
May 19, 2021
im like stuck in an area near a sheep or sth i think, i cant find a way to comeback to the first town
So it sounds like you already molested oni lady and you cant get past the sheep fight? My memory is a little fuzzy on the specifics but make sure you do everything in the cave to your west and the 2nd town. You shouldnt need the next sex move for the sheep fight, you only need those for fighting females. Youre probably just lacking levels/ cats (cats are your starter gear). I forget how you get back to the first town later, but there should be nothing you have to do there (though later you can lewd the springs goddess and I think the innkeeper has a scene if you return?).
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Apr 25, 2021
I cant think of what you mean by red magic circle. Could you describe where you are or trying to do?

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Some days ago I started the game from scratch to give the game's plot a closer look also to try different things like getting the contract dialogue with petite girl and to see if I can trigger again the dragon overworld encounter, I got into the green area next of the port town so far. This time I did notice many things I hadn't before while playing and tried to post them a few days ago but I couldn't then because I had massive issues with my PC I just recovered from, luckly I made a backup of almost everything this time though so I'll try to post what I have so far. I just can't make sense of most of it, these things are just bizarre.

Meca waking up in the bad end is strange, I'll look more into the next time to see if there's any clue as for why that happens. I get what you mean, I really like the theory making too but at the same time I'm really curious about the real overall lore behind these games's plot. I think in this NG I even found some weird things related to the unpolished things and even the game "real" world or "pretending" things you mention but I can't tell for sure if they are intended or not in any of them, these little details indeed.

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im like stuck in an area near a sheep or sth i think, i cant find a way to comeback to the first town
I don't remember a red magic circle near sheep (Ram?) or having trouble to make a way to the first town after meeting sheep but then again I don't remember much about these events, I think the closest events related to Ram are the magical knight fight and the journey to Onishikawa I think, in the first one you must go in the tower to a fight and the later you're stuck in the oni island, only after meeting King of oni there you can go back to first town, equip the cat and having some health items just in case.
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Sep 6, 2017
That was one of the first things I saw when I played this game. It's more likely to be a glitch than an intended easter egg. Since my player name would change to Protagonist, I made sure I never encountered this glitch again.
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Apr 25, 2021
That was one of the first things I saw when I played this game. It's more likely to be a glitch than an intended easter egg. Since my player name would change to Protagonist, I made sure I never encountered this glitch again.
This glitch only happens in the prologue weirdly enough, after he gets in his normal green avatar when starting the game and meeting Guide with the name input working in the intended way, also seems like if theres at least one interaction in Erotica then he doesn't change to his grey look upon using this menu so the name stays safe, still I agree it may be a glitch, I just replayed that old save just to see if Protagonist along Mechano could defeat Blue oni in the prologue right after breaking the wall, I managed to do it but that doesn't change the outcome. Just seems strange to me theres a grey MC in the cave, makes me think theres a legit way to get grey Protagonist inside the game.

Also I've noticed the erotica menu shows new things otherwise can't be seen unless this menu is used both in My]R and New project, there's a lot to cover and test about in both games I think.

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Sorry! I just realized that here I left some things out because I pasted uncomplete the translated text, I meant to post here the grilled meat can evade sometimes MC's hits while the dried one can miss its hits so the grilled can be harder to beat.

Also Happy holidays! sorry...:cry:, delayed ones.
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Apr 25, 2021
Just checked another thing with Blue oni battle, usually Mechano gets his HP depleted in the battle however if you use a Dried Meat on Mechano at the start and nothing else, Blue oni almost knocks him down leaving him with only 29Hp but thats enough to end the battle. I think theres no way to see this without the Protag glitch because in the begining Player is unable to defeat even the weakest meat.

Later I noticed something seems to happen only in the begining, each time MC gets to play in the cabin he spends 500G so before playing the first time he has 50000G and 49500G after playing, however the next day he still has 50000G somehow, I'm not sure if he's being paid like his boss said or is something else.

Sometimes MC just leaves the game seemingly at random but seems like some depends of the sex scenes MC has. In the first playthrough I avoided the sex scene with cat among others, MC leaves the game right after going up the stairs to 2F in the cave, however this time MC returns right after the sex scene with cat, this happens several times after the sex scenes and each "return point" happens in a different place than the previous play.
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Apr 25, 2021
Took me a while but I found the Dragon random encounter finally! is another dragon unlike the fundamental ones or the corrupted one, it looks like this:

Hidden Dragon.png

Hidden Dragon2.png

Hidden Dragon Dialogue.png

It resembles the Wind and Cold ones somewhat but this one didn't say anything and the encounter ended just like that, I'll try to get the dragon again to see if says anything else, I remember in the last game he talked shortly to MC.

Happy New year.
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Apr 25, 2021
Hello, I hope all you are having a nice day, I haven't played much lately but I think I found the area where the chances to get the Dragon are better, found two more encounters so far and Dragon says something this time too.

Hidden Dragon Dialogue 2.png
In one encounter warns the MC about the Oni for some reason.

Hidden Dragon Dialogue 3.png
On this one I'm not sure if Dragon is asking about MC's "real" world or is just a random dialogue.

Hidden Dragon Encounter area.png
By walking inside this dark green area you can get better odds to encounter the dragon, once I even got it twice in a row there.

I'm not sure if this could be related to the encounters but I'm right before fighting Boar, in fact I lost against one time, the progress is 87.

Progress 87.png

I don't know for sure what element or fundament this dragon stands for or even if its related to them at all but seems to share somewhat Player's overworld sprite palette .


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New dragon text, seems like is all of it because in the next encounters theres no new dialogue and seems to loop randomly.

Hidden Dragon Dialogue 4 1.png

Hidden Dragon Dialogue 4 2.png

This probably implies there was players who hunted the dragons before, also this text only triggers after seeing the ones before it seems.

Hidden Dragon Encounter area 2.png
This area is the most likely place to get the encounter, I walk around a bit at the start but I try to get the encounter in these two points, only works sometimes too, if by chance you get the encounter then just keep walking in this area trying to get it in the red ovals, sometimes you can get it even twice in a row.
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