest VN
- Transitions into really shit-ass sandbox before the half way point.
- Characters have a ping pong effect. At one point they're X, at another they're -X (the opposite). Clusterfucky
- Part 2 fixes a lot of this issues, but it's still a sandbox
Ah, and what I forgot to mention, the dev is just not a good coder, at all. I've seen plenty of situions where:
If X do ...
If Y do ...
If Z do ...
and it's neither x, y, nor z.
Scenes not loading
A character goes from "stop it, we shouldn't do this!" to deepthroating your cock instantly, because some IF was written poorly.
I've had a situation where I couldn't get a scene with Sis #1, without doing scene with Sis #2. Problem is, scene at sis #2 is the scene after #1. They are in the wrong order. And other stuff.
I played the game with the code open, fixed a few issues, but I ain't no python / ren'py guy. Some I couldn't fix. Abandoned game 1 before completely finishing it and I have no regrets.
Will give part #2 a chance, but not today, I need a break. But I love the characters soooooo much. I'm sorry for the dev not having many patrons, but I'm just not sure I want to support him yet. He still has things to prove, IMHO.