3.80 star(s) 106 Votes


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2023

I do not agree that Anna was ready for sex with Grant, he was ready to use her. David knew about the old fox poisoner. First of all, Anna was a stupid naive girl who had no experience in sex yet. Grant knew this perfectly well and played a nice good uncle who spoiled Anna to the limit, buying her trust, wanted to use it. Anna did not know that his behavior was wrong. It was Anna's father who saw through the plan of good uncle Grant to use Anna and reacted at the right moment. This is how sexual abuse begins in the family, people you know most often molest close people. In the end, David saved Anna at the last moment when the old fox got Anna drunk and wanted to use her, but gave David too small a dose of poison in his food. So how could David not know Grant?
I know Grant was trying to take advantage of her. But Anna is not naive..Anna was never Naive and Pure..consider this if Anna would have been naive she would have given blowjob to her ex bf..they both does have feelings for each other but he use to force ana to give him blowjob right...that's why Ana broke up with him, she want relationship in her own terms and condition where she can be in control. In all routes, until Ana feels completely that she is in full control of a guy or the guy will not harm her, she doesnt give in. Even when David asked her for BJ....he loved her, he is more dedicated towards her in relationship, Just because Ana think that he is demanding as her ex bf, she rejected him is bullshit...they are married have kids, its once in a blue he ask for it and not doing it even as a favour shows how Ana want to control other men as per her own term. On one side she allows Marvin touches as a favour on other hand she cannot do same to her husband as a favour? double standard where the developer contradict his own statement. All things he do is just not to show sex or you know to stop the tease at certain point. He will say like Ana is pure and ana is naive in different scenario.

I dont know why everyone think of that ana is naive and pure. Maybe because that's what developer is saying that not to give sex scene lol. Anyways, coming to Grant, yes obviously he want to take advantage of Ana like all other characters chris daved everyone....But my point is Ana knows their intention, its not like Ana chatting with chris and telling him about his exes, she doesnt know chris intention towards her, or marvin intention towards her. Same like if you play corrupt route for marvin, you will see Anna do it as a favour to old guy whatever kendra told her and she think marvin cannot do any harm. Same way, she thinks that Grant cannot harm her even before corrupting her in Grant route because we cannot corrupt Ana in grant route yet. Second, Ana is not stupid and naive, she remember that memory as naive....But, Grant told her openly whatever he wants from Ana. That's for showing her naughty side where she thinks that she was not in any relationship and she knows perfectly while remembering that Grant wanted to take advantage of her, her only worry was her father was there and she already told Grant that her father is downstairs and he will kick Grant if he come to her room that she doesn't want for Grant.

So conclusion is....if ana go for someone she will do as a favour or for her naughtiness and if developer doesnt show sex in some route then Ana will be naive and pure in that route you know it's just to justify the reason why Ana didn't went all the way. And flashback scenes contradict his own statements....1st Rob grope: Ana was hormonal, 2nd Grant Grope: Ana was emotional beacause her father died....3rd Grant molest her: Ana was young and naive. it's just flashback scenes doesnt get along with Ana's character what she is now. He contradict his own statements about Ana character that he is builiding in the present by showing these flashback scenes as simple as that.


Conversation Conqueror
Mar 4, 2020
I know Grant was trying to take advantage of her. But Anna is not naive..Anna was never Naive and Pure..consider this if Anna would have been naive she would have given blowjob to her ex bf..they both does have feelings for each other but he use to force ana to give him blowjob right...that's why Ana broke up with him, she want relationship in her own terms and condition where she can be in control. In all routes, until Ana feels completely that she is in full control of a guy or the guy will not harm her, she doesnt give in. Even when David asked her for BJ....he loved her, he is more dedicated towards her in relationship, Just because Ana think that he is demanding as her ex bf, she rejected him is bullshit...they are married have kids, its once in a blue he ask for it and not doing it even as a favour shows how Ana want to control other men as per her own term. On one side she allows Marvin touches as a favour on other hand she cannot do same to her husband as a favour? double standard where the developer contradict his own statement. All things he do is just not to show sex or you know to stop the tease at certain point. He will say like Ana is pure and ana is naive in different scenario.

I dont know why everyone think of that ana is naive and pure. Maybe because that's what developer is saying that not to give sex scene lol. Anyways, coming to Grant, yes obviously he want to take advantage of Ana like all other characters chris daved everyone....But my point is Ana knows their intention, its not like Ana chatting with chris and telling him about his exes, she doesnt know chris intention towards her, or marvin intention towards her. Same like if you play corrupt route for marvin, you will see Anna do it as a favour to old guy whatever kendra told her and she think marvin cannot do any harm. Same way, she thinks that Grant cannot harm her even before corrupting her in Grant route because we cannot corrupt Ana in grant route yet. Second, Ana is not stupid and naive, she remember that memory as naive....But, Grant told her openly whatever he wants from Ana. That's for showing her naughty side where she thinks that she was not in any relationship and she knows perfectly while remembering that Grant wanted to take advantage of her, her only worry was her father was there and she already told Grant that her father is downstairs and he will kick Grant if he come to her room that she doesn't want for Grant.

So conclusion is....if ana go for someone she will do as a favour or for her naughtiness and if developer doesnt show sex in some route then Ana will be naive and pure in that route you know it's just to justify the reason why Ana didn't went all the way. And flashback scenes contradict his own statements....1st Rob grope: Ana was hormonal, 2nd Grant Grope: Ana was emotional beacause her father died....3rd Grant molest her: Ana was young and naive. it's just flashback scenes doesnt get along with Ana's character what she is now. He contradict his own statements about Ana character that he is builiding in the present by showing these flashback scenes as simple as that.
I get it, yes buddy, Anna has no sexual experience at this point, she is naive and thinks touching Grant is innocent and not dangerous fun. Grant knows this and wants to take advantage of it. But the father sees what is happening, intervenes and interrupts Grant's meeting. If the father wasn't there, Grant would take advantage of Anna, it's called sexual harassment and you could end up in jail for it. Only later does she gain sexual experience, a guy who forces her to constantly BJ, which Anna hates and dumps this guy. This is her third boyfriend, so Anna is already aware of what she likes and what she doesn't like, and I agree with you, she is already fully aware and is no longer naive Anna.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2023
:unsure:It seems that David has heard that Anna works with Kendra at work and knows that when Anna gets a promotion, Kendra will try to be nice to her and suck up to her.
Think of it as this way...Ana is Alpha wolf of women...She has reputation and she wants to maintain it. In all route her only priority is she want those relationship on her own terms and conditions. She knows all men intentions towards her very well. In grant route, maybe she's thinking like if she go for divorce, she might need money from Grant, so she will test Grant that whatever she do it will be between them only and Grant will not harm her social reputation or things will not come out in public that's all. That might be her terms and condition. Now whether she do it as a favor or due to her naughtiness tendency that will be the point of arguement. Ana submission route is designed in that way with Hank and Grant where Anna wants something out from them....Hank (no case against David and her family) and Grant( money just in case if she go for divorce), Rob, leonard,gym trainer(to know about David's cheating) and maybe Marvin(to get information out from him)...rest for jake and chris it's mostly because of her own naughty tendency where she thinks that she is in control of the relationship and those guys will not harm her reputation publically

OG Log5000%

Jun 8, 2024
I know Grant was trying to take advantage of her. But Anna is not naive..Anna was never Naive and Pure..consider this if Anna would have been naive she would have given blowjob to her ex bf..they both does have feelings for each other but he use to force ana to give him blowjob right...that's why Ana broke up with him, she want relationship in her own terms and condition where she can be in control. In all routes, until Ana feels completely that she is in full control of a guy or the guy will not harm her, she doesnt give in. Even when David asked her for BJ....he loved her, he is more dedicated towards her in relationship, Just because Ana think that he is demanding as her ex bf, she rejected him is bullshit...they are married have kids, its once in a blue he ask for it and not doing it even as a favour shows how Ana want to control other men as per her own term. On one side she allows Marvin touches as a favour on other hand she cannot do same to her husband as a favour? double standard where the developer contradict his own statement. All things he do is just not to show sex or you know to stop the tease at certain point. He will say like Ana is pure and ana is naive in different scenario.

I dont know why everyone think of that ana is naive and pure. Maybe because that's what developer is saying that not to give sex scene lol. Anyways, coming to Grant, yes obviously he want to take advantage of Ana like all other characters chris daved everyone....But my point is Ana knows their intention, its not like Ana chatting with chris and telling him about his exes, she doesnt know chris intention towards her, or marvin intention towards her. Same like if you play corrupt route for marvin, you will see Anna do it as a favour to old guy whatever kendra told her and she think marvin cannot do any harm. Same way, she thinks that Grant cannot harm her even before corrupting her in Grant route because we cannot corrupt Ana in grant route yet. Second, Ana is not stupid and naive, she remember that memory as naive....But, Grant told her openly whatever he wants from Ana. That's for showing her naughty side where she thinks that she was not in any relationship and she knows perfectly while remembering that Grant wanted to take advantage of her, her only worry was her father was there and she already told Grant that her father is downstairs and he will kick Grant if he come to her room that she doesn't want for Grant.

So conclusion is....if ana go for someone she will do as a favour or for her naughtiness and if developer doesnt show sex in some route then Ana will be naive and pure in that route you know it's just to justify the reason why Ana didn't went all the way. And flashback scenes contradict his own statements....1st Rob grope: Ana was hormonal, 2nd Grant Grope: Ana was emotional beacause her father died....3rd Grant molest her: Ana was young and naive. it's just flashback scenes doesnt get along with Ana's character what she is now. He contradict his own statements about Ana character that he is builiding in the present by showing these flashback scenes as simple as that.
Who said Anna was pure?? we only say she's naive the moment you are married and you're teasing other guy with your lingerie picture you have 0 purity but yeah Anna is a naive girl
Purity and naivety is two diferent thing


Conversation Conqueror
Mar 4, 2020
Think of it as this way...Ana is Alpha wolf of women...She has reputation and she wants to maintain it. In all route her only priority is she want those relationship on her own terms and conditions. She knows all men intentions towards her very well. In grant route, maybe she's thinking like if she go for divorce, she might need money from Grant, so she will test Grant that whatever she do it will be between them only and Grant will not harm her social reputation or things will not come out in public that's all. That might be her terms and condition. Now whether she do it as a favor or due to her naughtiness tendency that will be the point of arguement. Ana submission route is designed in that way with Hank and Grant where Anna wants something out from them....Hank (no case against David and her family) and Grant( money just in case if she go for divorce), Rob, leonard,gym trainer(to know about David's cheating) and maybe Marvin(to get information out from him)...rest for jake and chris it's mostly because of her own naughty tendency where she thinks that she is in control of the relationship and those guys will not harm her reputation publically
Grant is a cunning old fox poisoner who poisoned Anna's father in revenge for not allowing him to take advantage of Anna in her youth and stole money from her father. Grant will definitely call Anna that same day and tell her to put on the sexy lingerie and stockings that he sent her for dinner as a wedding gift. He may also put drugs in Anna's drink and force her to sign some fake paper that will turn out to be a debt. to be repaid. Of course, he demands sexual favors


Conversation Conqueror
Mar 4, 2020
:unsure: I think Anna's naivety comes from the fact that she thinks her father and brothers are just like any other guy and she can deal with anyone she meets. And all the guys want one thing, they want to fuck her, but she is wrong, because someone is determined to fuck her with different tricks and in different ways that she has no idea about.


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2023
:unsure: I think that Anna's naivety comes from the fact that he thinks that her father and brothers are the same as every guy she meets. And all the guys want one thing, they want to fuck her, but she is wrong because someone may be using tricks to fuck her and various methods, which she doesn't know.
It’s just the fact that she’s been surrounded by mens almost all her life. Anna knows all their tricks. She just naively thinks that she’ll be able to stop them at the "right time" and stop herself!


Conversation Conqueror
Mar 4, 2020
You know how events work in this game, first I have no choice, then we have a choice, Anna had no choice but to send photos to Chris, then in Ch2 there was a choice whether Anna should send photos to Chris or not. This will be the case with every event in the game, first there was no choice, in ch3 there will be a choice or I'm wrong:unsure:


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2023
Well today is good day for female protagonist/corruption game lol...
Downfall: A story of corruption
Life in middle east
Laura lustful secrets
and Jessica's choices(not sure how this game is)
all 4 launched it's update today lol


Conversation Conqueror
Mar 4, 2020
Chris tells Jake that he has been trying to fuck Anne for 5 years and still fails:ROFLMAO::eek:. Jake mówi Chrisowi, że dostał dzisiaj numer Anny
Last edited:


Jun 22, 2020
About Anna and BJ. I don't think Anna hates BJ per se, I think it has to do more with her boyfriend at a time insisted on it and Anna felt pressured and "forced" to do it. We can see that the more David asks for it the more Anna refuses.
That is why we can expect to see a change of hearth and see Anna actively giving a BJ, now that it is her choice and not her partner's choice.
  • Thinking Face
Reactions: Sadowdark


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2024
About Anna and BJ. I don't think Anna hates BJ per se, I think it has to do more with her boyfriend at a time insisted on it and Anna felt pressured and "forced" to do it. We can see that the more David asks for it the more Anna refuses.
That is why we can expect to see a change of hearth and see Anna actively giving a BJ, now that it is her choice and not her partner's choice.
Chapstik and Throat lozenges thats all Im going to say. :devilish:
3.80 star(s) 106 Votes