Its mostly the same as triangle. All sugar and sunshine with no conflicts and your decisions have no impact (as far as I can see) at all. The story is quite generic and does not use its potential. A good example is the truth or dare. Probably the most boring one in a long time. This is the easiest way to at least have some small different scenes. There is just one choice and that doesnt even affect the sleeping scene after that - would be a good opportunity.
As Triangle, this is a nice and solid game, but quite boring without any peaks.
Especially the lack of decisions is off putting. Especially in this setting. As the lord of the castle you should have more say and not just agree to everything everybody asks/says or does. This must not lead to a huge branching, but ast least the MC should have the feeling to be the one in control. It feels more like a modern household than a medieval castle. Way to few servants for that castle that we see. Lydia is not doing anything (currently) she is more of a adopted princess (out of the blue, after that 2 weeks with the lady). Yeah sure, knowing the previous game, this will probably end in a harem with a progression smooth as butter.
I hold my point (as for triangle) - the games are nice, but they are to nice to be great or really entertaining.
Just as an example. Here we could have several branches.
Lady + Lydia (some kind of NTR/cheating scenario) and faithful MC.
Lady + both girls and faithful MC.
Lady + Lydia and cheating MC + Alice.
Lady faithful and cheating MC + both
Current Harem
Even when you play the harem route there would be scenes where you have do make a choice. Then you feel like you play the MC and not like just watching him do his thing. And no, you dont need that many routes - you could break it down to maybe 2-3.
This is more or less a kinetic novel (as far as I can see that).