4.10 star(s) 103 Votes


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2018
Yeah, that scene was so cringe it alone made me drop the vn for a couple of months, not gonna lie. )

It's one of these small strokes from the author, that works against the purpose of the plot.
In theory Laura should be pulled apart between love for Harry and lust for Luca for the drama and jealousy to work, but these types of tiny strokes damaging the story in a MAJOR way.
It's kinda like Laura's hate for Harry - only instead of one tiny comment, Laura's hate is a major continuous plot point. But in essence it's the same thing.

It's just a mistake from the author.
Another one.
That's honestly a matter of perspective and preferences tbh. At the end of the day, no story will be perfect, and it's pretty rare that a story of any kind gets everything right for anyone, much less everyone. People just aren't perfect enough for that sort of thing.

Personally, I think that this choice on the author's part was a great one. It helps to flesh out Harry's character and his flaws, as well as helps establish early the flaw in the relationship between Harry and Laura. Harry sees Laura as 'perfect' at the start of the story, and may continue to do so depending on choices and the developments that they lead too. Laura presents herself as perfect and strong, but while she doesn't admit it to herself, she's actually very much one of those 'sluts' that Harry looks down on.

This is part of Luca's "In" to Laura's head. The flash-backs reveal that Harry had this flaw since he was young and it was his vehement declaration that he wouldn't respect a slutty woman regardless of reasons that essentially broke Maya... and it's the same thing that breaks Laura on some routes. It's when she's confronted with Harry's inability to accept her as an imperfect, slutty woman, and the reality that he likely won't ever change, that she genuinely breaks. Pleasure alone isn't enough to break her in any of the routes, it always has to be something more than just pleasure.

For me, that makes the story better. It makes the characters more interesting. It makes Laura more than just a slut and Harry more than just a cuck. I like that it takes more than feeling good to break Laura, and that if she doesn't, she literally kills Luca all on her own in at least one ending. I like it that it takes Harry's own mistakes to break Laura... (and in one case Sandra's mistake, because man that hoe was dumb...)

The fact that Harry doesn't see all women as potentially perfect and/or special is a boon to me, unlike cucks from other NTR stories who tend make Harry look like a super-genius and super-chad...


Sep 13, 2021
For me, that makes the story better. It makes the characters more interesting.
And that's what matters. I don't want to take it away from you.
But there's also a more fundamental thing that gets damaged because of it.

Small example:
If the MC in some other porn VN meets a girl, whose boyfriend slut-shaming puritanin - what would be your feelings on this scene? Something like "girl, get away from him, you deserve better", no?
And it could work great in that different VN - but that is a VERY bad thing here.

Because if I feel for Laura: "You go girl - get away from Harry and be free", there can't be any drama or jealousy in this story by default.
And ntr doesn't work without jealousy.

Here it's just a small comment, so you kinda can forget about it - but I still can't think about it as a boon. Even if it flashes out characters a bit more.
Not when it undermines fundamental feeling of the story.


Jun 1, 2021
Is it possible to switch from one pov to the other midgame?
Or do i have to restart from the very beginning?


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2018
And that's what matters. I don't want to take it away from you.
But there's also a more fundamental thing that gets damaged because of it.

Small example:
If the MC in some other porn VN meets a girl, whose boyfriend slut-shaming puritanin - what would be your feelings on this scene? Something like "girl, get away from him, you deserve better", no?
And it could work great in that different VN - but that is a VERY bad thing here.

Because if I feel for Laura: "You go girl - get away from Harry and be free", there can't be any drama or jealousy in this story by default.
And ntr doesn't work without jealousy.

Here it's just a small comment, so you kinda can forget about it - but I still can't think about it as a boon. Even if it flashes out characters a bit more.
Not when it undermines fundamental feeling of the story.
Whoo boy... there's a lot to unpack in there...

Though to start with, I think the main problem is that you seem fixated on the part of netorare that's defined as "meant to induce jealousy etc in the viewer". Somewhere along the line, the idea that netorare is basically emotional torture porn got pushed to the forefront and got stuck there, when that simply doesn't make sense, and never did make sense. It's an idea that NTR haters imposed on the definition and it got stuck there, and I'm far from the only person with this opinion.

Netorare is a contextual and complex fetish that brings a lot of things to the table. Jealousy is one facet of it, but it's actually just ONE and a small one. It's what peeps that identify with the MC and who might self-insert in his position may feel. But there's also another aspect that isn't undermined by how APBLU is structured... and that's betrayal. The betrayal is very strong in this one because of how absolute Laura's fall is, and it isn't just a betrayal of Harry in the general sense when it happens, but also a betrayal of Harry's ideals and in some cases, delusions. Which obviously hurts him badly, and also hurts anyone who desires their women to be pure and innocent for the most part.

However, neither of those aspects matter to me personally.

Because I dive into NTR stories for the other element... The slutification and/or corruption of the girl that's being stolen. (Or the guy, but, well, I don't think we have any of that on f95 and that's stupidly rare for a lot of reasons, sadly...)

APBLU does a VERY good job of depicting Laura's descent from relatively normal woman with some issues into a cock-hungry slut... and depending on the ending, on a back-stabbing, insane cock-hungry slut. The process is thorough, and while it's a bit rushed, and even HSelf admitted that it was actually faster than he wanted to write it... it's still very well done. The story provides excellent reasons for how and why things happen and the varying levels of insanity that Laura descends into, simply because she severely underestimates Luca's madness and hatred.

No matter what happens, Laura will never be the same, and because it's all centered around Harry, Harry will also never be the same ever again. There is no ending to the story where things just go back to normal. After the story, no matter what, Laura will always be a complete slut and Harry will have to live with that.

It's absolutely lovely as far as I'm concerned, especially with how hot the scenes get with the extra context.
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Jul 22, 2019
That's honestly a matter of perspective and preferences tbh. At the end of the day, no story will be perfect, and it's pretty rare that a story of any kind gets everything right for anyone, much less everyone. People just aren't perfect enough for that sort of thing.

Personally, I think that this choice on the author's part was a great one. It helps to flesh out Harry's character and his flaws, as well as helps establish early the flaw in the relationship between Harry and Laura. Harry sees Laura as 'perfect' at the start of the story, and may continue to do so depending on choices and the developments that they lead too. Laura presents herself as perfect and strong, but while she doesn't admit it to herself, she's actually very much one of those 'sluts' that Harry looks down on.

This is part of Luca's "In" to Laura's head. The flash-backs reveal that Harry had this flaw since he was young and it was his vehement declaration that he wouldn't respect a slutty woman regardless of reasons that essentially broke Maya... and it's the same thing that breaks Laura on some routes. It's when she's confronted with Harry's inability to accept her as an imperfect, slutty woman, and the reality that he likely won't ever change, that she genuinely breaks. Pleasure alone isn't enough to break her in any of the routes, it always has to be something more than just pleasure.

For me, that makes the story better. It makes the characters more interesting. It makes Laura more than just a slut and Harry more than just a cuck. I like that it takes more than feeling good to break Laura, and that if she doesn't, she literally kills Luca all on her own in at least one ending. I like it that it takes Harry's own mistakes to break Laura... (and in one case Sandra's mistake, because man that hoe was dumb...)

The fact that Harry doesn't see all women as potentially perfect and/or special is a boon to me, unlike cucks from other NTR stories who tend make Harry look like a super-genius and super-chad...
Totally agree. When mLaura interacts with Harry, she realizes that she is a bitch, that no matter how much she fights, she is not as strong or perfect as she seems. She needs Harry to accept her that way, so in many cases she follows Luca's game, but inside she is waiting for Harry to accept her as the imperfect woman she is.


Sep 13, 2021
Somewhere along the line, the idea that netorare is basically emotional torture porn got pushed to the forefront
Jealousy has nothing to do with torture.
It doesn't even have to be a negative emotion. There's a reason evolution gave it to us.

Generally I could think of 3 distinct types of jealousy:
1. Black.
You've got jealous of the neighbor's car - so you want to burn it to the ground. Or report him for tax evasion, idk.
2. White.
You've got jealous of the neighbor's car - so you try to find new ways to earn the money and buy yourself one.
3. Horny.
You see your neighbor fucking the car- Ok, let's stop.
In general it's pretty clear how this particular instinct operates: you see someone getting what you desire (your crush, for example) - so your brain injects you with chemicals to motivate you more to get it (to fuck this crush of yours in this case - so brain injects you with the 'horny hormone').

As you can see from these the only actually bad type of jealousy is the Black one. And even it has nothing to do with torture. It's more like anger. Not a very good thing to blindly follow, but it motivates the hell out of you.

Jealousy is not a bad thing. Or a bad emotion.
You just need to know how to control it and not to go off the rails - but that's the case with literally every other emotion. Including love or happiness.

Netorare is a contextual and complex fetish
Jealousy is a contextual and complex emotion. Just like any other emotion.
I think you just oversimplifying it.

It's what peeps that identify with the MC and who might self-insert in his position may feel.
You don't need to identify with anyone to feel what other people feel.
That is a MAJOR part of evolution of our brain as the social creatures.

The betrayal
I... don't really see how betrayal itself can make you horny. Can you elaborate?
I can see how it could "not hinder your excitement" - but then it's just a non-factor.
I already explained how jealousy can do it, but betrayal..?

IF we establish the primary function of the PORN story as to make you horny, of course.
Just like for horror story - it would be to make you scared.
For action - to make you hyped.
And so on.

And by the way, why jealousy is a torture porn, but betrayal isn't?

The slutification and/or corruption of the girl that's being stolen.
APBLU does a VERY good job of depicting Laura's descent from relatively normal woman with some issues into a cock-hungry slut.
That's just a "character development".
It is a part of every good character in every story - so yes, it's absolutely a good thing.
If done right.

But becoming more sexual - even crazily so - is not really an NTR thing. It's... It SHOULD be, at least, the case for most of the characters in porn stories.
Every good character needs to change in some way - that's the law of drama. And if it's a porn story - then that's probably would be them becoming more sexual.
Look at some harem... bdsm... corruption games, idk? And how there girls becoming cock-crazed uber sluts (and it's all wholesome and cute).

Let me ask you this:
What is the main emotion in NTR stories?

You know the main emotion for Horror, for Action, for Romance, for Comedy.
So what's it for NTR?


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2018
Jealousy has nothing to do with torture.
It doesn't even have to be a negative emotion. There's a reason evolution gave it to us.

Generally I could think of 3 distinct types of jealousy:
1. Black.
You've got jealous of the neighbor's car - so you want to burn it to the ground. Or report him for tax evasion, idk.
2. White.
You've got jealous of the neighbor's car - so you try to find new ways to earn the money and buy yourself one.
3. Horny.
You see your neighbor fucking the car- Ok, let's stop.
In general it's pretty clear how this particular instinct operates: you see someone getting what you desire (your crush, for example) - so your brain injects you with chemicals to motivate you more to get it (to fuck this crush of yours in this case - so brain injects you with the 'horny hormone').

As you can see from these the only actually bad type of jealousy is the Black one. And even it has nothing to do with torture. It's more like anger. Not a very good thing to blindly follow, but it motivates the hell out of you.

Jealousy is not a bad thing. Or a bad emotion.
You just need to know how to control it and not to go off the rails - but that's the case with literally every other emotion. Including love or happiness.

Jealousy is a contextual and complex emotion. Just like any other emotion.
I think you just oversimplifying it.

You don't need to identify with anyone to feel what other people feel.
That is a MAJOR part of evolution of our brain as the social creatures.

I... don't really see how betrayal itself can make you horny. Can you elaborate?
I can see how it could "not hinder your excitement" - but then it's just a non-factor.
I already explained how jealousy can do it, but betrayal..?

IF we establish the primary function of the PORN story as to make you horny, of course.
Just like for horror story - it would be to make you scared.
For action - to make you hyped.
And so on.

And by the way, why jealousy is a torture porn, but betrayal isn't?

That's just a "character development".
It is a part of every good character in every story - so yes, it's absolutely a good thing.
If done right.

But becoming more sexual - even crazily so - is not really an NTR thing. It's... It SHOULD be, at least, the case for most of the characters in porn stories.
Every good character needs to change in some way - that's the law of drama. And if it's a porn story - then that's probably would be them becoming more sexual.
Look at some harem... bdsm... corruption games, idk? And how there girls becoming cock-crazed uber sluts (and it's all wholesome and cute).

Let me ask you this:
What is the main emotion in NTR stories?

You know the main emotion for Horror, for Action, for Romance, for Comedy.
So what's it for NTR?
You wot m8...?

You are the first person that I have ever met in absolutely all my years that has ever said that anything good ever came out of jealousy.

I'm honestly not buying what you're selling there. You can be motivated to be better, do better, achieve more, without a negative feeling like jealousy. Historically speaking, I don't think anything good has ever come out of jealousy or envy. No one likes feeling jealous, much like no one likes feeling angry. It's not a good emotion, it produces stress hormones, it's literally bad for your body.

That said, I will admit that I have not studied the subject to great depths, so for all I know there may be some truth in what you're saying... but it'd take a lot more than some random dude's words on the Internet to ever make me think that anything good can come out of jealousy of all things...

Moving on.

The article you linked on Mirror Neurons itself makes it pretty clear that even scientists don't really know what those do in humans, how many of them there are, etc. Digging into the sources of that article will lead to even more rabbit holes. Also not sure if mirror neurons trigger when reading a VN. They generally require an actual member of the species to trigger from what I read, so they probably don't apply to anything in here, except for people that get so emotionally invested and have such a strong imagination that they live the story much more vividly than is advisable tbh.

Moving on again.

I don't know how betrayal makes people horny exactly. I just know it does because other people enjoy that aspect of netorare. It's been there from the start after all. The "old-school" formula of NTR was "girl falls to dick > girl and the guy that cucked her show off to the guy that was cucked, usually via video > cucked guy commits suicide". Jealousy tbh never even got into the equation there I think. Just betrayal and despair over having lost their loved one.

Admittedly, I don't think the people that liked that classic scenario sympathized with the cuck in any way, and were rather taking sadistic pleasure out of his suffering... but by that same token, masochism is a thing too. There's people that literally get off from being whipped and basically nothing else, and that's not just a thing in hentai.

For some people, pain can be pleasure. How? Why? I dunno. It's just a thing that is. There's also the matter of catharsis, maybe? I'm not sure if that can be applied...

Either way, both the jealousy and betrayal parts are part of the "torture porn" aspect of NTR. Indeed, a lot of NTR's detractors have called it emotional torture porn. I never meant to imply that the betrayal part isn't if the viewer feels it, rather that it's something that the viewer doesn't need to feel. Same with the Jealousy.

Moving on once more.

You're missing some details about the slutification and corruption angles from what I said. First of all, I treat these things as distinct things. A lot of porn games have slutification to some degree or another, but few of them actually have corruption in any real sense. After all, being sexually promiscuous or the like doesn't make someone bad as long as they're careful about their smuttery, and, depending on the kind of world they live in, there may be no real consequences at all to it.

Corruption is about betraying who you are and your original ideals. This is something that's pretty much inherent in NTR. The person that's being taken away betrays the person they love. Betrays the love that they feel. It goes beyond simple lust into outright madness. It was present in the old classic formula, where the girl was so obsessed with the dick of the guy that corrupted her that she didn't care that she was doing something horrible to the person they loved. Most of the time, she never found out that he committed suicide because of the videoes and if she did, she didn't care about that either. It went beyond becoming slutty and into becoming a monster because of excessive lust.

We have that here with Laura too. In the family ending, she's not just obsessed with Luca's dick, she's SO obsessed with it that she betrays Harry completely and helps Luca ruin his life actively, just so she can have more dick. She doesn't care about her own children at all, because while the kid is not Harry's, it's definitely still her own, and she still doesn't give a single flying fuck about it. She doesn't even realize that if her old self met her new self, the old one would absolutely murder her out of sheer horror and denial that she could ever become something so twisted and terrible. We have something similar in the Fallen Hero ending. Or the Abrupt ending. Or the Aya path.

As I said, it's really well done and entertaining to watch and read, for me and others as well.

Lastly. Emotions.

You're making a big mistake that a lot of people make... and that's assuming that everyone will feel the same things when watching/reading/hearing something. That's not the case. That will never be the case and has never been the case.

Some people might not feel anything at all.

Even beyond that, stories aren't there necessarily to make people feel anything... other than feeling good in a general sense while they're having fun. Stories exist for many, many reasons, and I believe that entertainment is the most important part of them. APBLU is definitely very entertaining for a lot of reasons.

At least for me... and a lot of other people if the review section is any indication.

The set-up may not inspire jealousy in you, and you may think that jealousy is the main component of NTR, but I and plenty of others will disagree there, much like I'm sure you'll find people that disagree with you in terms of what they think the "main emotion" is for any other subjects.


New Member
Jan 28, 2023
Alguien que tenga el save dé la galería
Él que Yo tenía lo borré junto a actualización cuando estaba borrando archivos y lo perdí todo alguien que me ayude


Sep 2, 2020
Is there any NTR content still planned for this game? I know it's still in development, but it looks like all of Laura's storyline is finished, and Aya's storyline doesn't really feel like it has much NTR potential. Is the current state of the game everything that the NTR in this game has to offer?

Tempted to subscribe to the developer's Patreon, but I'm only really interested in the NTR stuff, so it heavily depends on whether or not more NTR is planned for the future of this game.
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Active Member
May 30, 2020
Is there any NTR content still planned for this game? I know it's still in development, but it looks like all of Laura's storyline is finished, and Aya's storyline doesn't really feel like it has much NTR potential. Is the current state of the game everything that the NTR in this game has to offer?

Tempted to subscribe to the developer's Patreon, but I'm only really interested in the NTR stuff, so it heavily depends on whether or not more NTR is planned for the future of this game.
It’s basically ATA’s NTR route atm and another short game he releases on the side abd your bonus scenes I think


Mar 6, 2023
So Aya is also getting an NTR route?
The game is entirely set up for an Aya NTR route. It will be a full game, like Laura's route.

Without spoiling too much, just imagine the story gets to a point where Aya and Harry are now together and then the NTR story starts. That's where things are right now.


Sep 2, 2020
The game is entirely set up for an Aya NTR route. It will be a full game, like Laura's route.

Without spoiling too much, just imagine the story gets to a point where Aya and Harry are now together and then the NTR story starts. That's where things are right now.
Ahhh awesome. So the current update is where the NTR is just starting now? Or is the NTR decently fleshed out already?


New Member
Jan 28, 2023
Someone who has the save of the gallery I deleted the one I had along with the update when I was deleting files and I lost everything, someone help me
4.10 star(s) 103 Votes