That's the importance of trigger switch. U can just turn Off or ON tran content without losing contents. Unfortunately it is not available
See, thinking isn't your strong point.
We know it's not available, the dev has said it isn't available and you keep bringing up that it isn't available. How then has it not sunk into you that it isn't available?
*sigh* oh well...I asked coz there's a thing called option where some other devs let player choose whether the character was a girl or I was just making sure
it sucks that just cause some people don't like the fetish that we get one less character....but that's the point I guess
Yes, other devs.
Her being trans is a huge part of her story and plays a large part in the games story when she's included. That's why dear Randy has said, on more than one occasion, to the point of sounded like a broken record that it is never changing.
She is trans, that's the story, that's how it's staying.
You also have to remember that other devs overwork themselves giving you that option because they want your money, Randy is doing this for free so doesn't need to appease people and change content to suit them. Like it or lump it.
Shit comments ?? Actually i was thinking about it if u want, i can do that!!
2 accounts?? Haha
Georgeus ??? Good morning!!
I'll be missus serious for a second, no jokes for this next comment .... you are very shit at comebacks. I mean, really shit. I feel second hand shame reading your comments and I mean that sincerely. your attempts make me feel embarrassed for you.
Please, for the sake of all us, stop.
You can't do put downs, there is no snap or wit to your attempts. Some people have it, some don't, you most certainly don't. Stick to something you are good at like whining about content being unavailable. You seem to have that down.
The lord of banter is shamed you tried to walk his hallowed grounds.