VN Ren'Py A Foreign World [Ep. 5.5] [HighbornTiger]

4.30 star(s) 56 Votes

Sneak Monkey

Active Member
Apr 2, 2018
honestly I am in the other camp, I quite like that little trail of fine hair, duvet really. It makes Tracy unique. In french we call that specific trail of hair: Le chemin du bonheur. The road of happiness. If as a woman she is not that hairy and her small bush and her trail are her only body hair, why bother shaving it?
It's more than I have, so to me it's not great looking, also the belly button itself is really weird looking, more like a scab than a belly button.
It's meant to be a porn game, the character model has other things that need attention like the boobs that look fake and the hips that are lacking in hip, she's meant to be strong but lacks any kind of muscle, even thighs. Basically the model needs enough work as it is that deliberately adding body hair somewhere it doesn't even need in order to look realistic is a really weird thing to do.
As I've already pointed out she shaves her bush into a neat little triangle... what's the fuckin point of that then? Be consistent, add arm hair cos she's clearly shaving that all off, but she doesn't shave her legs and has belly hair...???

It's not about her having body hair, it's about the complete lack of thought put into where it should actually be. What lunatic woman shaves their arm hair off and neatly trims their bush but leaves the leg hair and belly hair as it is? It's just ridiculous


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2021
A Foreign World [Ep.5] Unofficial Android Port + Ripson's WT/ Gallery Mod

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- 269mb

My Android Ports have a 2nd Persistent save location. So, even if you uninstall the game, the saves will remain Intact.

Saves location: Storage/0011/Game-name

You can also join my discord server for more and support me.

You can also join 0011 discord server

If you like my works please support me.

Android Port Updated..


Engaged Member
Jun 21, 2022
Imagem de post do Patreon-1.png

7 de julho
I have some good and some bad news. Because I hate to leave you on a positive note, I'll start with the good news. I'm just about done writing Episode 5.5. That's not too impressive, since I already wrote some of it before doing the renders for the last update. But it's a good start.
We are currently at around 7.600 words for next update, so it's a little smaller than the previous one. Someone said Ep5 was a bit text heavy. It's a good point. I'll have to make sure that I'm not losing myself in endless dialogue. There are ways to tell a story in an interesting way, but there are also many ways that are boring. In the future I will try to mix things up a little. Nothing crazy, or anything I haven't done before. But it should be more fun to read (I know many don't have this problem and don't think A Foreign World is boring, but for those it will just be a slight improvement :D).
Yeah, that's the good news. I only need to run the text through grammarly, and put it in the right format, then I can sent it to someone who will rip it to shreds (Which I very much appreciate).
The slightly bad news is that I'll have another exam phase soon, and this one is going to be stressfull. I kind of underestimated the sheer number of exams I'll have to take this semester. There wouldn't be a problem if I fail one or two of them, but I also don't want to drag this out any further. Once I'm done with my Bachelor (hopefully after this exam phase), I'll focus on finishing A Foreign World. It's already been longer than I thought I would need to finish the game. Hopefully updates will come quicker then.

Also I asked for help to decide which image I'll add to the post and not a single soul is answering me. I'm crying! I know it's not the most active server, but I was hopeful.
Well... I can't post this without an image, so I'll go do something else and hope in an hour or so someone has answered me.

I'm back. It's been an hour and Discord has failed me. Damn those guys that are probably enjoying a sunny Sunday afternoon (or morning, depending on where you live). Luckily there is still Twitter where someone responded to me.
Aurora is a good choice. I do think the bikini suits her. Only downside is that you've already seen her wear it. Dang it. I guess there won't be an outfit reveal in this post. Better luck next time.

Keep your eyes open for future updates.
Until then. Enjoy!


Apr 7, 2018
This is a good game. Good renders and interesting characters even if only half of them get any screen time. I like the premise, it seems to hold a lot of promise.

I don't like the lack of choice given in terms of cum shots. I understand it from the realism of pregnancy risk, but this is game and it doesn't really have to be addressed.

I could also do without the pages and pages of internal dialogue especially when it happens mid conversation. There's so much of it that I just start button mashing through it. I don't even bother reading anything in brackets and I don't feel as though I'm missing out on any context or anything.

There's also a lot of descriptive text that serves no purpose as you also have the scene depicted in an images. Honestly, as good as this game is, it could probably be cut in half without all the superfluous text.


Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018

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Also, I'm kind of lost since I almost wrote this in german It's way too early to be this tired
Ah, I see how it is. We're going to hit poor Megan with the old "You need to transform into your hot girl form for the sake of the rendering engine!" line. Frankly, I expected better of the MC. :p


Jul 24, 2024

23 July

There is no progress.
To be more accurate, there is basically no progress. I'm heading into an exam phase, so don't expect too much from the next three weeks either. I'll probably do some renders, I might write some stuff here and there, but especially to the end of a release I need to lock in for a few days and I just can't do that anytime soon.
I'm not happy with it either and I do feel guilty knowing people are waiting for update. But I also don't feel guilty enough to give up on my degree. In the best case I'll be done with it in two to three months. If I fail one of my upcoming exams, I will have to retake them in about half a year.
So much for transparency.

I've been thinking. Recently someone pointed out that my Patreon has only three tiers, and the highest one only seems to be there mor me to make more money. Wrong. My Patreon only has one Tier.
It's 5€, and it has two benefits. You get access to the latest version of A Foreign World (+ A Familiar World), and you can read Dev Updates like this one one week before everyone else.
The 1€ Tier is from when I first started my Patreon. People currently subscribed to it have been supporting me for a loooooooong time. You couldn't subscribe to it since I set the max limit to 1 person.
The 25€ Tier was created for a fan who wanted to support me more than just with 5€ each month. I asked him for his favorit girl, and created the "Sailor" Tier (get it, because her ability has something to do with water... I know. Hilarious)

This makes my Patreon one of the less elaborate ones out there. Other Dervelopers have up to 10 different Tiers with all kinds of benefits. I don't have anything against them. The opposite actually, I think what they are doing is smart. My problem always was that I don't have anything to offer besides access to my game, and regular development updates. And to top it all off, I also thing development updates should be open to everyone especially so people who bought the game on Steam or Itch still know what's going on.
The reason why my page is this simple is because I don't want to burden myself with the responsibility of creating monthly wallpapers, or to keep track of who is allowed what version of the game at what time. It would increase my workload, which would be fine if I was doing this full time, but as things currently stand, I'd like to keep things simple.
Creating special render might be interesting, but I don't boot up DAZ3D to relax. I do it because I want to create visuals that enhance the story I'm writing. I wouldn't think about creating renders in my free time, just for the fun of it.

Do you want to know what I do do in my free time (Yeah, I'm a student, so technically I'm creating A Foreign World in my free time * imagine the author rolling his eyes)
I read, write, listen, and sometimes I play videogames.
The videogame part isn't the importnat one. It's just a guilty pleassure. The reading and writing part is what I'd like to expand on.
My Discord is bland and not very inspiring. There are basically only two channels, and it's not a place that serves much of a purpose. In the beginning I had a meme area, but I was the only one that posted in it (The server was just too small back then). I don't even have the paid version of Discord, so the server doesn't even look very professional.
It's something I want to improve. It's on my imaginary road map, right sometime after the uppcoming exam phase.
But what do I have to offer?
First of all, I should probably post my Dev updates there whenever they go public. This much is easy. Patreon has a comment section, but Discord is literally created for communication. It would make it easier to spark conversation. But just that wouldn't make the Discord more fun.
I don't want to copy another Developer, and just do a generic adult VN Descord server. First of all it would feel inauthentic, and second of all, I'm not that desperate yet.

So what do I have to offer? That's a question I've been asking myself.
How about some channels where I and everybody else can give out anime/lightnovel/manga recommendations? I have at least ten I would recommend, off the top of my head and probably 50 I'd suggest if someone is interested in certain topics.

I think it would offer something unique to the server. And I've read these stories anyway, so why not make use of this other than by using anime tropes in my AVNs. Cough reverse isekai cough

Then there is still the issue with my Patreon. I could leave it as it is. I'm fine with it. 5€ for instant access to my game seems more than fair even though I think 12$ for infinte access to all new releases (Itch and Steam), is a better deal.

But I also have an idea for my Patreon.

I might not create renders to calm myself down after a stressfull day, but I do sometimes write stories. These stories are usually about an interesting idea I had and that I think would have potential. As long as I work on A Foreign World, they will stay as things I do in my free time, but there will be a time after A Foreign World. I have lots of stories that i want to bring to life but it's hard to say which one would be the best for the job.

That's where Patreon could come in.

I'm planing to throw it to the wolves, and let them decide which piece of juicy story meat tastes the best. These stories will suck, because they'll be unedited. But maybe some people could enjoy them.

The two things I'd like to try in the future are,
- upgrading my Discord/adding some story recommendations
- and creating another Tier (probably 10€), that has access to stories I write when I'm sick of both studying and A Foreign World

This dev update must be my longest in like... Forever.

Please stop me if you think one or both of these ideas suck.

Keep your eyes open for future Updates.

Until then. Enjoy!


Active Member
Feb 23, 2020
Having a livelier Discord is always nice and appreciated. You are doing the right thing putting your exams first. Bitch please that trope is called isekai simply because of overuse. It has been used for a long time. The oldest popular one I can think of is 20 000 leagues under the sea by Jules Vernes. So don't beat yourself over it. Everything is made of tropes and they help us bond faster with the story or characters. They are also fun to look at and analyse. So take the time you need for your exams we are not going far in the mean time, just the next thread.... But be damned sure we will come back to look at it often when we miss your story.

Jaga Telesin

Incestuous Harem Owner
Apr 19, 2023
The way it was presented, I'm sure it's just a matter of time.
6-7 hours of game available now, and not one creampie. Scenes are few, and most of them are rated X instead of XXX. How many more years until they actually get steamy, sexy, and start resembling something people could actually get off with?

I found practically all of them a bit of a letdown. Felt more like I was watching soft porn in a hotel room (for 30 seconds per hour) than playing an AVN.

I do look forward to where the game goes, but right now I am leaning heavily on the side of skepticism. The story, plot, and world(s) are the single most interesting part of AFW, and they still can't prop it up in the absence of good sex scenes in my opinion.


Active Member
Jun 7, 2017
Honestly, this is a very good game with a lot of pluses and only one major minus.

First and foremost, the story and characters deserve copious amounts of praise. The characters actually feel like real people with interesting personalities, and the story is intriguing and drives you forward, interested in knowing what will happen next.

Same goes for the art. The design of the characters is very good, and it is clear that a lot of effort went into the renders. They are far better than the average VN here.

Another aspect in which this game differs in a major way from the average VN here is that you play as an adult with a pre-defined personality, instead of the usual "Blank-slate Protagonist". This is a welcome change in my book, but my issue is that I felt it was taken too far, as you pretty much don't have any agency in the story, not even in minor decisions. There is a series of decisions on whether to pursue the romantic interests or not, but other than that you basically don't influence your character at all. That disappointed me, as I would have liked to, for example, be more stern in how I treat a certain character that literally tried to kill me multiple times, or be more loving and caring for a certain character that I feel deserved it. Such things wouldn't have majorly changed the story or created a ton of extra work and diversions, but they would have made me enjoy playing the game more.

All in all though, I definitely recommend this game to anyone who enjoys a pretty good story. I just wish that the developer adds more choices in the future, even if they were minor ones :).

PS: Any update on the next update HighbornTiger ?
Last edited:


Engaged Member
Oct 29, 2021


Good morning everyone.

I managed to create a couple of renders. Some of you might have already seen one of them. I posted it on in the preview channel. It's not the one that comes with this post.

Just before I started writing this dev update, I had an idea that would fit perfectly into the story so it's actually quite hard for me to write about anything right now. I basically shot myself into the leg by having a great idea. It has to do with Amber's ability. Once I put it into the game, I'm sure you'll realize.

Anyway, I try to rip myself away from all the great possebilities that surface through this 'idea', and tell you a bit about what happened these past two weeks.

I created 17 images.


That's it.

I'm still studying most of the time. Of course, as you already saw from the start of this post, while I can't do anything substantial like rendering, my mind never stops. I really don't want to spoil the idea I just had, since it will become a substancial plotpoint, but I do think merely this would be worth a two week delay. It would have been a shame if I never thought of this abstract idea that I don't want to talk to you about.

It's a very short dev update... For already mentioned reasons.

I hope you are all doing well. Keep your eyes open for future dev updates.

Until then, Enjoy!


Jul 28, 2024
Strange this is one of the first games, I don't really have a girl I like the most, I just like the story.

Most games I play I get irritated, for example Grandma's House, it has the neighbor and the little asian girl, but it's f*cking irritating he fucks everyone except those 2.

Of course here MC isn't much fucking around yet. But it's one of the few games, I read most story lines....

I hope his GF/fiance get's to join the story a bit more, just to see how others react to those superpowers...

Hope we get to see a new update soon, when you finished your exams...


Jan 14, 2024
although megan and the invisible girl are more interesting characters than the others, we have almost no communication.
I hope it will change soon
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4.30 star(s) 56 Votes