I'd prefer Nat over Sophie too but is not it a little bit too harsh? Drug thing could blow up MC's face big time though.
My bonus culprit contender is him. He seemed a tad too uncomfortable with it. Also has easy access to MC's room and we don't know anything about him. On top of that, he was too eager about whole Flaca and drug stuff.
Sophie has a metric shit-ton of baggage, which is already reason enough to avoid her, but I also just don't care for girls that sleep around, or have no qualms with starting a relationship with sex. Lots of very easy girls in this game, but between the drug addiction and general sluttiness, Sophie just feels like the Typhoid Mary of STDs.
A bit harsh? Maybe. It's just my honest, personal opinion, though. I prefer my MC's girls to, at least, not sleep with anyone else after they hook up, and even if she were written to do so, it just wouldn't seem genuine, as it doesn't fit her established character. Every possible LI, aside from Ashley, Elly, Natalie, and Mai seem extremely unlikely to stop sleeping around after getting with MC, so those are the only ones I'm interested in.
I hadn't really considered Kevon being suspicious, but now it makes a lot of sense. I'm surprised I didn't think of that myself. Looking back, he really does seem like the perfect suspect. He does have access, and he did mention the unlocked door without any prompting, which now seems quite suspicious.
well there is chance that i made some bad deccision, but i cant tell that bitch to fuck of now to get rid of her even when i am trying to not get points.... she still bother my MC.
hell...where are all criminals shooting at police officers when u need them.
Yeah, the game really gave you a lot of opportunities to shoot her down. If you have the walkthrough hints enabled, it straight up tells you when a choice will lock her sexual content out. If you don't pursue a relationship with her, she stays strictly professional, and still helps you out as a cop. She doesn't even really seem very disappointed, as she mentions she's domming plenty of other guys already. I was actually okay with doing some mild femdom with her(safeword allows you to end it if it gets too heavy for you), but I was completely turned off when she revealed MC was just one of her many subs.