Glad you like it. And please do. The sticker is where it all started, after all.
Well, it actually started with your mentioning a need for positive reinforcement(s), which in turn made me realize that would Sarah not live inside your game she'd probably be one of your biggest fans; very much approving of what you did and hopefully continue to do. So the idea of her tagging games with her own 'seal of approval' was born. But the render I wanted to use was simply too stunning to be used on a flimsy sticker. I mean, just look at how awesome her hair flows, how the mask accentuates her beautiful eyes, how you desire to gently cup her face in your han… Right, moving on. Well, I chose another render for the sticker and told myself I'd use the first one some other day. Well, 'some' turned into 'the', 'other' into 'next', and low and behold there I was, adding layer after layer to the base image to later be composed into an animation.
The end. Or is it?