4.00 star(s) 4 Votes
Sep 5, 2022
Did you manage to download it, bro?
Yep, uploading now... So we need the password

Anyone that can proxy this to mega or anything so others can download, ill give an invite to my group that leaks at first release.

decompression password will be given later when someone proxies it.
Sir, we need the PASSWORD

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Jun 1, 2021
Aaaand here wo go again. Mind betting how the dean guy will now say "contact me for password" and then tens of posts will pop up here saying "dm me plsssss!!!"?
Prepare your notification alert to go off the charts guys.
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Nov 10, 2021
i was going to publicize the pw, just know that the blame is on the number guy, what an idiot lol.

Be nice, cunt, I owe you nothing and don't act like you're someone important
Im acting like one who is fed up of fucking scammers.
In any case, the guy provided a link and asked if someone could help him. I don't think there's any need to criticize or report that, he didn't ask for money.

Maybe you should calm down a bit because I feel like you were a bit aggressive, everything can be discussed calmly.
You are probably right, just faced too many scammers and fraudsters recently. So I have quite a biased attitude
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Jun 4, 2018
Only 2 people have the password.
The 1st of which never shared it publicly, ever (from his posting history, this is a repeated occurence), and the 2nd was requested not to.
Seems like a way to find a recruit someone who could proxy Baidu, then leave nothing for everyone else.
4.00 star(s) 4 Votes