I liked the intro itself, the insinuated revenge plot, the different characters and their hidden individual agendas to corrupt their leader. From there it kinda went downhill for me.
The combat system is intriguing, but it's not intuitive at all and very, very needlessly complicated when compared to how humble, straight forward and VN-ish the rest of the game is. It took longer than I'd like to admit to read and understand how it worked, and even then I got to a point when I thought "fuck it", upgraded the smith and did my best to steamroll every fight with melee units.
From what I understand, so far there are no real choices, except for who to appoint as your advisor. After that it's all on-rails, with the complicated combat system alone to drag out the time. That isn't bad in and by itself, but there is so little else to actually do, it quickly becomes painfully obvious how limited the game actually is.
There is too little story. I get the fact that the MC's and Elamir's backgrounds and motivations are supposed to be mysterious, and will be revealed step by step as the story progresses, but there's too little else but the main story going on, and the quest and story progressing is too short and effective. Everything is "point A to point B", with no drama in between. Even the MC's corruption seemingly doesn't affect anything, except which advisor's 2 scenes (so far) to activate. It's all a bit meh.
I'd like there to be more ways to interact with the co-conspirators, the hideout itself, and maybe even the prisoners and the surrounding areas. The way it is now, the choice to interact with anything is there exactly when it's needed to be story-wise, then it's gone forever, or else it seemingly doesn't exist. The ability to do more, visit places and interact with your henchmen would at least make the game seem bigger, even if the storyline itself is in a very early stage.
The actual file size is too big and bloated. For such an early version to be 4gb is much too inefficient.
I guess I kinda want this game to be a bit more like Vae Victis - Khan (though even that game is quite linear and limited in its story progression), just with a female MC and optional corruption along the way that results in varying degrees of consequences. I know that's a bit much to ask of a v0.0.X game, but one can dream.